Chapter 239 Prepared For Her

Qiao Baibai was pulled up by the force, and stared at him in shock, what are you doing, why did you come to pull her directly!
Qiao Baibai immediately pushed his hand away to avoid suspicion, and wiped away the tears in a hurry, his feet were still being pulled, and he was still staggering, standing unsteadily.

Someone had already snatched it. After being pushed away, Li Xing took a deep look at her, went straight to the pile of dolls, picked up one at random, and then walked back.

"Eh? Mr. Li picked up a doll, what is he going to do?"

Everyone was a little confused, so, staring at his movements, he walked to the side and picked up the microphone, "Director, do I have the right to take a doll? I want to give this doll in my hand to one of them at the last moment." The one I took is the third, odd number, so it is the number that is exempt from punishment."

But also because of his actions, it was decided that there would be an unlucky guy and a lucky ghost in the end.

That is to say, if he gives the odd number to someone who grabs an even number, then that person can get rid of the penalty, and at the same time, because one person in the audience can't get the doll, the replaced doll will fall into his hands.Of course, there is another situation, that is, the doll in Li Xing's hand was given to the last player who didn't get the doll, and the unluckiest player became the luckiest, and then he was exempted from punishment.

The probability of the game has been increased, and the director team agreed.

Li Xing played with the doll in his hand, and returned to his seat. This time, he seemed to pick up a doll on purpose, and when he happened to pass by Qiao Baibai, she fell down and helped him up out of a gentlemanly manner.

But those who are familiar with Li Xing know that this is full of his calculations, and other people's wrestling has nothing to do with him, but Qiao Baibai is a treasure, he can't fall, and he doesn't even want Qiao Baibai to be punished, so he went to pick up an odd number Doll, pave the way for Qiao Baibai.

Man, that's it.

Finally, the intense game was over. Everyone crawled limply outside the shiatsu board, constantly rubbing their own little jiojio, the pain could not be relieved, and it took a lot of effort to pull up and down. Everyone was satisfied. Sweating profusely.

Everyone is the same, when the prop group removes the acupressure board, they sit directly on the ground to recover their physical strength.

Returning to the process, everyone walks strangely and their feet are soft.

"Ahem, our intense shiatsu board running session is over, and the next step is to announce the odd-numbered safety quota."

Qiao Baibai was lucky and got the fifth one. In the odd number range, the odd number doll in Li Xing's hand was given to those who didn't get the doll.Qiao Baibai was sure that if she got an even number or an odd number, that doll in his was for her.

"Okay, those who lose the game have to accept dry ice blowing to the face~ Oumai Karma has to show his true colors, and there will be a camera to capture the moment of blowing the face, and the photo will be hung on the scarf for seven days."

This punishment was severe, and the losers cried out.

Qiao Baibai patted her cheek. If it was her, she could actually make it, but I heard that blowing dry ice on the face would make it very ugly.

"Next is the questioning session. This time, our winners have the right to ask Mr. Li Xing. One question per person, whoever comes first~"

Li Xing's eyes only fell on Qiao Baibai. There were five people in odd numbers, and he only remembered Qiao Baibai.

It was a hostess, "It seems that our President Li has already been selected haha, Baibai's fall made President Li remember her."

This sentence seems to be a joke, but it is not rigorous. It is easy to trick Qiao Baibai and lead the audience to think that Qiao Baibai has ulterior motives.

Li Xing shot her a dirty look, hiding some displeasure, it had nothing to do with her, there was a lot of nonsense.

Qiao Baibai also did his part and took on the first question, "Mr. Li, how did you achieve your current success?"

 I'm coming!Updated today!Ticket ticket~ It's a little late, good night, see you tomorrow, hee hee, although I am very tired today, I am also happy!Are you happy together~

(End of this chapter)

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