DNF's million counterattack

Chapter 984 Adventurer's Game

Chapter 984 Adventurer's Game

The updated content has the following points:

Added level 80 weapons;
Start the adventurer's game activities;

The decoration attribute adjustment box is put on the mall;

Added Badge Attribute Adjustment Box and Badge Attribute Recycling Box to the Mall;

The mall stops selling account-linked coupons and character-linked coupons;
The account character association coupon (7 days) has been canceled in the King of the Mall gift pack, and the number of resurrection coins has been increased from 10 to 25.

Account association, as mentioned before, is similar to the later mercenary system. Low-level characters can gain more experience by swiping pictures. Now it is cancelled, but not many people will buy it.

The badge attribute recycling box on the mall is actually to allow the badges that have been inlaid on the equipment to be removed again through consumption.

After all, equipment is being updated, and some equipment badges are relatively scarce, so with the badge attribute recycling box, badges can be reused.

However, if you recycle the badge, you can only recycle one, and the other will be damaged if you equip it.

And "Badge Attribute Adjustment Box", as the name suggests, is to adjust the attributes of badges.

There are two types of badge attribute adjustment boxes, one is gorgeous and the other is splendid, corresponding to use.

As for the price...

Five gorgeous adjustment boxes sell for 1600 coupons, five splendid adjustment boxes sell for 8000 coupons, and the price is even more expensive for retail sales.

There are two types of recycling bins.

Five gorgeous recycling bins sell for 4000 coupons, and five splendid recycling bins sell for 16000 coupons. If you sell them individually, divide by four to get the price.

Although the price is a bit expensive, for many players, they are really willing to pay this money.

"Equipment slotting must be of rare grade. In the past, there were quartz sets and so on, but now they have become common equipment... The only set of rare equipment that can be traded is the goblin set." Erxiu sent a message to Tianyu Come the news.

Right now, the two are discussing business opportunities for the revamp.

Tianyu mentioned that badges can be bought and sold as commodities, and Erxiu had this conversation.

"That's right, but if you trade one piece of equipment with badges, you need two badge attribute recycling bins. Generally speaking, there's no need to recycle the gorgeous ones. Some buyers buy badges of the splendid level." Tianyu explained by typing.

"A Brilliant Recycling Box costs 3600 coupons at the cheapest rate. Based on the current game currency ratio, it's almost 1000 million game currency." Er Xiu typed back.

"Well, it is equivalent to a transaction fee of 2000 million, which is really black."


In addition to the badge box, the decoration attribute adjustment box has also been updated this time.

This can change the fashion attributes of the player.

After many revisions, some skills are quite different from the original ones, but some costumes are gift packs, and a part cannot be replaced, otherwise there will be no set attributes, so players have to choose to pass by.

In fact, there are even more helpless things that many players have experienced.

A similar situation happened to Tianyu and Erxiu, that is, the attributes of fashion changed dramatically after a certain revision.

For example: I originally selected the attack speed attribute, but it became stiff after the update.

This is quite common.

The official website says that you can find customer service, but there are not many players who know this channel, so most players can only choose to swallow their anger.

The last thing to mention is the main content of this update - the adventurer's game.

In this way, many players may not have much impression. In fact, this event is the well-known "Monopoly" event.

In Tianyu's memory, there is also the impression that after the Parkour event, there was a Monopoly event.


The content of the game is the board type of Monopoly, and you need to throw the dice and then take the corresponding number of steps.

And every place on the chessboard has corresponding content.

The most common one is to brush the map. Depending on the player's level, the content of the dungeon is also different.

Players above level 70 are highland bosses.

In addition, the boss has a certain chance to drop artifacts and cards.

It is precisely because of this activity that it has had a considerable impact on the game market.

The most obvious ones are the out-of-print equipment and the boss cards.

Among them, the biggest difference is the 65 pink lightsaber - [Ancient Will], from the previous price of about 7000 million, it suddenly dropped to just over [-] million.

At the same time, this is also a business opportunity, as long as the Monopoly event is over, the price of [Ancient Last Wish] will naturally rise back.

The rules of Monopoly are not difficult either.

There are three players in a game, and each player has two blood volumes. If a player dies once, or chooses to output the map directly when entering the map painting room, the player's blood volume will be reduced by one.

When both blood volumes are exhausted, the player is considered eliminated.

Regarding rewards, the first player to reach the finish line can get 5 [Adventure Gold Coins], No.2 gets 3 pieces, and No.3 gets 2 pieces. If No.1 reaches the finish line within 10 seconds, it has not been reached. , it will be forced to end, and the [Adventure Gold Coin] reward will not be issued.

Adventure gold coins can be exchanged for corresponding rewards in the NPC dice shop.

150 gold coins can be exchanged for the gold cloak gift box of the soil pot (30 days), 100 gold coins can be exchanged for the silver cloak gift box of the earth pot (30 days), both are high-level decorations, the attributes are better than the high-level decorations, plus strength and intelligence and three speeds .

Adventurer's game title gift box (unlimited), requires 60 gold coins, the highlight is the load plus 10KG.

250 gold coins can be exchanged for a magic stone named "Dragon Heart" right slot, the attributes are independent attack power plus 50 points, four-dimensional plus 2 points, physical and magic crit plus 1% each.

This attribute is okay in this period.

200 gold coins can be exchanged for the left slot.

The left slot is divided into physical and magic.

The attribute is the corresponding attack power plus 25, the four-dimensional plus 15, and the corresponding crit plus 1%.

In the Monopoly Goblin room, you can also swipe to the "Colorful Gold Pot". After opening it, you can randomly get [Adventure Gold Coins], "Abyss Party Invitation Letter", and the enhanced version of the left and right slots just now. Compared with the attributes just introduced , almost doubled.

"This event doesn't seem to be for players to compete for No. 1." After reading the introduction of the event, Er Xiu typed in the management group.

 The second update is over, good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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