The spring of the reborn female partner

Chapter 194 As long as the son is happy

Chapter 194 As long as the son is happy

Mengyao smiled, the Great God is really considerate, "Husband, you can do it as you see fit, as long as it is nutritious and good for the child."

Yitian knew that Mengyao might say that, now Mengyao is centered on the little bun, and everything she does is for the good of the little bun.

He was suddenly very fortunate that he had studied carefully what to eat during breastfeeding and how it was good for the baby.

Now that Little Roubao's body is full of Little Roubaozi, he thought that if he knew more about the good things about Little Roubaozi, there would be nothing wrong with it.

The two were talking, maybe it was loud, or maybe Little Roubaozi was hungry, so he woke up suddenly.

He blinked twice, and when he saw Mengyao, he suddenly laughed.

Little Roubao hugged Little Roubao lovingly, and kissed him on the cheek twice, Little Roubao seemed hungry.

His hands grabbed Xiaoroubao's chest directly, and his little mouth moved up, as if he wanted to suck milk.

Yi Tian looked at his nursing son and wife, his eyes subconsciously softened, thinking that Xiaoroubao was still hungry.

He touched his son's small face, kissed the woman's hair, and went out to prepare lunch with a smile. As a man, he couldn't let his wife and children go hungry!

The man moved very quickly, and in just half an hour, the three dishes and one soup were ready, and the little meat buns were already full by this time.

He grabbed Xiaoroubao's clothes, played alone, and entertained himself.

Knowing that his son is a little greedy cat, the man specially made some batter for him to eat.

Although the little meat bun was already full, he was excited again when he saw what he was eating. He looked like a snack.

Now that he can't speak, the little meat bun is whining, and Yi Tian is angry and funny.

Seeing his son's greedy appearance, it seems that he followed the little meat buns.

He remembered that he was very picky when he was young, and he would not eat ordinary food.

But when he looked at the little meat bun, his mouth watered when he saw the food. He obviously looked like a little meat bun. He suddenly felt that his son was also very cute, probably because he was born by his own little meat bun.

When it was time to eat, Mengyao was reluctant to put her son down, and Little Roubao wished she could be with her son 24 hours a day. This kind of thing made the master very dissatisfied. You must know that Little Roubao never clings to herself like this.

The woman just kept feeding the batter to her son, and she didn't remember to eat.

The man couldn't stand it anymore, this little woman is really, I don't know if I haven't eaten for most of the day?I don't know how to take care of myself at all.

In the end, he snatched the son from the woman's arms, threw the rice bowl and handed it to the woman, signaling her to eat quickly.

Leaving his mother's soft and fragrant embrace suddenly, the little meat bun was still a little unaccustomed, so he whimpered twice.

The man knew that his son was a foodie through and through.He directly stuffed the batter he just ate into his mouth.

The little meat bun immediately laughed happily, pursing his mouth, contented to eat.

Mengyao was still a little worried at first, and she didn't move her hand holding the bowl, so she gave the man an unhappy look.

Originally, I wanted to reach out and hug my son, but the man took a look and swallowed back what I wanted to say.

Now I see my son being patiently fed by the master, and my son cooperates and eats happily. When he is happy, his little hands are still puffing up.

The little feet were also kicking vigorously there, and Mengyao felt relieved, as long as her son was happy.

This is Mengyao's thinking, seeing the two father and son getting along happily, she also gradually showed a smile, picked up her rice bowl, and started to eat bit by bit.

Well, the master's cooking skills are getting better and better, and they are more delicious than her cooking. She found that the master is really a very powerful person.

Everything is decent, just cooking, maybe I didn't do it at the beginning.

It's not delicious, but it doesn't take long to make it very delicious.

She glanced at the son in the man's arms again. She hoped that when he grew up, he would be more like the god, as smart and handsome as the god, and capable of everything. very slow.

Mengyao ate a little fast. The man hadn't eaten yet. In order to let her eat better, he directly carried the child over.

He hasn't eaten much yet, she wants to finish eating quickly and let him eat too, he chokes a bit after eating, and hiccups just after taking two bites.

The man seemed to know what she was thinking, shook his head at her, and said softly, "I'm not hungry, you eat slowly, I just want to spend time with my son, don't eat so fast, and disturb our relationship .”

He understands Xiaoroubao's temperament, if he doesn't say something.

She must be eating mouthful after mouthful. It is very uncomfortable to eat so fast. Now that he has said this, his little meat bun should not keep stuffing things into his mouth.

Mengyao thinks about it too, her son is so cute, she can't even like her, and thinking about it, men also like him very much.

Don't think about it, it's for sure, otherwise, it's impossible for a man to do everything about his son himself.

Sometimes Mengyao is a little jealous of the way men get along with their sons, especially when she is in confinement.

The ground doesn't fall very much, and the son himself can't keep hugging and kissing, that is, he can have good contact with the son while breastfeeding.

Sometimes when I am having fun with my son, the man will still say that she doesn't pay attention to her body at all.

Take a good rest, don't you know that after giving birth to your baby, is your vitality seriously injured?
Mengyao pouted a little, and knew that the man was doing it for her own good, so she didn't say anything.

I had no choice but to put down my son silently, seeing the man having fun with his son, I was really envious, jealous, okay?

Mengyao admits that sometimes she is a little narrow-minded, men like sons, and she likes sons getting closer to men.

But if a man really doesn't like his son, she is probably the one who suffers the most!
Mengyao smiled, sometimes she really is a mixture of contradictions?

She looked at her two most important men and smiled. With the company of these two in the future, will her life get better and better, with infinite brilliance?

Children love to eat, but their appetites are limited after all. After two mouthfuls of batter, the little meat buns can't eat anymore.

His little head was tilted to the side, which meant that he was full, and Mengyao looked at her son with a sense of pride.

It is said that three-year-olds look old, seven-year-olds look old, and their babies. How can they be so promising in just a few months?
 I got off work a bit late today. I just finished coding one chapter. I owe my relatives three chapters. Shengsheng remembers it. I will make it up slowly when the time comes. There are two more changes today. I haven’t received a notice to work overtime tomorrow. , I hope I can rest, Shengsheng is still working hard to code, and strive to code out the remaining two updates today, or continue to ask for tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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