Chapter 51

Writing a song is simple, just copy it. This is Xuanhuangxing, not the previous life, and the original author is not there, so he is the original.

Singing is not difficult, even if the pentameter is incomplete, it can become a classic, and the tuner is not a decoration.

The songs recorded by Li Hao and Zhang Yaxin have been processed in post-processing, and the quality is excellent.

After recording more than a dozen new songs and copying Master Gu's novels, Li Hao got busy again.

Grandma's [-]th birthday is about to be held, and my aunt and the others came back early.

In the past few days, Zhang Yaxin didn't go to work, and stayed in Lijiacun all day.

"Third brother, third sister-in-law, can you take us out fishing?" Nie Yan asked expectantly.

"Let's go." Zhang Yaxin said with a smile.

"I want to take the battle fish." Nie Yan said.

Li Hao drove the Battle Fish, and Zhang Yaxin accompanied everyone.

"It's the first time for me to take this boat." Li Kun said with a smile.

"It's so beautiful, I want one too." Xie Qiang said enviously.

"There is coffee and tea on board, what do you drink?" Zhang Yaxin laughed.

"I want coffee." Li Kun said.

"I want coffee too," Li Kun's sister Li Mei said.

"I drink tea." Li Mei's husband Zhou Yang said.

"Third aunt, I want Coke." Zhou Yang's son Zhou Tao said.

"Third Mom, I want Coke too." Li Yongan said.

"I'll take out the tea and coffee, and make what you want to drink." Zhang Yaxin said.

After galloping for more than thirty nautical miles, Li Hao stopped the boat.

"Dad, we are fishing at sea with third brother and the others." Xie Qiang was on the phone.

Li Hao concocted some bait and added the bait attribute.

Ten minutes later, the crowd continued to cheer and laugh.

"The quality of this fishing rod is really good." Zhou Yang said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, I'll give you two." Li Hao said generously, the fishing rods and baits he used were all sent by Huangding Fishing Tackle Company, not to mention that he doesn't lack money to buy fishing rods now.

"Third brother, I want it too." Xie Fei said.

"Okay." Li Hao nodded.

"Third brother, my dad and the others want to come fishing." Xie Qiang said.

"Then let's go back and pick them up." Li Hao said.

He sailed back to the voyage, picked up the elders one by one, and went fishing again.

Grandma will turn seventy the day after tomorrow, so she has nothing to do today.

"This boat is comfortable." Li Changjian said with a smile.

"Our home is too far from the sea, otherwise, I would buy one too," Xie Wei said.

"I can't afford a fishing boat worth more than 200 million yuan." Nie Quan smiled wryly.

The eldest uncle Xie Wei is a contractor with an annual income of about 200 million, but their family has a lot of expenses and they don't have much money.

The second uncle, Nie Quan, works in a factory, and his monthly income is about [-] yuan, and with other miscellaneous things, it is about [-] yuan.

When he came to a place near an island, where the water was more than ten meters deep, Li Hao stopped the Battle Fish.

In order to make his family happy, he added bait attributes to the bait.

It didn't take a moment for everyone to fall into cheers.

Schools of fish gather here, and anyone who can catch a fish by throwing a pole will be delighted.

The main reason why fishing is fascinating is to catch fish.

"Second brother, what kind of fish is this?" Xie Wei asked.

"Gentian grouper." Li Changquan replied.

"How much is a catty?" Xie Wei asked again.

"The recycling price in the village is 28, and the market price is in the early thirties." Li Changquan said.

"More than three catties of gentian grouper cost about a hundred dollars." Xie Wei laughed.

"I'm a mouse spot, and I can sell it for one hundred and seventeen catties." Li Changjian laughed.

"Blue spot, the price is cheaper than gentian," Nie Quan said.

"Splendid lobster weighing more than nine catties, cook and eat at night." Li Hao laughed.

"How much can this lobster sell for?" Xie Wei asked.

"The last time the one weighed more than 15 catties, he sold it for 17 yuan. This one weighs more than [-] catties, so it can sell for at least [-] yuan." Li Kun said after thinking about it.

"Li San, are you willing to eat a 17 Jinxiu lobster?" Xie Wei was dumbfounded.

