Chapter 57

"Soul! We meet again!"

Baili Fengming's painful face appeared behind the gradually extinguished Liuli Tianhuo.

He will always remember the day when Zhuihun and Zhuihun first arrived in Fengcheng, taking advantage of him not paying attention, he stabbed the donkey's back and pushed him into the crowded crowd, bullying him so that his feet could not move, that cold face that had already penetrated into his flesh and blood, At that moment, he was submerged in the crowd, and he didn't even leave his back!

Chasing souls!In your heart, can I really never be considered a friend?Haven't you heard my answer yet, are you already sure that I will be frightened by the three names Fan Jianyi, Wan Li, and Song Hui?

He hates it!Hate my disabled legs!I didn't even have time to say a word of goodbye!
He hates it!Hate myself for bearing the family's reputation!Not a single bit of pain can be shared for her!That fairy woman who danced wildly under the cherry blossoms, disguised as a man and alone, how much hatred she bore alone!He really wanted to share with her.

Baili Fengming looked at Zhuihun in front of him with complicated eyes, he never thought that the two would meet again in such a scene.Zhuihun's domineering sword eyebrows that go straight into the temples, the cold and thin corners of his lips, and his slender fingers have not changed from when they parted three days ago, but it is this clear outline that makes people unforgettable when they see it. But let him draw it in his heart thousands of times in these 36 hours!

"Hun..." There are so many things I want to say, but I don't know where to start.

Only a few days after leaving, the disabled Mr. Baili did not know what method he used to really call out Liuli Tianhuo!Not only did he heal his leg injury, but his illusion skills improved a lot.As for why he was wearing the same clothes as the royal guards, Xinzi also subconsciously ignored it at this time, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said lightly: "Your feet are healed."

"Is this the only thing you want to say to me?" Baili Fengming stood quietly on the eaves, the sourness in his words was everywhere, but the dark night covered the expression on his face.He hated his feet, if Liuli Tianhuo could wake up one day earlier, he would never let Chasing Soul slip away easily in front of him that day.

"Thank you for helping me get rid of this tail, otherwise I really don't know how to end up."

Xinzi pointed to the Bailijin on the roof that was left with no dregs left.Although I can also get rid of this phantom that suddenly appeared, judging from Bailijin's actions just now, it should be to send a signal for more experts to come to help, which will definitely disrupt her plan to participate in the imperial banquet .However, the timely appearance of Baili Fengming made this heroic former venerable of the Baili family disappear silently from the world!
Although she doesn't know the grievances between Baili Jin and Baili Fengming, seeing Baili Fengming attacking the seniors of the family without hesitation for her own sake, Xinzi is also very moved at this time, getting along in the forest, Let her also get used to having the company of this calm and elegant young man by her side. It turns out that having another friend is such a happy thing. It is precisely because of Baili Fengming's identity and situation that she has to consider that she should be more alienated from him. .

Xinzi, who never said thank you lightly, solemnly bowed her hands to the young man who was still standing quietly on the roof: "Baili Fengming, I..."

"Hun! I hate you for calling me Bai... Li... Feng... Ming every time! I will not allow this name to appear in your mouth again!" Baili Fengming interrupted Xin Zi's words abruptly, With inexplicable anger.

A scorching wind blew up in the cool night.

Ever since parting from Zhuihun, anxiety and annoyance have occupied his heart, and his emotional agitation almost made him go mad. At the last moment when his phantom power couldn't control his life and death, Liuli Tianhuo burst out suddenly. It is a thousand miles of diligence.

He knew that the mysterious person who auctioned the white butterfly to Song Hui at a high price of [-] million must be the soul chaser!But he suppressed the urgency in his heart and did not look for him. The two things his father confessed before his death have always troubled him. Although Baili Fangcao is dead, the real murderer who killed his aunt Baili Hongying a few years ago is still could not find it.

Today, taking the opportunity of attending the imperial banquet, he secretly changed into the dark guard clothes and sneaked into the palace. He actually heard some shocking news about the past. He didn't expect that on the way back, he would meet the pursuit he had been thinking about day and night. soul.

Baili Fengming recalled the names of the three enemies that Chasing Soul said that day: Fan Jianyi, Wan Li, and Song Hui. Now that he has recovered physically, the real culprit who killed Baili Hongying is...then he must be able to... …

"Soul! Wait until the state banquet, I will definitely give you an answer!"

Stretching out his fingers forward, he solemnly pointed to Xinzi standing in the deep alley, deeply remembering her appearance at this time, Baili Fengming turned and jumped into the darkness without the slightest nostalgia: "Before this, you didn't Must have escaped again!"

Listening to these inexplicable words, watching Baili Fengming's resolute back quickly melt into the night, Xinzi's mood became complicated at this time, his provocative gesture, which seemed more like an oath, disturbed her heart Zi's ​​train of thought: Baili Fengming?Why are you so attached to me?

yes!The calm and breezy Baili Fengming has changed, from a banished fairy son who doesn't care about everything to a narrow-minded mortal with clear love and hate, because there was once a cherry blossom that never faded, which accidentally fell on his heart. The lake has been turbulent ever since.

