Chapter 39 The Birth of Abomination!

ten minutes ago.

Emil woke up from the coma of the explosion, his face was covered with blood, oil and mud, he was struggling to stand up, and there was sharp pain in his limbs and back. Years of experience in injuries told Emil that he It should be broken, and more than one.

Lying on his back, Emil could not even move his neck. The scorching sun hurt his eyes, and several vultures hovered in the sky.

If he didn't come to rescue, he would die in the wilderness.

A familiar face suddenly appeared in Emil's field of vision. Although this face usually looks a bit annoying, it looks really kind now:
"Ty...Ty...Tyron, report to...Ross..."

Halfway through Emil's words, his throat felt a little sweet, and the trachea was blocked by the gushing plasma, and he could only make a "crackling" sound of bubbles.

Tai Lun held a needle in his hand, the sharp needle reflected the dazzling highlights in the sun, and said:

"Lieutenant Emile, if this mission fails, General Ross' plan for the Sandman serum will be aborted. Therefore, we must take back William Baker."

Tai Lun slowly pushed the plunger, squeezed out the air in the needle, and a few drops of light green liquid overflowed from the needle, dripping on Emil's cheek.

"This... this is... what..."

"This is the mixed solution of Hulk blood and super soldier serum that you have always wanted to inject. Although the injection is very risky, and our current rudimentary conditions are not enough to protect your life, but look at your current injuries, the situation It can't be any worse than it is now, can it?"

Emil couldn't move his body, and watched Tai Lun raise his arms that were as limp as noodles with resentful eyes. He really wanted to say that he could rescue him again, but Tai Lun didn't give him this chance.

The solvent was injected into the body, and Emil's chest began to heave violently, and he heard his heart beating louder and louder, as if the ground was being rammed!
Tai Lun's eyes shone brightly, watching Emil's changes with joy——

The pump-like high-power heart allows blood mixed with super soldier serum to flow up and down the body, transforming the body!

Emir's body was like a balloon, inflating at a speed visible to the naked eye. All the wounds healed quickly, and the clothes were burst by huge muscles. !
In less than 30 seconds, Emil turned into a monster over two meters tall!

In addition to the transformation of the body, Emil's spirit was also greatly affected. All the joy and happiness in the memory were wiped out, all the resentment and hatred poured out, and there was a mass of anger in his chest with nowhere to vent!

Tai Lun did not expect this injection to be so successful, pointing to Beidao:
"Lieutenant Emir, that's where the octopus couple escaped, you hurry to get them—"


Before Tai Lun finished speaking, his head was grabbed by Emil's big hand!

Emil, who hated everything in the world, found that there happened to be someone he hated so much in front of him, and he dared to point fingers at him, so he suddenly exerted force on his palm——

Tyron's head was like a ripe tomato, bursting with juice in Emir's hands!

Emil stomped on Tai Lun's body a few more times, and murmured a few words: "Mr. Octopus and Ms. Octopus..."

Amir stood up and jumped, ejected like a cannonball, leaped a distance of 50 meters in one step, and chased north!


"What it is?"

Ms. Octopus looked out the window, and there was a huge monster running on the ground, picking out concrete stones from the side of the road, and throwing them at the helicopter!

No matter how good the pilot's skills of the helicopter were, he couldn't dodge one after another of the attacks. While dodging, the tail was scratched by a boulder, and the helicopter shook and bumped from side to side!

"If we don't get rid of this monster, we will be smashed down by him!"

"Turn around! Fire missiles!"

The helicopter flicked its tail violently in the air, and the quadruple launch pod located below was aimed in the direction of Emil——



Four missiles flew towards the monster at the same time, and exploded beside the monster. The flames and smoke engulfed the monster. Ms. Octopus scratched her head and asked tentatively, "Is he supposed to be dead now?"

Itlake frowned. He thought it was an unwise and unlucky choice to set up this flag at this time. Sure enough, Itlake's feeling came true——

In the rising flames, the figure of the monster jumped out as quickly as an arrow. His left arm, which he used to block the explosion, was bloody and bloody, but it was healing quickly, and his right hand held a portable surface-to-air missile !
The tail is still spraying propelling flames!

Countless alpacas ran past in Itlake's heart, which was even more outrageous than some domestic dramas he had seen in his previous life!

The monster made a posture of throwing a javelin, pointed the missile towards the plane, and flew back at a speed not much slower than when it flew past just now!

Ms. Octopus exclaimed in amazement, "We're done!"

Even if he is as civilized and elegant as Itlake, he can't help but swear at this time:
"Mazefak jump off!"

Itlake hugged Ms. Octopus, broke through the door, and jumped off the plane. The eight mechanical arms behind her stretched out the spider web to buffer the shock wave of the explosion!
With the help of the spider web wings, the two fluttered to the ground, and Ms. Octopus jumped out of Itlake's arms, and she said with lingering fear: "Huh, I was scared to death, and finally safe——

Cough, it seems that I haven't..."

The two landed right next to Emil, and it was only then that Itlake saw the monster's appearance, which looked exactly like the abomination in Norton's version of "Hulk" (aka "Invincible Hulk").

Itlake speculated that the monster in front of him should also have been transformed by Emil Blonsky.

The abomination, like the Hulk, has super strength, super speed, super endurance, super resilience and super ability to lift Newton's coffin.

They also have some differences. The size and quality of the Hulk will increase with the level of anger, and the combat effectiveness will also increase accordingly. Simply put, it is easy to get anxious when you hit it.

The appearance of the abomination is relatively stable, and it doesn't fight around like the Hulk in battle——

If the Hulk and the original Bruce Banner are two completely different personalities, then Emil and the abomination are two sides of one body that are more integrated. In the state of abomination, Emil has not lost consciousness, and can even use his own proficiency fighting and boxing techniques.

Of course, there is another difference between them, which is the part that Ms. Octopus is staring at at this time——

Hulk has a pair of unbreakable jeans covering his body, while Abomination has nothing and dangles.

Itlake was very afraid that Ms. Octopus would say some weird words like "cute", so he quickly grabbed her arm:

At this moment, there was an explosion not far away. It was the place where the plane crashed. In the freezer containing the sandman, liquid nitrogen expanded and exploded when heated!

In the pervasive cold white mist, clusters of sand slowly gathered into a human shape. This shadow stretched its neck and walked in the direction of Itlake and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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