square inch kill

Chapter 1 Wedges

Chapter 1 Wedges
Bright moon, spirits, beauty!

With a slight flip of his wrist, an exquisite jug jumped into the young man's hands, and the small wine glass was filled instantly.

Next to the young man was a woman who was so beautiful that one dared not look at her, her delicate face was a little indescribably lonely.The woman was silent, didn't say a word, and didn't even look up, as if at this moment, the only thing that caught her attention was the exquisite wine glass in her hand.

"You shouldn't have come."

After an unknown amount of time, the woman finally spoke, and her crisp voice fell into the plate like warm pearls.

Smiling casually, the young man raised his head and glanced at the guards behind the woman who were standing by with their guns up, "You know, they can't stop me."

The guards behind the woman were all the top elites, and any one pulled out would be enough to stand alone, but at this moment, in front of this smiling young man, they all seemed to be children with toys.

No one objected, because everyone knew that the young man was telling the truth.

As Fang Cun Shan's only disciple and the most terrifying assassin in the world, he has the right to be so confident.

"I am an orphan. I practiced with the old man in Fangcun Mountain since I was a child. The old man said that I am the last generation disciple of Fangcun Mountain, so my name is Fangcun."

There was a look of reminiscence in the young man's eyes, and he sighed softly, "The old man said, if you can't make everyone like you, then you must be afraid of you. So... I became an assassin!"

"You did it." The woman said silently, but she still didn't raise her head. "He's so close, he's like an enemy! Even if you have power over the world, if you want, you can take his life at any time. No one is not afraid of you."

"Does that include you too?" With a self-deprecating smile, the young man stared at the woman.

The woman still didn't look up and didn't answer.

Raising his hand, the young man drank the first glass of wine, silently raised the jug, and filled it up!
Without asking, the young man smiled and continued to recall, "The old man said, I only understand the first level of the three realms, so... I'm just an assassin."

"Three realms of a square inch?" The woman was obviously curious about this kind of secret, "You have already become unparalleled in the world, are you still only the first realm?"

"Within a square inch, I am invincible!"

Shaking his head slightly, chewing on these eight words, the young man remained silent, but did not explain. These eight words are in themselves a sign of the great success of Fangcun's first realm.

"The old man said, I was not born at the right time. In this life, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to comprehend the other two realms again." Fang Cun said softly with a smile.


Why?Fang Cun naturally remembered that he had asked the old man the same way back then, but the old man didn't answer, but now Fang Cun has vaguely understood.

Because, I have already stood at the pinnacle of this world, within an inch, I am invincible!This is not just talking.

If young people don't answer, women don't ask.

Smiling, the young man raised his glass and drank the second glass of wine.

"The old man said that to be an assassin, you must look like an assassin! So, I learned all kinds of miscellaneous knowledge, disguise, disguise, etiquette, traps, medicine, literature, and... poisoning!"

Hearing this, the woman's hand trembled involuntarily, but she still didn't look up.

"My hands are covered with blood, but I don't regret it. Because, the old man said, people live for themselves, especially assassins."

"That's why you can kill innocent people indiscriminately?" The woman's voice was clearly disdainful.

"Killing innocent people indiscriminately?" Smiling, the young man said lightly, "Is that how you see me?"

Woman, still no answer.

"I kill without a reason!" The young man showed a hint of pride on his face, and said calmly, "I kill because I want to kill him, that's all."

The simple answer reveals such a strong sense of self-confidence and arrogance, perhaps, there is still a trace of... loneliness?
"The old man said that the assassin is lonely, he has no confidant, nor... love!"

There was a trace of pain in the young man's eyes, and a trace of black blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, but there was still a smile on his face.

The hand that raised the glass didn't tremble in the slightest. There was a trace of tenderness on the young man's face, and he looked at the girl quietly.

"I'm not a qualified assassin, nor a good student, so I clearly remembered what the old man said, but I still fell in love with a woman for no reason."

The woman's hand paused slightly, trembling, and pale.

"You already know?"

The woman finally raised her head, revealing that charming face, her eyes were full of bitterness and... heartache?
The woman clearly saw the black poisonous blood at the corner of the young man's mouth. She was the one who injected the poison. She naturally understood that the pain caused by the poisonous attack is enough to drive anyone crazy!
However, until now, he is still smiling... His smile is so bright, like the scorching sun.

"I told you, I'm an assassin." The young man gently held the woman's hand, as gentle as jade, "The first lesson an assassin has to learn is poison! No one can poison an assassin, so you don't have to blame yourself .”

"I was poisoned just because I wanted to be poisoned, that's all." The young man said softly as he gently touched the woman's face.

"You clearly know that the wine is poisonous, why...why do you still drink it?" The woman's face showed a hint of pain, and her lips were bitten by herself before she knew it.

The young man didn't answer, and he didn't need to answer, because the woman already understood.

As he said, he kills without reason!Drinking is also unnecessary.

He drinks just because, he wants to drink, just because...it's her wine!

Black poisonous blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, exuding a strange aura, but the smile on the young man's face remained unchanged.

"You, would you like to come with me?"

The young man looked at the woman quietly, as if he was just asking if he wanted to eat together, go shopping together, or go to the movies together.

"I..." After a slight pause, the woman's eyes showed a complex look, but she finally did not answer.

There is no need to answer, the answer is already there.

"I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will not be separated... The white head will not be separated!"

Gently reciting poems, the young man's eyes were full of tenderness, he lowered his head and gently kissed the woman's lips, finally the young man lost his breath.

The blood color spread silently, as bright as a blooming rose...

On the woman's chest, there was a light blue dagger, and under the dagger, a bewitching rose bloomed!

He is an assassin, until the moment of his death, he is still an assassin!
If there is an afterlife, he...maybe, he is still an assassin! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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