Reflect the world

Chapter 785 Life and Death

Chapter 785 Life and Death (Second Change)
Yes, emptiness, in the origin of life and death, everything seems to lose its concept.

Tang Xuanming lost his sense of everything.

His eyes can't see, his ears can't hear, his keen skin can feel the air flow thousands of meters away, and he can't touch any place here, he can't even feel that he has skin or a body.

The origin of life and death, the special place of the shortcut is here.

All acquired concepts will disappear here, and there is only innate nothing here.

Tang Xuanming could only feel a little spiritual light in himself, a little idea shining here, and that was the only thing that proved his existence.

But with just a little thought, Tang Xuanming also felt a very special state. He felt that his own life essence was constantly growing. It was a kind of growth in data, as if someone had used a pen to increase the lifespan in the book of life and death.

One year, two years, ten years, the longer he stays in this space, the more obvious this feeling will be, and the more longevity will be added.

The vitality in the body is strong enough to create the world, but Tang Xuanming's face does not show joy.

Everything has a corresponding balance, the same is true of life and death.

For ordinary people, of course, the more life the better.

But for the holy Buddha, life and death are just a state, especially in the world of the Lord of the World.

They are opposed to each other, but not irreconcilable.

If it is in the perfect world or the world of shrouding the sky, Tang Xuanming is of course very happy about this change in life growth. If he can pass the sea of ​​bitterness into all the death energy in the refining body, he can naturally become a true immortal.

But in the world of the Supreme Being, no.

There are the most perfect rules of heaven and earth here, and any extreme attributes are not allowed.

Although there are the craziest and most paranoid people here who want to become Taoists, their paths are not extreme and not scary.

All things bear yin and embrace yang, and the concept of morality and heaven has been best implemented in this world.

Even if she is as crazy as the Golden Emperor, she still wants to protect the world. She has no birth mother and a vacuum hometown, which is not just empty talk.

Therefore, Tang Xuanming was not obsessed with the infinite increase of longevity. For the characters in the realm of good fortune, longevity does not have much meaning. As long as the world is not destroyed and still exists, he can always exist.

Even if the environment between heaven and earth is not suitable for him, he can still choose to sleep in the chaos, and will not fall into the realm due to the lack of energy in the world.

Therefore, he quickly corrected his posture, rebuilt his thinking mode and three views in this world without any concepts, and rebuilt his cognition of the world, and the world was suddenly different.

The whole world is no longer empty, but re-displayed little by little.

It's just that this world is extremely special, only black and white.

It was as if Tang Xuanming was about to unleash the special vision before the unsolvable knife.

Tang Xuanming happened to be standing on the white side, which represented the purest life and vitality.

"Life and death, are they so special?"

Tang Xuanming let out a sigh of emotion, and then jumped into the black side representing death.

It has always been him who slashed the enemy with a Wujie knife, but now he seemed to be slashed with a Wujie knife, and a very strange feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

He seemed to have a new understanding of life and death.

"So this is the real life and death? Not only longevity, but also many other concepts."

Tang Xuanming had a comprehension in his heart, and that comprehension was very complicated, hard to explain, but real.

To be clear, if he strikes Wujie again, death will not be the result of the sword.

He can erase the concept that a person represents life completely in an instant, making a person walk to the end in an instant, or he can reverse the concept of life and death, and slash out endless vitality.

Let a very old, lifeless existence get rid of the original predicament and live to the peak again.

"There's more to it than just that."

Tang Xuanming was a little excited and a little enlightened.

I haven't tried to go deep into the place of life and death for the first time, wake up the black emperor, and achieve the goal I want, but stay in the place and feel it carefully.

Little by little, he perfected his Unsolvable Sword, which was his most important power in this world.

It is the sword technique he created by combining his past blood and soul talent, the pupil of the real dragon.

Although he has devoured many Buddhas up and down the Lingshan Mountain, and his own kung fu is the purest Buddhist kung fu, Guang Guang has no way to make him truly go to the other shore by relying on the accumulation of the power of the Buddhist Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

If he really wants to take that step, what he may need is his unsolvable knife.

Tang Xuanming quietly felt the power in the origin of life and death. There is power here, but there is no power.

Obviously, I can feel that I am going to death a little bit, and my life is weakening a little bit, from the body to the soul, but there is no way to stop it. Even if it is a perfect power at the level of good fortune, it can be called Buddha in Buddhism, and it can be called Buddha in Taoism. called Tianzun.

But under this kind of power, there is no resistance, and even Tang Xuanming can't feel the power that makes him die.

That's a concept, not pure power.

It's as if a person at the legendary level possesses the ability to speak the world with one word, and the law to say what they say.

I said let there be light, and there was light.

Now the power here is similar to that one, but more high-end.

It was as if someone said indifferently there, "You are going to die."

It is inevitable that he is heading towards death little by little, his strength is weakening little by little, his soul is exhausting little by little, everything is becoming fragile, like an ordinary person reaching old age.

All powerful concepts are drifting away from him little by little.

Tang Xuanming didn't feel fear, but felt an inexplicable joy.

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

This is the power closest to his True Dragon Eyes, and it is also the power he wanted to understand and use from the very beginning, but he has always wanted to comprehend it, but he can only grasp it roughly, and there is no way to finely manipulate it.

No one has been able to advise him in this regard, and he has no way to ask others.

But now, heaven and earth are teaching him.

When he was weakened to the extreme and was about to die the next moment, Tang Xuanming clicked lightly again, jumping from the side of death to the side of life, feeling the majesty and strength of life.

He was originally like a candle in the wind, the fire of life that could be extinguished at any time, and thrived in the side that represented life.

At this moment from death to life, Tang Xuanming actually felt a kind of joy in his heart.

That is the most instinctive joy of life.

(End of this chapter)

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