Chapter 33 Boerzigit's
Mrs. Boerzijite received the news early today that Li Wenye would be back.But she didn't have the slightest intention to greet her, so she let Li Xiang'an and Aunt Lan greet her instead.

If it had been before, she must have been full of interest and had arranged a clean-up banquet the day before!Take care of the big and small affairs of the family, and never let the husband take care of himself.

Now Boerjijite has resentment and hatred in his heart, and he hates himself for not living up to expectations, and he is tied to Li Wenye with all his heart.

I can only wrong my son and daughter to suffer together.Out of filial piety, sons and daughters cannot say anything to their fathers.What's more, the two younger brothers in my family are also very old, and they have to take care of the house affairs for my sister.

Thinking of what her husband said to Mrs. Bo'erzigit before, my heart hurts even more.

Bo'erjijite couldn't figure it out, is being rich and famous really that important?The husband must let the daughter of that life be on an equal footing with his own daughter.

Mrs. Boerzigit doesn't think she is an extremely mean person, but she is also more difficult than her husband's attitude.Li Wenye tried every means to send Li Xiang'an into the palace, but is it easy for the royal family to do so?

Boerzigit couldn't help tearing up when he thought of his eldest daughter in the deep palace.The eldest daughter is alone in the deep palace, and it has been about two years since she saw her, and she doesn't know whether she is doing well or not.

At that time, her own daughter was still pregnant, but let her know about these dirty things in the mansion.According to her own daughter's temperament, even if she reported her safety, she must feel a little bit unjust in her heart.

Women's childbirth has always been through the gate of hell, and I can't be by my daughter's side.

The two sons will take the exam at the beginning of the year, and I thought about it myself, don't let the sons know about these things!The son's future is still more important, but it still makes the sons worry about it.

My husband Li Wenye only thought about the unknown glory and wealth, and never thought about the difficulties of his daughter and son!
This made Bo Erjijite couldn't help but feel sad.For the first time in his life, Borzigit wondered whether he was right or wrong in choosing to be a husband.

After all, the Boerjijite family can be regarded as the daughter of a famous family. Although she is a concubine, the Boerjijite family is also a Manchu and Mongolian surname. They all have the same last name.

At that time, Li Wenye was just a gongshi who had just been admitted.At that time, the mother-in-law of the Boerjijite family regarded the three of them as a thorn in the flesh.I'm afraid that the three of them will replace the position of the first sister and the elder brother in Ama's heart.

As a woman, the most important thing is the offspring, although the elder brother has been weak and sick since he was born in the mother's womb.

The Boerzigit family has always come down from the country on horseback.Even if they migrated to the branch in the capital, they still put riding and shooting as the top priority. The Boerzigit clan has always followed the path of military officers, and they also have some say in the army.

Di Erniang watched the three of them grow up day by day.But the elder brother's body became weaker day by day, and he was even more afraid that his ama would have the intention to raise his two younger brothers.

The two younger brothers are boys, and they have to learn riding and archery from their husband every day, and Di Erniang took advantage of the fact that there was no one at home to support her, and rubbed her aunt and herself hard.Poor my aunt's body promised to die!
At that time, she swore that she would rather be a poor man's wife than a noble man's concubine.That's why I chose Li Wenye, who hadn't passed the Jinshi exam at the time, but I didn't expect...

(End of this chapter)

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