Chapter 54

This is not the first time Uncle Jiu has come to this village. A few days ago, before Chu Renmei started killing people, he sensed the strong resentment from several towns and came here day and night.

However, the villagers did not wait to see him at all.

Especially after explaining the purpose of coming, the people who were worried that the "scandalous things" in the village would be spread out actually kicked him out—that Chu Renmei's identity and what happened in the village were all due to his open and unannounced visits, and even bribed some people. The villagers just found out.

If it was someone else, who would have turned around and left long ago, why would he meddle in other people's business?

Although people who practice Taoism have a heart for helping the world, they don't save people who deserve to die!
But Uncle Jiu couldn't bear to see death without saving him, and Chu Renmei's situation also prevented him from leaving: this is not an ordinary ghost, but a person who cultivated good deeds and accumulated good fortune during his lifetime. He has merit but is persecuted by the world. A special ghost that was born.

This kind of ghost, its soul is different from that of ordinary people, and has the potential of "heroic spirit".

The special soul endowed it with a nearly immortal ghost body, and the Yin virtues accumulated during life allowed it to grow extremely fast, with almost no upper limit of danger.It can be said that this is the most dangerous kind of ghost in the world, bar none.

In the newspaper, the so-called "gay coconut" that Dongying made a fuss about seemed terrible.

But Uncle Jiu knows in his heart that Chu Renmei is definitely much more terrifying than it, because the "curse" can be lifted and sealed.And this Chu Renmei, who is both good and evil, once it grows up, it can even be immune to most spells, and the seal will not have the slightest effect.

All in all, this is a ghost that absolutely cannot be let go.

Therefore, even though Uncle Nine was chased away by the villagers, he still did not leave. Instead, he made an open and secret visit, and even shot Chu Renmei back secretly once when he killed Chu Renmei for the first time.

It was this attack that made him realize that he was unable to eliminate Chu Renmei.

Moreover, saving people under its hands not only has no merit, but also adds a trace of evil karma.

Yes, bad karma.

Uncle Jiu never dreamed that he would be contaminated with that thing.

It is amazing that although Chu Renmei, who has become a ghost, is killing people, his actions are recognized by the heavens, especially when he kills his unfaithful husband, it actually increases his merits a lot.

This made Uncle Jiu sigh with emotion, but at the same time he gave up trying to stop him.

He couldn't stop him even if he stopped him. Although Chu Renmei was not his opponent at this time, the more he fought, the stronger his resentment and strength became.

In addition, the soul is special and difficult to destroy, even Uncle Nine can't do anything about it for a while.

So he can only wait until Chu Renmei kills all the people he hates and the resentment drops to the lowest point, then find a medium to awaken her kindness, use this as a basis to seal it up, and bury it in peace.

As for the elimination and salvation, there is no need to think about it, it is already rare to be able to be buried.

This kind of evil spirit turned from good to evil, as if it was backed by God, even if Zhong Kui came, it would not work!
It is precisely because of this that he prevented Yang Hao from arresting Chu Renmei.

He could tell at a glance that Yang Hao was a pure practitioner with profound Taoism but little experience in subduing demons and eliminating demons. Therefore, he explained various things along the way and brought Yang Hao to the village, preparing to use the facts , Tell him how to deal with such a ghost.

However, Uncle Jiu didn't know that Chu Renmei was almost impossible to be eliminated, but Yang Hao was not within this "almost" range.

First of all, neither the good fruits nor the resentment of Chu Renmei can affect Yang Hao.

Secondly, the "supernatural power" combining internal force and martial arts is far more lethal to ghosts than ordinary Taoism.Furthermore, although the spells of the first two worlds are not necessarily better than those of this world, they do not have the flaws of this world and can effectively kill Chu Renmei.

Then, as long as you enter the library, the world's bonus to Chu Renmei will have no effect.

Finally, there is a system-generated "trash can" in the library, and anything put in it will be destroyed into nothingness.

So in fact, Yang Hao has the ability to destroy it.

After all, Chu Renmei is only nearly immortal, not really immortal.

Yang Hao himself knew it very well, but after learning that the zombie village girl turned out to be Chu Renmei, he had no intention of chasing after him—he knew Chu Renmei's experience, she killed those villagers just for revenge, Dead people deserve to die.

At least for now, no one was killed indiscriminately.

Therefore, instead of forcibly interfering, it is better to let Chu Renmei be resolved by the peace bracelet as in the original book.

At this time, Uncle Jiu didn't know the existence of the "Ping An Bracelet", and was asking who among the remaining people had the closest relationship with Chu Renmei.

"Well, Chu Renmei was kind to all of us before she was alive, but we..." A villager said awkwardly: "We didn't treat her very well. After all, honest people are easier to bully, uh, easy to talk, don't you think so?" ?”

Regarding this, Uncle Jiu frowned and didn't say anything for a long time.

As for Yang Hao, he even wanted to leave, or wait for Chu Renmei to kill all the villagers before trying to deal with it.

"Is there no one close to her?" Uncle Jiu asked again.

Hearing this, Li Qiang, a twitching little boy in the crowd, finally stood up and said, "Grandpa Daoist, Auntie Mei loves me the most, even more than my mother. She put all the 'safe bracelet' she had brought with her since she was a child." He gave it to me, saying that if one day I find her with the bracelet, I can promise me one thing."

As soon as these words came out, Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up immediately.

"Show me the bracelet," he said.

Li Qiang nodded and took out the bracelet.

Immediately, Yang Hao felt a rush of spirituality—it had turned into a magic weapon, and its grade was not low, even higher than the "Initial Touching Gold Talisman" created by the ancestor of Mojin, second only to the eighth formation Figure and Yang Hao's Thunder Whip.

This is not made, but a kind of parasitic ghost formed by various special reasons.

"It is said that all ghosts who turn from good to evil have something to entrust with good thoughts. This peace bracelet should be where Chu Renmei's kind thoughts lie." Uncle Jiu said: "Its power is exactly the same as that of Chu Renmei. Send it back to Chu Renmei, and let the child say 'don't kill anyone', and Chu Renmei can rest in peace."

Hearing this, everyone immediately asked Uncle Jiu to take Li Qiang to deliver the bracelet.

"No, the child can only go by himself." Uncle Jiu said.

In the end, Li Qiang put the bracelet on Chu Renmei's hand, begging her not to kill any more, and finally calmed down Chu Renmei's grievances.Then, Uncle Jiu chose a geomantic location for her, wrapped it with a mat engraved with a spell, and was about to be buried.

"Use this kind of sealing spell to bury, even if the safety bracelet gets old and damaged in the future, Chu Renmei in the tomb will not come out again." Uncle Jiu said to Yang Hao.

However, Yang Hao thought of the plot decades later, so he asked: "Can your seal stop the excavator?"

(End of this chapter)

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