It's a pity that this petal of cherry blossoms doesn't disturb people's mind!an answer?what is the answer?She couldn't even remember asking Baili Fengming a question that she hadn't answered for so long.Also, don't call him Baili Fengming?What is he called?Xinzi shook her head, and put aside the unhappiness of seeing Baili Fengming and being separated inexplicably: it is better to go to Guihua Palace to attend the already late imperial banquet!

In the dark alley, he quickly changed into the ink cloud brocade phantom robe that he saw at the first sight in the Caizhi Pavilion, scattered his long hair behind him casually, and Xinzi quickly decorated the golden white marble luxury in the distance Go to the palace.

Since Baili Fengming said to give herself an explanation at the banquet, she will definitely find him again at the banquet, and then, she will definitely explain to him clearly!
Xinzi in men's clothing thought about it, and walked into the boundary of Guihua Palace. Tall horses and gorgeous chariots were neatly parked in front of the palace. It really deserves to be a royal feast!It caught her attention right away.

Xinzi, who lived in the Fengqi Building for a few days, did some research on the major families of Lanwu, and saw the Baili family with peacock tail feathers as their family emblem, the Hua family with six-petal cherry blossoms as their family emblem, and the Hua family with their family emblem. The Song family, whose family emblem is resting grass, parked their gorgeous chariots within a hundred meters of Guihua Hall. The roofs of the chariots were adorned with pearls from the East China Sea, exotic red stones, and handsome horses with pure white or black fur. All kinds of expensive magic crystals, extravagant and extravagant gorgeous scenes are everywhere, showing the status and financial resources of Lanwu Shangsan.

The chariots of the remaining seven medium-sized families including Su, Luo, Mu, Guishu, You, Ximen, and Ou are slightly smaller than the above three families, but they are also extremely gorgeous, exquisite and elegant, and they are even more beautiful when they are parked farther away. It sets off the noble status of the three major families of Baili, Hua and Song.

Looking at the exquisite family emblem of the Baili family, Xinzi's mood is complicated at this time: Baili Fengming, you are the eldest son of the largest family in the Lanwu Empire besides the royal family. How many lives and lives are on your back? Let people know that you are my accomplice, and you are my enemy with Fan Jianyi, Wan Li, and Song Hui, then this Nuoda Baili family may not be able to bear the consequences!So you better stay away from me.

Quickly walked past a river of green lotus and blue green nourished by hot springs, the tall and pure gold main gate of Guihua Palace was close in front of you, took out the small token bestowed by Wan Ye and waved it in front of the gate, two rows of palaces in green coats Immediately, people respectfully pushed open the heavy door, and welcomed the stunning young man in black into the main hall.

Xinzi slowly stepped into the banquet, it was not so much a banquet as it was a high-end gathering of a wealthy family.This imperial banquet gathered all the outstanding young talents at the Fengcheng event, and hoped to take this opportunity to gain the favor and support of the rich and powerful families.Gathered the descendants of Lanwu's various aristocratic families and beautiful ladies, this is their first step into the undercurrent of power struggle.

The interior of Guihua Hall in Nuo Da was painstakingly arranged into a natural landscape, and exquisite meals were placed on the blossoming crimson peonies carved from red jade.The flowing water leaked down from the middle sky, and quietly fell into the green pool covered with five-color magic crystals, overflowing with fragrance!Really extravagant!

Xinzi frowned, and looked at the group of people in brocade clothes and jade robes, chatting and laughing loudly, all of them were wearing rusty gold silk waists and jade. It became the most simple and conspicuous attire.

A pair of cold eyes glanced over the heads of the crowd, and she found the nineteenth prince Wan Ye whose eyes were searching among the crowd!
Because most of the people present tonight are extremely noble sons, a prince who is rumored to only love beauties is not so eye-catching, only to see Xin Zi who is dressed in black suddenly disappear out of thin air, and he does not know how to use some means to stand directly on the body of Wan Ye. On the side, there was only a gust of wind, but no one noticed anything abnormal.

Carelessly pinching a piece of delicate pastry on the petals of the ruby ​​peony, Wan Ye's cold voice whispered in Wan Ye's ear: "Your Highness the Nineteenth is looking for me?"

"You are..." Wan Ye was more keen than others to detect the sudden appearance of strangers around him, and looked back vigilantly, only to see a stunning young man standing beside him, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, dressed in black ink cloud brocade , with only a bright red tassel tied around her waist casually, leaning against the jade peony, looking at herself playfully.Although he doesn't have any gold or silver accessories, his romantic demeanor is naturally revealed, and it can outweigh the countless brocade clothes that came today!
Looking at those soul-stirring beautiful eyes, Wan Ye thought of the girl "Chasing the Rain" whom she had met in Fengqi Building, and stammered, " are the brother of the girl Chasing the Rain, Chasing Soul? "

"It's down."

There was a sneer on the corner of Xinzi's lips, if she made up a few more pseudonyms, she might not be able to remember even herself!
(End of this chapter)

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