Chapter 190

The stone door was opened with a gap, and Jiang Beiyao led her to squeeze in through the gap.

The poisonous door was finally closed.

Breathing the fresh air again, Gu Qingye almost cried.

It's great to breathe fresh air!
Jiang Beiyao poured out a small white pill from the bottle and stuffed it into Gu Qingye's hand.

"Eat it, detoxification."

Gu Qingye took it and subconsciously put it in his mouth.

But before she could take it in, she suddenly thought that when Jiang Beiyao poured it out just now, there seemed to be only one pill.

She ate, what about Jiang Beiyao?
He also inhaled a lot of poison because of saving her just now, although he didn't say anything, but Gu Qingye knew that he also needed this detoxification pill.

"Jiang Beiyao, I'm fine." Gu Qingye wanted to return the pills to him again.

Jiang Beiyao stared at Gu Qingye coldly, never reaching out to take it.

"There are organs everywhere here, I will only drag you down, you need this pill more than me, and you can take me out when you are well." Gu Qingye said rationally.

She thought that Jiang Beiyao should accept what she said.

But he didn't.

Although he didn't say a word, Gu Qingye understood his attitude.

There is no reason to take back what Jiang Beiyao gave away.

Just because he is good at martial arts, he feels that he can't use this pill.

That stubborn big fool, Gu Qingye was angry and laughed, and really didn't know what to do for a while.

Such a good medicine for detoxification, but two people don't take it, isn't that a waste of money?

The symptoms of poisoning made Lu Qingye's movements slow and his body became heavy.

Her walking speed slowed down, and Jiang Beiyao noticed right away that this guy was being rude again.

He clasped Gu Qingye's chin and forced the pill into Gu Qingye's mouth.

"Gu Qingye, take medicine!"

But Gu Qingye just didn't swallow the pill.

She grabbed Jiang Beiyao, leaned forward, and covered her thin lips.

She bit the medicine in half, swallowed half by herself, and gave the other half to Jiang Beiyao.

Even if there is only half a pill, the effect of the medicine is very fast. Gu Qingye's mind began to clear up, and the symptoms of poisoning began to ease.

Gu Qingye, who had recovered, began to look cocky again, and she said confidently, "This is to pay you back just now. I'm just reciprocating courtesy."

After finishing speaking, Gu Qingye blushed in embarrassment.

Today's progress was a bit fast, and she finally kissed the boy she was thinking of.

It's a pity that both times the situation was too urgent, and the heart was beating too fast. When he came to his senses, Gu Qingye was still a little dazed.

Jiang Beiyao kept walking ahead without saying a word.

However, the roots of his ears were flushed red. It turned out that someone was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

In order to conceal the embarrassment in his heart, Jiang Beiyao kept urging: "Gu Qingye, hurry up, you're dying."

Lu Qingye covered her mouth and snickered, her footsteps almost flew up, and someone still disliked her for not walking fast enough, this excuse is really too bad.

Strange to say, the first level is arrow array, the second level is poisonous gas, but the third level has nothing.

Calm makes people flustered.

The prince has such self-confidence, and he found someone to design the mechanism, which proves that he has absolute confidence in this mechanism.

Although the first two levels are difficult, they are not completely impossible for those with high kung fu skills.

The third level, at least it won't lose to the first two levels.

(End of this chapter)

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