Reflect the world

Chapter 822 Multiple Crises

Chapter 822 Multiple Crisis (Part [-])
Horrible sandstorms swept across the entire world. Even though they were protected by the protective shield issued by the five-color altar, everyone still felt terrified.

They sat paralyzed next to the huge five-color altar one by one, and some were even leaned against the giant bronze coffin. The originally terrifying coffin became their spiritual support at this time.

A student majoring in aerospace stared deeply at the terrifying storm and whispered: "If we are really on Mars, judging from the scientifically observed conditions on Mars, such sandstorms will blow up anytime and anywhere, and sometimes even lasts for several months.

This kind of sandstorm can no longer be described by the storm level of the earth. It is far more than level ten. Anyone who falls into it will only have a dead end, and the Type [-] tank will be blown up if it falls into it. "

The student majoring in aerospace was pale, but when he mentioned relevant professional knowledge, his face had a gleam of brilliance, and he was no longer so disturbed.

Facing the terrified crowd, he even made a cold joke: "I thought such knowledge was useless, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity to witness the Martian storm with my own eyes. I can be regarded as the most special person in our space base."

He can tell jokes, but others can't tell them at all.

From the Great Leiyin Temple to the side of the huge bronze coffin, twelve of their thirty classmates had already fallen down.

Indeed, some female students stared blankly at a corpse not far from them. It was a lively life not long ago, and it was their most familiar classmate.

"Look, what is that?"

A female classmate pointed outside tremblingly, her voice was sharp and inaudible, as if she would faint at any moment, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Looking in the direction of his finger, a group of people gasped.

In the terrifying sandstorm, a round of black tide spread silently. The body of a classmate was on their way, and he disappeared silently as the black tide passed by.

Indistinctly, there was the sound of flesh and blood biting and bones shattering, making a group of people's scalps explode, and the weaker female students even vomited on the five-color altar on the spot.

The densely packed black tides exist like army ants on the earth, but they are not tiny ants, but crocodiles that are as thick as fingers and only one foot long.

This crocodile has scales all over its body, its hands and feet are short and thick, and its whole body is streamlined. It looks like a crocodile with more bullets, and it seems to have returned to its ancestors.

The inexplicable death of their classmates before was under the attack of this terrifying creature.

Brush brush!
The sound of crawling was dense and continuous, and with the sound of countless scales colliding, even the terrifying storm couldn't cover it up.

This time, a group of people turned pale.

People who have Buddhist artifacts are no exception. They don't know much about the mysterious world of practice, and they are not sure whether the legendary Buddha and his bodhisattva left behind can protect them.

"This coffin can move in the void, so it should leave immediately. He didn't stay for long when he was on Mount Tai. Why isn't he leaving now?"

A group of people looked anxiously at the huge bronze coffin, and were shocked to find that a little bit of fluorescence was blooming in the void, and the five-color altar was blooming little by little, sinking into the ancient bronze coffin, making the pattern of the ancient bronze coffin light up little by little.

"It is absorbing energy, wait a little longer, wait a little longer, we will be able to leave, maybe we can return to our homeland."

A group of people waited anxiously, watching the patterns on the top of the huge bronze coffin light up little by little, a metal-colored Tai Chi Eight Diagrams condensed in the void, and the protective cover formed by the five-color altar shrunk little by little, and finally only covered the five-color area of ​​the altar.

Outside the protective cover, densely packed small crocodiles completely covered the crimson sand.

The eyes of each little crocodile are cold and vicious, as if possessing spirituality, trying to drag people's souls into hell, making a group of people shudder.

"I once heard a living Buddha in Tibet say that in the mythology and classics, there are [-] levels of hell under the Daleiyin Temple. It was us who touched the sealed artifact of the Daleiyin Temple and let the demons break out. , are we going to die here?"

A female classmate screamed, almost desperate, crying pear blossoms with rain.

Above the head, the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams has not been condensed for a long time, and the cold and terrifying demon, like a crocodile that wants to swallow people's souls, is tearing away the barrier of the five-color altar little by little.

They seem to be walking in the mud, although they are slow, but they are moving forward firmly.

The fastest little crocodile has already poked its head over, and is staring at a group of people with cold and vicious eyes.

"Is this the terrifying demon suppressed by the Tathagata Buddha under the Great Leiyin Temple?"

Ye Fan and Pang Bo were the most courageous among the group of people. He stepped forward and tried to pinch the crocodile in his hand and twist his head, but found that he couldn't do it with his terrifying brute force. The way to make the little crocodile get hurt, but it was almost knocked to the ground.

The thumb-sized crocodile has strength that doesn't match his body.

The ancient bronze lamp in Ye Fan's hand shone with light, sheltering Ye Fan in it, and at the same time scattered a spark.

The tiny sparks fell on the crocodile and immediately ignited a huge fire, like two different substances, water and fire, like sparks falling into gasoline.

The little crocodile let out a shrill scream, and then turned into a ball of fireworks, leaving only a pool of ashes after a while.

The desperate group of people suddenly became excited.

"There is salvation, we still have salvation, the characters holding the Buddhist artifacts can kill them, as long as we buy some time, we can go back alive."

Ye Fan also understood this, and took the initiative to walk out of the crowd and stand in front.

He glanced at Tang Xuanming and Pang Bo, and said, "You guys stay here! If some crocodiles escape and don't have the corresponding Buddhist artifacts to protect them, there may be serious problems."

Tang Xuanming nodded. He didn't have any Buddhist artifacts, and the relic that emerged in his hand was just the light of Buddha nature bloomed by him using the purest spiritual nature.

In the world of the Lord of the World, the most special ability of legendary characters is ubiquitous, but to become a legend, the most important thing is to understand oneself, to understand myself as myself, no matter how powerful or weak, one can If you can see your nature clearly, you will see the Tathagata.

That's why legends are truly powerful.

Tang Xuanming has no cultivation and no strength, but he still has such a state.

The realm of practice will not cease to exist because of the loss of power, it is still there.

The protective cover of the five-color altar shook more and more because of the absorption of the ancient bronze coffin and the impact of the crocodile, and one crocodile passed through.

Ye Fan walked in front, blessed by the golden Buddha light, and the ancient bronze lamp in his hand scattered sparks one after another from time to time, setting off one after another of fireworks on the ground, causing one after another of the crocodiles to disappear in smoke.

Seen from the rear, he looks like a god descending from the world.

"Really handsome!"

Pangbo nodded in admiration, and said with some regret: "It would be better if I was in front."

But the form didn't get much better because of Ye Fan's stepping forward. The shaking of the barrier became more and more severe, and there were more and more crocodiles. Road, rushed to the back of Ye Fan.

The group of people behind suddenly changed color.

(End of this chapter)

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