Chapter 121 Hitting the Wall!

Jarvis removed irrelevant elements from the map, and dozens of venues form an angle. The nucleus is located in the center, and the protons and neutrons are closely arranged. The surrounding paths and squares represent the orbits and orbits of electrons. electronic cloud.

Atomic orbital hypothesis and electron cloud hypothesis are different interpretations of atomic configuration——

The former is based on the theory proposed by Newton’s classical physics, saying that electrons move in a circle around the nucleus, just like planets such as the earth and Mars revolve around the sun, with orbits that are layered inside and outside;
The latter is based on the theory proposed by quantum physics, saying that electrons randomly appear and disappear around the nucleus, just like the random hamsters in the "Whack-a-mole game". The probability of appearing in different positions is different. According to the size of the probability, Draw regions of varying shades around the nucleus, like a cloud of electrons.

It's just that there are thousands of small water droplets in a cloud on a macro level, and there is only one electron in a seemingly dense electron cloud on a micro level (this theory does not completely negate the particle form of electrons, "observe" This action allows the electron to freeze in the flickering electron cloud, reverting to a particle, which playfully diverges into the electron cloud when not observed).

Different electron clouds occupy different positions. They are around the nucleus, just like the petals around the pistil, forming various symmetrical three-dimensional shapes.

The venue layout diagram left by Howard is a plane diagram, which cannot provide three-dimensional information in a strict sense, but Howard cleverly put the two hypotheses of electron orbit and electron cloud in the same diagram, so that it has a distinguishable Stereo information.

The configuration of the atoms gradually became clearer, and the eyes of Eitlake and Tony staring at the screen gradually became brighter-it was a discovery of genius!
There was a rush of blood in Itlake's heart. After decades of time, stained with the mottled years, Itlake could still imagine that Howard's brain was struck by a lightning bolt of inspiration, and he couldn't wait to pick up the pen and paper to start Calculus look.

This almost crazy joy made Howard insist on keeping the atomic configuration of the new element. Even if someone is secretly watching, even if it may cause a murderous disaster, even if you want to turn around and hide the information in secret, you must do so. !
Tony slapped his hands heavily: "It's such an exquisite structure! I didn't expect my dad to be such a genius! In other words, God chose him among countless geniuses!"

Itlake knew that the revelation of the new elements had greatly changed Tony's impression of his father, otherwise he would not have changed the name of "Howard" to "my dad", saying:
"Mr. Stark, let's start with your father's revelation!"

"it is good!"

"Colson! Call your agent to help!" Tony yelled towards the outside of the house.

The agents lived in a hut outside the laboratory, near the beach. Coulson was holding a sandwich and eating right now. When he heard Tony greet him, he thought he had drunk too much and vomited again. He brought a group of agents rushed over.

After entering the room, I saw Itlake and Tony with bright eyes, as if a torch was lit in their chests, shining from the four windows of the soul, and Coulson looked a little scared, and asked:

"What's the matter? Did the two of you eat something unclean?"

Tony said: "Colson, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, let your agents act, we have mastered the configuration of the new element, and we will start manufacturing it now!"

"What do we need to do?"

"Break the wall!"

Coulson and his agents did the dirty work again. Each of them used a hammer to smash through the walls of the laboratory and put metal pipes into them. They spanned several rooms and formed a circle with a diameter of more than ten meters. ring.

Tony only wears steel armor gloves with one hand, and a steel helmet for protection, and welds the metal pipes, sparks are flying around in the noise of "thrusting and pulling".

Amidst the smoke and rubble all over the floor, Coulson, hammer in hand, raised his voice, trying to drown out Tony's welding and cutting:

"What are we going to do next? If the director knows that his secret laboratory has become like this, he will definitely eat me!"

Tony stopped what he was doing, flipped off his mask, and asked Coulson, "What were you talking about?"

Coulson said, "I'm asking, what are you going to do next?"

Tony said, "The next step is to remove the roof."

Coulson slammed the hammer on the ground and said, "Tony, I know you may be dissatisfied with me taking you out of the bar, but there is no need to retaliate over this kind of thing."

Tony was a little angry: "It is indeed necessary, because all we have done are the necessary preparations for making new elements!"

Itlake said: "Agent Coulson, Tony is right, please trust us."

Coulson said: "Why do you need to break through the wall to create new elements? Shouldn't it be enough to use several beakers and test tubes to blend several liquids of different colors?"

Itlake said: "Agent Coulson, you may be able to create new molecules according to your method, but you cannot create new atoms, or new elements.

The difference is very big, the former is like rearranging a bunch of ping-pong balls in groups of three into groups of two;
The latter is like breaking up a pile of ping pong balls and reassembling them into tennis balls. "

Coulson understood Itlake's metaphor, the former could be done even by a kindergarten kid, and the latter couldn't be done even by a big friend of S.H.I.E.L.D. He asked:
"I understand what you said, but does this have anything to do with breaking through the walls and the roof?"

Itlake said: "This ring-shaped metal tube is the proton runway. We want to let the protons run in it, let them run faster and faster, approaching the speed of light, and finally become a flow of protons with great kinetic energy. From here The laser hits the target plate, where there is a neutron liquid, and the protons and neutrons can form the nuclei of new elements."

Coulson scratched his bald forehead, nodded and said: "This principle is similar to the principle of mating and pregnancy. It must be difficult to get them close to the speed of light?"

"No, it's very simple to make the proton speed close to the speed of light." Italek pointed to the four anchor points on the metal track. The anchor points divide the circular track into four 90° arcs, and a metal device is wrapped around the outer ring of the anchor points. :
"These four are electric field acceleration devices. Every time a proton runs through a quarter of the arc, it will be accelerated by the electric field. You should know the electric field, and the charged particles in the field will be forced to move.

Rubbing silk with a glass rod, or rubbing fur with a rubber rod, can absorb scraps of paper, which is almost the same principle (actually, the scraps of paper are not charged, and the principle of action requires an electric field to polarize the charges in the scraps of paper) , so use 'almost'). "

Seeing that Coulson understood everything, Itlake continued: "There is a vacuum in the metal tube, and the protons will not encounter any resistance in it.

Newton's first law states that all objects will always keep moving in a straight line at a constant speed when there is no force or the resultant external force is zero.

Therefore, protons will not decelerate in the orbital segment outside the electric field, but the speed in the electric field position of the four anchor points will only increase but not decrease. As long as the time is long enough, it can be relatively easy to approach the speed of light. "

"If the hard part isn't approaching the speed of light, what is?" Coulson asked.

(End of this chapter)

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