super hate ring

Chapter 102 The Great Wei Distillery

Chapter 102 The Great Wei Distillery
(Seeking Sanjiang ticket) Jiang Fan went to the city hall and asked for a deposit from Wang Fugui. Chen Dachun signed without saying a word.

This is what Wang Fugui deserved, but he was suppressed. As Jiang Fan, he got the money that afternoon. Wang Fugui smiled happily, but thinking of being cut off by Jiang Fan for 400 million, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But overall I'm still happy, if it wasn't for Jiang Fan, let alone 400 million, I wouldn't even get a hair of it.

Lin Airu's 450 million came faster than the government's 800 million. Jiang Fan was still very grateful to Lin Airu. He said he wanted 400 million, and he called 450 million without even asking.

Sure enough, it is good to have a girlfriend, but it seems that the function has gone astray.

Adding in Wang Fugui's own 800 million and Jiang Fan's 200 million, he finally made up 2000 million, and Jiang Fan participated in the government's auction.

The auction is highly competitive.

The Tianji Group was thoroughly investigated because of the bad influence it caused. As long as the government is determined to investigate thoroughly, which huge enterprise will be absolutely clean, such as tax evasion, illegal bidding, and malicious competition? Definitely uprooting the entire group.

And this also caused another problem. The Tianji Group did not close down because of decline. Its assets were very valuable, and because it was too large, if it did not find an operator quickly and early, the loss would be incalculable.

Assets are valuable, but the quick auction price is low. Such an auction with such a high cost performance immediately attracted all kinds of powerful people from all walks of life. Those with some strength from Jiangnan came over, and some small companies also planned to buy some assets.

Zhuangjiu, a liquor company under Tianji Group, is also valuable. If it weren't for Jiang Fan's identity, it would have taken a lot of effort to enter the competition list.

The production of strong wine has long been targeted by another wine company, Gu Hong's shaokou wine, a branch of the Gu family in western Guangdong.

Gu Hong's shaokou liquor was the main liquor in western Guangdong 10 years ago. Although the sales are basically limited to Guangdong and Guangdong, there is no better liquor in western Guangdong.

Ten years ago, the Li family bought the formula and management rights of local wine produced by ethnic minorities in western Guangdong, named it Zhuang Jiu, and started to enter the baijiu industry. pose a threat to yourself.

It wasn't until the Li family managed Zhuang Liquor in such a way that it seriously eroded the market share of Shaokou Liquor in Guangdong and Guangdong, that Gu Hong realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

Both Zhuangjiu and Shokoujiu belong to hard liquor, and their market targets are basically the same, but the taste of Zhuangjiu is obviously stronger than that of Shokoujiu. record.

Although the Gu family is the top family in China, the top family also has its own way of survival. With the power of the whole family, they can kill the Li family in minutes, but this is too arrogant, and it can't be done for a wine company.

These years, Gu Hong has been living under the shadow of Li Jiazhuang's wine. Seeing that the business operation is getting worse day by day, and his own status in the clan is getting worse day by day, Gu Hong wants to kill the Zhuang wine in his dreams.

It's all right now, the Li family fell down for no reason, and the strong wine was finally exposed.

Gu Hong regretted not buying the strong wine from the minority people long ago, how could he let this opportunity go, this time Gu Hong took almost all his belongings, saying that he could not let the strong wine fall on others.

Gu Hong doesn't want to live in the shadow of Zhuangjiu anymore. This auction is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as he buys Zhuangjiu, his wine business will expand rapidly.

Gu Hong is ready to march into the whole of China. When the time comes, he will definitely impress the elders of the clan, and the status of the Gu family in western Guangdong will be greatly improved in the entire Gu family.


Gu Hong is in Xiushui's temporary office.

"How many times have I said that if someone wants to compete with us, as long as they don't have a big background, let the big boss (government) go through more procedures, so that they can't get the auction book even if they run away, and you still get What are these materials for? Don’t you want to do it?”

