Chapter 76 Homemade Mixiang Cicada
Liu Yunmo put his hands under his head, looked at the night sky and whispered: "I'll sleep for a while, don't disturb me—"

Su Lingxiu clenched his sword tightly, almost convulsed with anger, who bothered who? It was clearly just a bunch of useless rotten flowers, but he tricked him here just to destroy these flowers, what a lunatic .

Liu Yunmo closed her eyes, and the sound of Su Lingxiu's footsteps rang in her ears. After a while, she opened her eyes again, stood up quickly, and picked up the bamboo tube to collect the blood lotus beads.

She can't let this kind of flower go extinct.

Within half an hour, three babies also rushed into the manor, and four attendants also stepped inside.

In the past half an hour, none of the four of them saw the patrolling soldiers coming here again. Lianyi stared at the black porcelain bottle in Dabao's hand in puzzlement, and asked, "Can you lend me the incense in your hands?" see?"

Dabao looked up at the purple-clothed woman in front of him, and shook the incense bottle: "Do you also want to try the incense cicada made by my mother?"

"Mixiang Chan?" Shuo Feng looked at the bottle curiously: "Isn't it Mixiang?"

Erbao shook his head: "It's not just Mixiang, my mother is a master of medicine, she can mix many kinds of medicines together to make unexpected medicines. It is a medicine made by combining ordinary incense, it is much more powerful than incense, in short, you cannot understand my mother's thinking with your IQ."

Before Shuofeng could reply, Sanbao came over and said frightenedly, "So, don't mess with our things, lest you accidentally get caught by Mixiang Chan, my mother won't help you out, because she Only poison is made, no antidote, my mother said that people who are poisoned by her are bad people, and bad people cannot be saved, but you seem to have a bad attitude towards my mother."

The three babies gave a sinister smile, picked up the black medicine bottles one after another and said, "Would you like to take some?"

A little bit of it can confuse people's minds, and if it is eaten, it is more poisonous than Tianchan's poison, and the incense poison that grows in the body can spread faster than Tianchan's precious poison, and the speed of spreading is amazing.

The reason why those patrolling soldiers didn't come to the manor was because they were controlled by Liu Yunmo's storage cup at the moment.

As long as there are howls at night, their minds will be controlled, like puppets, they can do whatever they want.

The four looked at the three little milk bags with horror.

After seeing the cunning of these three little milk bags, who would dare to provoke them.

"No need." Lianyi raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead. After speaking, he quickly turned around and walked into the manor first.

Shuofeng laughed a few times, walked towards Lianyi quickly, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "Guess what the father of those three children looks like."

Ripple glanced at him: "Why discuss this issue?"

Shuofeng said, "I'm just curious, what kind of person can give birth to such a miraculous child."

Lianyi said flatly: "Their mother is a freak, and their father... probably isn't a normal person either."

Shuo Feng nodded approvingly, and sighed lightly: "Fortunately, it's not the prince's child——"

Lianyi paused, turned around and looked at him: "Do you think the child born by our master will be any better?"

They who have been with Su Lingxiu for many years have also suffered from Su Lingxiu's physical and mental torture.

(End of this chapter)

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