super hate ring

Chapter 561 Legend 2

Chapter 561 Legend 2
Ji Mei frowned: "Zhan Hailan can't be so stupid, can she? Could it be that she really doesn't know right from wrong for the person she likes?" Ji Mei saw Zhan Hailan's remains, and she felt that Zhan Hailan shouldn't be that kind of woman.

"Of course Hailan isn't stupid." Chi You said angrily, "Red Emperor Lieshan governed the world by doing nothing, that is, collecting taxes as little as possible and interfering in tribal affairs as little as possible.

He just invented some better tools, summed up some better planting experience, and then taught them to the people to help them produce more food and make their lives better.

But Xuanyuan Huangdi, who turned black and white, lied to Hailan that the Lieshan Red Emperor guarded and enriched the treasury, disregarding the life and death of the people of all tribes, and did not provide relief in disasters.

All the benefits were given to Jiang Shui's direct tribe, leaving the other tribes to fend for themselves.

If Emperor Yan continues to rule like this, the people will suffer more and more. Only by overthrowing him can China be more prosperous.

Hailan is just a swordsman. She traveled around and indeed saw many disasters. They were all resisted by the tribesmen themselves, and Emperor Yan never took care of them.

Hailan didn't think deeply about it. At that time, there was not much grain output, and it was difficult for the people to be self-sufficient. Emperor Yan could only pay lightly and poorly. In addition, in the barbaric era, the rivers were impassable and disasters were extremely frequent. How could Emperor Yan have so much grain? Disaster relief.

The people are not full to eat, if the tax burden is increased for disaster relief, they will starve to death without any disaster.

However, they were lightly paid and poorly endowed, and they were unable to relieve frequent disasters. At that time, the tribes that suffered disasters really had to fend for themselves.

Anyone with insight knows that Emperor Yan's ruling method is the most correct before the people's production capacity is greatly improved.

It's a pity that Hailan doesn't understand these theories of governing the country, and she sympathizes with the people affected by the disaster, plus she loves the Yellow Emperor in her heart, so she feels that Emperor Yan really doesn't care about the people who were affected by the disaster, and listened to the words of the Yellow Emperor, and went to Yandi's side to work as an undercover agent for the Yellow Emperor.

At that time, Huangdi promised Hailan that when Emperor Yan was overthrown, they would get married. "

"Is this what Zhan Hailan told you?" Jiang Fan asked.

Chi You nodded, and continued: "Later, Hailan came to Lieshan Chidi's side and won many benefits for Xuanyuan Huangdi.

Xuanyuan Huangdi was originally a strong man, with high cultivation, ability to govern, and high prestige among the people.

With Hailan's good words, Lie Shanchidi quickly noticed Huangdi, and according to Huangdi's talent, he gave him some tasks, and Huangdi completed them very well, so Lieshanchidi appointed him with greater authority and more rewards .

In this way, the Jishui tribe led by the Yellow Emperor became more and more powerful. After decades, they became the second person in China besides Lieshan Chidi.

Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor can have such an achievement, one is his ability, but more is also the credit of Hailan.

But in the past few decades, many things have changed, especially Hailan, who has been with Lieshan Chidi for so long, and gradually understands Lieshan Chidi, who loves the people very much and thinks wholeheartedly for the people.

At that time, Hailan began to doubt Xuanyuan Huangdi's words.

Later, Hailan finally understood that Lieshan Chidi didn't care about the victims because of his ability and China's overall productivity, not because he didn't want to take care of them.

On the contrary, in order to improve the productivity of Chinese people, Emperor Yan did a lot of things, invented many tools, and developed many methods of planting and animal husbandry.

He also tasted all kinds of things, edited Shennong's herbal medicine, treated diseases for the common people, and discovered many edible plants for the common people to grow, which greatly increased the grain output.

What Lieshan Chidi did, gradually made Hailan understand that Lieshan Chidi is an emperor who loves the people like a son, and Xuanyuan Huangdi lied to her at the beginning.

She was very disappointed with Xuanyuan Huangdi in her heart, especially Xuanyuan Huangdi kept asking her to ask Lieshan Chidi for benefits for Jishui tribe and herself, Zhan Hailan gradually cooled her love for Xuanyuan Huangdi. "

"Since this is the case, Zhan Hailan should expose the true face of Xuanyuan Huangdi, let Lieshan Chidi know Xuanyuan Huangdi's ambitions, and eradicate him as soon as possible," Jiang Fan said.

"Hey." Chi You sighed: "Hai Lan is kind, she never thought of exposing Huang Di, but just wanted to make a break with Xuanyuan Huang Di, and no one will interfere in the future."

"That's pretty good. With Lieshan Chidi's cultivation and prestige in China, Xuanyuan Huangdi is no match for Emperor Yan even if he is the second person in China." Ji Mei said.

"Yeah, if things were just like this, it would be perfect, but you have overlooked two points."

"Which two?"

"First of all, Hailan wants to separate from Xuanyuan Huangdi, but Xuanyuan Huangdi refuses, and even uses Hailan's undercover identity to blackmail Hailan to continue to be his undercover agent."

