The spring of the reborn female partner

Chapter 219 Everyone is Living Hard

Chapter 219 Everyone is Living Hard
But soon Gu Xiaoxue denied her own idea. There is a saying that a good man is reliable, and a sow can climb a tree.

Especially the things promised by the man on the bed have been fulfilled several times, Gu Xiaoxue is not a fool.

And this time things must be cautious, cautious and cautious, no mistakes can be tolerated, she felt that she could not put her future on a stinky man, she frowned and thought of another way.

In City A, a city where every inch of land is expensive, everyone is working hard to live, and they dare not stop struggling every day.

If she stops, she may face the danger of starving to death. Tian Guihua has moved again, and the previous landlord wants to raise the price by 200 yuan a month.

Tian Guihua doesn't feel appropriate. She cleans for others, and it only costs 800 yuan a month. The house she lives in now costs [-] yuan.

If it is increased by two hundred, it will be one thousand, and it is estimated that it will be more than one thousand and three hundred after adding utility bills.

In this way, she decided to move.

Her husband is out to work on the construction site, not very stable, often in arrears of wages.

Where she is moving now, the monthly rent is 700 yuan.

If you add water and electricity, maybe 1000 yuan a month is enough. The only bad thing about this house is that it is outside the train road.

The sound insulation is very poor. When she was sleeping at night, she would be woken up many times by the sound of the train coming.

But thinking about the current situation, with a meager salary, she still decided to move here. After all, she is now in City A, and it would be great to survive!

This is what she thought, her man was still sleeping and snoring, thinking it was because he was too tired.

Thinking about going out to work with a man after getting married, it has been almost 30 years since I came to City A.

She is now 50 years old, and now it feels that time is not passing very slowly.

Tian Guihua has a son and a daughter. The son just got married last year, and the wife gave birth to a granddaughter.

The female number has been married for three or four years, and she still has no children, which has always been her heart disease.

With a granddaughter, the daughter-in-law wanted her to go back to look after the child, but Tian Guihua did not go back despite the pressure. Why?

Because her current work unit pays social security, she is now 50 years old, and she will be able to receive a pension in a few years.

She didn't want to give up halfway. If she really went home to take care of her children, the monthly social security expenses would definitely not be a small amount, and she simply couldn't afford it.

So even if she was complained by her daughter-in-law, she decided to work outside all the time, so that she could provide a better pension for herself.

In the past few years, what Tian Guihua thinks about the most is saving money, paying a down payment for her son's house in the county, and paying her son's mortgage every month.

The down payment was all the savings of her and the man for decades.

But she also found that many times children are like a bottomless pit, constantly asking for money. There is a saying that raises children to guard against old age.

But what Tian Guihua realized was that her son gnawed at the old man, because she didn't bring up children for her daughter-in-law, and her daughter-in-law kept talking behind her back, saying that she was patriarchal and made some ugly words.

She said that if she gave birth to a grandson, she might come back and see, saying that she is nothing like an old woman.

Tian Guihua felt uncomfortable and didn't dare to complain. The divorce rate is very high now, and her son is not a good earner. She is really afraid that her daughter-in-law has other thoughts.

And there are other reasons for her not going back to work outside. Everything needs money now, even if her granddaughter goes to school in the future, she will have to spend money. How much money she has left when she works outside with a man.

If you go home to farm, then to be honest, you may not even have enough basic expenses for a year.

And she also has to think about herself and the man. There is no insurance for a man to work on a construction site.

She has this social security now, and she doesn't expect her son to take care of her when she gets old. With this social security, she can at least live with a man.

There are many worries, Tian Guihua can't sleep well at night, many people are 53 or even 55 years old with amenorrhea, and she didn't have menstruation when she was 49 years old.

Moreover, she found that after her menstruation stopped, she aged very quickly, her temple hair became much grayer, and sometimes she lost her temper for no reason. She wondered if she had reached menopause.

She is really upset, her daughter is almost thirty, and she doesn't even have a child. She has seen many Chinese medicine doctors, and has taken many medicines, but nothing works.

Speaking of this matter, Tian Guihua felt even more uncomfortable. When her daughter was about 20 years old, she had a relationship and met someone who was not good.

Having a child with that man, the man didn't want to be responsible at all, and ran away in a hurry after knowing that his daughter was pregnant, and then her daughter had to go to the hospital for an abortion.

In the end, it might have been an injury to her body or some other reason. Later, she got married and had no children with her current husband. When she went to the hospital for an examination, they said that the miscarriage hurt her at the root, and that the chance of her getting pregnant was very small.

Thinking of this matter, Tian Guihua felt guilty and uncomfortable. She blamed her for only thinking about work and neglecting her daughter's discipline.

Let her be deceived by men at a young age. Girls are relatively fragile, and men talk sweetly.

It's tempting to fall, it's okay to meet a responsible man, but it's a lifetime thing to meet an irresponsible man who may hurt you.

If she had paid more attention to her daughter at that time.

Whether such a thing will happen, whether her daughter has her own baby now, and she has also become a grandmother, Tian Guihua has been thinking, but no one has given her an answer.

Tian Guihua is a woman, she naturally knows the importance of children to a woman, if her daughter has no children in this life, it will be a regret for her daughter for the rest of her life.

Moreover, her husband's family also complained quite a bit. Every time she saw her daughter, she always had a bitter face. Thinking that she was under a lot of pressure, Tian Guihua felt sad and worried silently.

But there was nothing she could do, she often suffered from insomnia in the dark night, and the man beside her was too tired to notice that his woman hadn't closed her eyes all night.

The environment where she lives now is so noisy, and the roar of trains can be heard outside, Tian Guihua can't sleep anymore, she thinks today is another sleepless night.

She once also thought that if her daughter really couldn't conceive, then she should have a child.

No matter what, having a child means having someone to rely on, but now the cost of holding a child is also very high. In many places, a child costs 1 yuan per catty.

No matter how young the child is, a child will cost more than 6 yuan, and where to find the money, and the daughter's husband's family is not a wealthy family.

When I think of these sweet osmanthus, I can't sleep even more.

 The third update, today is gone, and tomorrow will continue, and the owed update will be added slowly in the later stage of the update!
(End of this chapter)

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