"Isn't that why you guys are here?" Li Hao laughed.

"Uncle, the seafood he ate last year can sell at least several million." Li Kun said.

"What did you eat?" Xie Wei asked curiously.

"Yellow lip fish, large yellow croaker, Longjiang sturgeon, and Longjiang saury." Li Kun is like a treasure.

"Every time he catches a good product, we also try it." Li Changjian laughed.

"If I catch it myself, I will eat it after I eat it. If I really want to spend money to buy it, I must not be willing to part with it." Li Hao said.

"I also caught a Splendid lobster." Zhang Yaxin beamed with joy.

"Catch more good stuff, and try to eat a million-dollar meal at night." Li Hao laughed.

"Li San, can't you save some money?" said the eldest aunt Li Changhua.

"Third brother, how about taking the things you caught and selling them, and we split the money?" Xie Qiang suggested.

"Isn't grandma about to turn seventy? She should have a good meal." Li Hao said.

Maybe they encountered a group of splendid lobsters, one after another, they caught them.

"Ah!" Nie Yan screamed, but it was the lobster she caught that suddenly fell into the sea.

The fishing line was not wrapped properly, and the beautiful lobster fell off during the lifting of the rod.

With a flick of the fishing rod in Li Hao's hand, the first fishing style was entangled, and he immediately launched it.

The fishhook went around the beautiful lobster and entangled it tightly.

"Is this okay?" Everyone was stunned, with incredible expressions.

"It took me several months to practice." Li Hao explained with a smile on his face.

The Splendid Lobster, which escaped unharmed, was brought back by his first fishing method.

"Brother, how did you do it?" Li Jie asked.

"Practice makes perfect, just practice for a while longer." When Li Hao doesn't use internal force, he can only wrap it once. After using internal force, he can wrap as many times as he wants.

"The third brother is still amazing." Nie Yan praised.

"We can't finish eating more than twenty splendid lobsters, so we'll sell some," Second Aunt Li Changxiu said.

"Okay, I'll post a photo later, one will be counted as one, and the money sold will be shared equally." Li Hao nodded.

"There aren't many fish here, I'm going to sail and change places." Nie Yan said.

Shift positions and continue fishing.

The new fishing spot has a water depth of more than [-] meters.

Ten minutes later, a group of large yellow croakers swam over.

"Good stuff." Li Changquan was pleasantly surprised.

"What fish?" Xie Wei asked.

"Big yellow croaker." Li Changquan replied.

"For eight taels, the supermarket will sell it for 900 yuan a catty." Xie Wei said.

"The heavier the large yellow croaker, the more expensive it is. A large yellow croaker weighing more than ten catties costs at least 2 yuan per catty," Li Changquan said.

Li Hao, who casts his rod accurately, has the fastest fishing speed.

If it wasn't for keeping a low profile, the second fishing hook would be used directly
They caught 33 of a school of more than fifty large yellow croakers.

"It's getting late, let's go back." Li Hongyi said.

Zhang Yaxin drove the Zhanyu back, and Li Hao took photos and sent messages.

When they returned to the pier, Wang Jingui and the others had been waiting for more than ten minutes.

Four beautiful lobsters and two large yellow croakers were kept, and the remaining fish were sold for 860 to [-].

"A total of 860, 22 of us, 39 each, personal income tax, you pay it yourself."

A group of people came to the bank, and Li Hao began to transfer money.

"Zhou Tao and Li Yongan are too young, so they should not be separated," Li Changjian said.

Hearing this, Auntie stared at Uncle Li Changjian with an unkind expression.

"As many people as there are shares." Li Hao transferred the money over.

"One year of hard work is not as good as going out to sea to fish once." Xie Wei was very grateful.

There are four people in their family, each of whom is nearly 40, and the total is close to 160 million.

"I don't have to go to work for four years." Nie Quan said with a smile.

"I have money to buy a car." Xie Qiang was overjoyed.

Li Jie breathed a sigh of relief. With more than 39 in cash, he can buy a car by himself. Whether he takes the postgraduate entrance examination or not, he will not be short of a car.

"Grandpa and grandma, will your money be given to your deposit card, or?" Li Hao asked.

"Save it in Kari for us." Li Hongyi said.

(End of this chapter)

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