square inch kill

Chapter 108 Refining Sword Intent!

Chapter 108 Refining Sword Intent!

Broken sword, Qingshan!
Fang Cun's appearance at the moment can be said to be extremely poor, if not for Li Chenzhou's angry reprimand, I am afraid that few people would really treat him as a dish.

Xuanjie challenged the ground floor, and he was almost looking for death, not to mention that this guy had just been seriously injured, and even his sword was broken in two.Under such circumstances, would anyone believe that he could win?
In fact, even with Li Chenzhou's scolding, everyone still couldn't figure out how Fang Cun used the sword formula taught by Dionysus Xiaoyaozi just now, which he himself said he had completely forgotten, against the enemy.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Fang Cun didn't play cool like Xiaoyaozi, but just calmly held the broken sword and raised it slightly.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" With a cold snort, the Jiange disciple finally couldn't bear the preemptive strike, and stabbed Fangcun's eyebrows with a sword.

"Twin swords and dragons. Snowflakes shine on hibiscus."

With a soft groan, he made a slight wrong step, and the broken sword in Fang Cun's hand lightly led away, deftly deflecting the opponent's long sword that was stabbing straight at him, and stepped out again, the broken sword followed the trend and slashed lightly towards the opponent's wrist.


A sword cry suddenly sounded, but the Jiange disciple didn't pay attention to Fang Cun's sword at all.

"Shooting the sky and the earth. Lei Teng can't rush."

The body suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the same place. In the interval of changing hands, nine swords were thrown out in a row. The simple nine pulls suddenly deflected the terrifying sword again.

"Damn it, you're not the same set of sword formulas just now." The Jiange disciple cursed angrily as Xiaoyaozi's set of sword formulas still echoed in his mind.

Fang Cun's few sword strikes had nothing to do with that set of sword formulas. There was no single move or half-style, and all the attacks that he had been planning for a long time were all gone.

Fang Cun didn't answer him, the broken sword turned lightly, and another sword fell in the air.

"Let's go and leave the golden box. Feishen lost his way."

He kept reciting poems in his mouth, but the sword in his hand was not satisfied at all, but it was still light and light, as if he didn't exert any effort. In terms of power, even acquired warriors might be more powerful than these swords.

However, the few swords that were stabbed lightly seemed to be like a curse to the Jiange disciple. Every sword fell on the weak point of his offensive, even if it was only lightly, it was enough to force He forcibly changed his moves, and couldn't use up all his sword moves at all.

This aggrieved feeling is simply hard to describe in words, like a mighty strongman hitting mosquitoes in the air with a hammer as heavy as a thousand pounds. He obviously has full strength, but he just can't use it at all.

"Asshole, it's nothing if you confront me head-on."

Shaking his head slightly, Fang Cun is like a ghost. With the extreme speed of Xing Zi Jue, his body is erratic. From time to time, he will point out a sword from a certain angle, forcing the opponent to respond, but before the two swords clash, they disappear again.

"Idiot, don't you know how to release sword energy?" Seeing the disciple being played around by Fang Cun, Li Chenzhou finally couldn't help pointing out.

"Your disciple is promising." His face was full of sarcasm, and Xiaoyaozi was not angry, but sneered while holding a wine gourd.

He snorted, but Li Chenzhou didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear it at all.

With the strength of the earth rank, it is a shame to be suppressed to such an extent when hitting the Xuan rank.

It's just that other people can't understand it, but with Li Chenzhou's strength, they can see clearly that Fang Cun is not a sword technique at all, but the embryonic form of the real sword intent.

In fact, what Xiaoyaozi taught just now was not a sword formula at all, but a kind of sword intent, which was intentionally guided by Fang Cun's own characteristics.

Theoretically, something as mysterious and profound as sword intent cannot be taught by words and moves at all, but Xiaoyaozi chose to teach the sword intent hidden in a set of so-called sword formulas.

This is not a direct teaching by words and deeds, but preaching in a way that is close to enlightenment. Although on the surface, the set of sword tactics is ordinary, but once you understand the meaning of the sword, you will feel the mystery in it.

When Fang Cun watched it for the first time, he could only vaguely feel the sword intent, but it seemed that he couldn't find a way to do it, but his mind was already occupied by the sword intent, and he was struggling to find that bit of inspiration.

In the end, I caught a little bit of the inspiration, closed my eyes and recalled it, and realized a little bit of meaning, so I remembered [-]% to [-]% of it.

Afterwards, when Xiaoyaozi slowed down his movements for the second time, Fangcun's attention was no longer on those sword moves, but on the charm of Xiaoyaozi's every movement!And these charms are the essence of sword intent.

So far, Fang Cun has slightly grasped the spirit of sword intent, so he forgot some sword moves instead.

Waiting for the last time, he demonstrated a set of sword formulas coherently within a few breaths at the speed of ghosts and ghosts. In fact, he completely demonstrated the sword intent and left an indelible mark on Fang Cun's heart.

At this time, Fang Cun really understood the sword intent, and all his mind was focused on comprehending the sword intent, so naturally he couldn't remember the moves at all.

During this period, Fang Cun naturally thought of the scene of teaching Tai Chi in the novels he had read in his previous life.

Although it is a novelist's words, in fact, the teaching of the sword intent has the same effect, and unconsciously has a similar reaction to the sentiment in the novel.

When Fang Cun understood it, he couldn't help feeling a bit of evil in his heart, and he simply cooperated with Dionysus Xiaoyaozi completely, guiding him to learn the dialogues in the novel thoroughly.

Nothing else, it's just that this guy thinks that kind of dialogue is cool and pretentious, that's all.

Of course, the Dionysus Xiaoyaozi could unintentionally cooperate, apart from Fang Cun's intentional use of words to guide, there is also a bit of a coincidence.

Of course, if it wasn't for the teaching of the sword intent, which was as mysterious as Mr. Jin said, it would naturally be impossible for this situation to occur.

As for the actual attack, Fang Cun was not really fighting with the opponent at all, but took the opportunity to refine the sword intent that had just taken shape.

Reciting poems or something is just to disturb the mind of the other party, and it has no practical significance.

Life-and-death fighting itself is the best way to improve your strength. With the sense of crisis in the life-and-death battle, you can temper your sword intent, make it perfect, and truly form your own sword intent. This is what Fang Cun wants to do.

It has to be said that the Jiange disciple was also extremely cooperative, after dozens of moves, Fang Cun had almost truly mastered the sword intent taught by Xiaoyaozi.

It was precisely because he saw this that Li Chenzhou couldn't help but remind him that he didn't want his disciples in the Jiange to be side-training partners like monkeys.

(End of this chapter)

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