"Zhan Hailan won't agree?" Jiang Fan said, if she agreed, this woman would be too stupid.

"Agreed." Chi You said, "Don't think Hailan is stupid, because she had already fallen in love with Lieshan Chidi at that time.

People who have not really fallen in love will not understand what a person is willing to pay for love.

Xuanyuan Huangdi used his undercover identity to blackmail her because he knew that Zhan Hailan was in love with Lieshan Chidi.

If Hailan didn't continue to be his undercover agent, he would have to expose Hailan's identity. In this way, Lieshan Chidi would know that the woman he trusted the most was lying to him all the time.

At that time, Hailan had already loved Lieshan Chidi and couldn't extricate herself. She didn't dare to face such a result, so she could only compromise for Xuanyuan Huangdi.

But since then, Hailan didn't agree to Xuanyuan Huangdi's excessive demands, at most he won some dispensable benefits for him, and Huangdi's tribe didn't develop much. "

"And then? What is the second point you just said you ignored?"

"Second point, isn't it me?" Chi You looked at Ji Mei like an idiot, and Ji Mei lowered her head and did not speak.

"Hai Lan didn't know it at the time, but I found out later that when Hai Lan fell in love with Lie Shan Chidi, Lie Shan Chidi actually loved her too.

It's just that Lieshan Chidi is so stupid that he knows how to invent tools, practice martial arts, and taste herbs all day long. He obviously likes Hailan in his heart, but he rarely looks back at the girl who has been following behind him.

Their relationship was at a stalemate like this. If they were the two of them at that time, if either of them told the other party first, expressed their feelings to the other party first, there would be nothing later.

Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor didn't have any chance either.

It's a pity that Lieshan Chidi, who is extremely smart and unparalleled in everything, is emotionally no different from a pig.

And just when they were in love with each other but were at a stalemate with each other, and Xuanyuan Huangdi had nothing to do, I appeared. "

"Who are you? Are you from an alien?" Jiang Fan remembered that Chi You was the leader of the alien army in the legend.

"I don't know who I am." Chi You shook his head, Jiang Fan and Ji Mei were speechless, and who else doesn't know who it is?
Chi You frowned and said, "I don't know who I am, I don't know where I come from, I don't even know why I'm called Chi You.

I just remember that when I opened my eyes, I was in a very strange square house, and then got on a flying vehicle called a spaceship.

The name Chi You seems to exist in my mind.There are 81 brothers who are similar to me, but weaker than me in defense and supply. "

Is it really an alien robot?Jiang Fan was thinking, listening to Chi You continue talking.

"The spaceship was flying in the dark space, we didn't know where we were going, and we didn't reach the so-called destination in the end.

I don’t know how long we flew, but we encountered a cosmic storm, and the spaceship was destroyed in the air. Thanks to the strong defenses of brothers 81 and I, we managed to escape the catastrophe, and landed on an extremely blue planet overlooking from the sky.

This azure blue planet is the earth.

Although our defenses are strong, the cosmic storm is even stronger. When it fell on the earth, we were all in a coma. When I opened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. "

"A weak question, how many women have you met before that?"

"I've never seen a woman meddling with your shit." Chi You yelled at Jiang Fan, who had no choice but to stop talking.

"The most beautiful woman is Hailan, she and Emperor Yan found me and brother 81 while collecting a herb.

At that time, Emperor Yan was unwilling to take us in, and wanted to kill us while we were seriously injured. The reason was that we did not look like people on earth, and according to the eye scan of Emperor Yan, we were invulnerable to weapons, water and fire.

If we don't kill us while we are seriously injured, and wait for us to resume defense and attack, I am afraid that the world will be invincible.

If our group of people is not right, the human race on earth will face annihilation. I really thought I was going to die. "

When Chi You said this, he raised his head and looked up. Although his soul was dark, Jiang Fan seemed to see the beautiful expression on his face.

"At the moment when Brother 81 and I were in despair, Hailan spoke for us. I will always remember what she said. She squatted down, like Hubo's eyes, and looked into my eyes quietly.

She said: I looked into his eyes, he would not be a bad person. "

Chi You seemed to be drunk and stopped talking, Jiang Fan knew that this dick had fallen in love with Zhan Hailan since then.

That's right, Chi You had never seen a woman before, and when he suddenly saw a beautiful woman like Zhan Hailan, he even helped her speak. As a dick, it's normal to fall in love at first sight.

After a while, Chi You continued to speak: "Later, Emperor Yan was persuaded by Hailan and finally agreed not to kill us, and Hailan also healed our wounds. Our 82 brothers temporarily formed a small tribe of our own, and lived in peace with the people of the earth.

At the beginning, Emperor Yan unified the Yellow River Basin, Dongyi in the east, and Miaoman in the south.

The two sides of the Yellow River became more and more prosperous under the rule of Emperor Yan, while the east and south, which were submissive on the surface but not under the rule, were still barren, and the people of Dongyi and Miaoman lived in hardship.

Under such circumstances, the brave and powerful Dongyi and Miaoman often invaded the Central Plains and fought wars with the tribes in the Yellow River Basin. Every year, people died in this melee. The people are in dire straits.

(End of this chapter)

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