Gu Hong took a document and threw it back to the assistant without looking at it, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"No, boss." The assistant felt aggrieved, more fearful, picked up the documents on the floor, and said respectfully, "Boss, this time the people are different. The big boss said they have special backgrounds."

"Oh? What's the background? The Lin family? Or the other three big families?" Gu Hong asked nervously, what he was most afraid of was what might come out of Zhuangjiu's acquisition.

"It should not be that big. The big boss didn't say anything specifically, but it should belong to the people above. The status may not be high, but you know, boss, a sweeper from Yanjing is also a leader here. The big boss can't offend , I took this order."

Gu Hong probably understood the meaning of the assistant, it should be a small employee in Yanjing, and snorted, "Such people also came to compete with us, so they scare the magistrates in a small place like Xiushui. I, Gu Hong, am not afraid, I don't know how to live or die."

Gu Hong picked up the document, looked at it, and suddenly burst out laughing. He patted the table while laughing, and the assistant looked at him cautiously.

After slapping the document on the table, Gu Hong pointed at the document and said with a smile, "This Cao Cao is simply the best, 2000 million yuan is actually only for a factory building, hahaha, I'm dying of laughter.

He bought a factory building, without the production formula and process of strong wine, what kind of fart did he produce?At my age, Gu Hongchang, I have never seen such a stupid person.

If those distilleries don't have the formula for strong wine, it's worthless, so Cao Cao is a fool as a clerk in Yanjing, right?Even if he doesn't know how to do business, he came here to do business. This time I will let him die without a place to bury him. "

"What does the boss mean?" The assistant immediately asked, knowing that there are some questions that link the past and the future, and lead to the boss's clever strategy, you must ask timely questions, otherwise Gu Hong will be unhappy.

Gu Hong smiled and said: "Tell the big boss that I, Gu Hong, support young people who start businesses, and I will never engage in auction monopoly, let him buy it.

When Cao Cao's first batch of Zhuang wine comes out, the government will send someone to verify the quality of the wine.

At that time, it will either change its name or go bankrupt. Without the name of Zhuangjiu, isn't that tantamount to bankruptcy?

At that time, we will go to buy again, Assistant Chen, what price do you think we should offer? Gu Hong stared at the assistant, his eyes were shining with wisdom.

"1000 million?" the assistant said cautiously.

"1000 million? Are you burning my money? When the time comes for 500 million, I'll buy it for him. He's eager to sell it, hahahaha."

"Cao Cao." Gu Hong recalled the name again, only to feel in a good mood: "This Cao Cao first reported that he destroyed the Li family, and helped me Gu Hong a lot, and this time he rushed to send me money. Accept it politely, hahaha."


Xiushui's official work was really fast, and the factory transaction case was approved on the same day, which gave Jiang Fan the feeling that the efficiency of Huaxia's official affairs has been infinitely improved.

Successfully bought a branch factory and the right to use the brand of Zhuangjiu. Of course, there must be official certification to confirm that Zhuangjiu can indeed be produced before the right to use the brand can take effect.

Jiang Fan named his factory Dawei Distillery, visited the factory building with Cao Ren and Wang Fugui, Wang Fugui frowned and said: "The equipment here is all ready-made, and the shutdown is not long, all the machines can be used immediately, but We are short of workers.

Mr. Cao, you said that you have brewing workers, which is not enough. You also need a large number of peripheral workers, bottling, coding, labeling and packaging for shipment, all of which require workers, and the number is not small.

It is difficult to recruit workers now. After the Tianji Group announced the suspension of production, the workers scattered, and I am afraid that many of them will not be recalled in a short time. We are short on time. Mr. Cao, what do you think should be done? "

Jiang Fan frowned and thought for a while: "The skills required in these links are not too high, right?"

Wang Fugui nodded. It is basically an assembly line operation machine, and it will be enough to read it once.

"That's fine, I have a solution." Jiang Fan took out his phone and dialed a number: "Hey, Brother Tianhu, how many brothers do you have in the Nanlin Gang, can you do me a favor?"

(Seeking Sanjiang tickets)
(End of this chapter)

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