I walk in the world of heaven

Chapter 173 Xiao Zhi's Experiment

Chapter 173 Xiao Zhi's Experiment

what's going on?
Annabelle fell heavily and hit the wall. The left part of her body was shattered a lot. Its head creaked and turned to look at the cross in Jiang Chuanhezi's hand: "Church cross? Impossible, how can humans move this cross……"

Jiang Chuanhezi had no intention of answering, she took a step forward and raised the cross high, ready to smash it down!
Suddenly, faint music sounded.

The girl's childish voice echoed through the house: "A crooked man, walked a crooked way. Take a crooked sixpence, step up the crooked steps, buy a crooked cat, the cat catches crooked rats. They live together in a crooked hut."

It was a hunchback, and he was turning a small music box in his hand, making a tinkling sound.

The child who sang was none other than Rowling and Ed's daughter, Judy, with empty eyes, standing barefoot at the corner of the stairs, stepping forward with her left foot...

The stairs were going down, she couldn't step on the ladder when she walked forward, her whole body leaned forward, Rowling screamed in fright, Ed also opened his eyes and wanted to rush over, but someone was faster, Xiao Zhi was like a bird Cat-like sprang out, jumped out forcefully, stretched out his hand to catch Judy who was in the air, kicked his foot on the wall, and landed firmly on the ground!
Nearly two meters high, with a child in his arms, his feet hurt and numb when he landed, Xiao Zhi endured the pain and took out the holy water and splashed it on Judy's face!The empty eyes immediately regained consciousness, and he asked in a panic, "Mom, where is Mom?"

Rowling rushed over and hugged Judy tightly: "I'm sorry dear, I'm sorry..."

Seeing that his daughter was fine, Ed's whole body was limp like a deflated ball, and he couldn't pull up any strength. Intense fright and instant relaxation can easily take away a person's strength.

The hunchback showed a sinister smile, and he pointed at Xiao Zhi with his finger.

Xiao Zhi said indifferently: "Do you want to chop off this finger to make amends?"

The hunchback's face froze, he turned to Annabel and picked it up, how could Jiang Chuanhezi watch helplessly, the huge cross swung over on the spot, the strong wind swept, thick black smoke came out of the hunchback's body, and he raised his hand quite Blocking this blow, he didn't expect the cross to smash his hand into his chest...

There was a strange wailing sound, and the hunchback suddenly walked very fast, holding the Annabelle doll in his hand, and his figure flashed to the window, making a jumping posture, and then disappeared in a flash, just like teleporting.Annabelle's voice sounded from the house: "Damn Warrens, and damn Asian women and men, I'll make you pay, soon, soon."

Xiao Zhi rushed to the window to look out, but he could still see traces of the hunchback and Annabelle.

Damn, the hunchback was actually released...

The hunchback is not well-known among ghosts, only the strange ballad is recorded in the book.

It is said that anyone who hears the song will be killed...

The Warrens looked a little downcast.

The ghost showroom has always been a thorn in their hearts.

Sealing things like this is the worst way to exorcise demons. They are placed around like a ticking time bomb, and no one knows when the bomb will explode suddenly.Because only things that cannot be killed temporarily will be sealed.Rowling hugged her daughter Judy and looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, you are the youngest exorcist I have ever seen, and you are also the most skilled exorcist. thing……"

There are hundreds of things in the supernatural showroom.

Xiao Zhi also wanted to practice his skills. If he didn't have enough experience, he would suffer even more in the days to come.

Anyway, the things in the showroom were all in a sealed state, so he asked the Warrens to take out the supernatural objects that they thought were the simplest and least threatening and began to destroy them.The first method of destruction is the burning of holy fire. It is very simple. Get a brazier, sprinkle blessed sea salt in it, and then throw the supernatural objects into it and burn it. When the salt particles are burned by the flame, they will make a crackling sound, and the flame has The power to devour evil...

Things are going well.

The method of engulfing the holy fire is Xiao Zhi's combination of the exorcism experience of Father John and the exorcism method of the Wen family Shuangsha in the TV series "Evil Force".The two protagonists in the TV series, they hate the sky and the air, they have killed evil spirits, vampires, demons and even angels. This is also the reason for the name Wen Jia Shuangsha...

Before Xiao Zhi got the hourglass, he had watched the TV series "Supernatural Power". The first few seasons were reasonable, but in the later seasons it blossomed everywhere. Jia Shuangsha's exorcism techniques became more and more fancy, and Xiao Zhi, a boring person, remembered a lot of them somehow.

This holy fire is benefited from it.

With the exorcism experience of Father John, Xiao Zhi has always planned to try the exorcism method conceived in his mind, but although there are many ghosts in this world, it is impossible to catch them at will. A large number of psychic objects that were sealed and could not fight back or cursed at them allowed him to verify the feasibility of many methods, and of course there were many unfeasible ones...

For the next few days, Xiao Zhi stayed directly at the Warrens' house.

Except for eating and sleeping, he basically hid in the room on the second floor to research ways to eliminate evil spirits.From time to time, the Warrens could hear the howling of ghosts and wolves coming from Xiao Zhi's room on the second floor.At the beginning of the experiment, it was not a perfect test, and a few mobs escaped, but they were quickly blocked by the salt ring...

The TV series "Evil Power" has all kinds of magic circles used to restrict evil spirits or demons, but Xiao Zhi does not have a super memory ability, and Ting Potian only remembers a magic circle that traps demons and evil spirits , the formation is simple, but the effect is also simple, immediate effect, but can't trap the target for a long time.

The number of ghosts in the ghost showroom gradually decreased during Xiao Zhi's brutal experiments, and every time Xiao Zhi walked into the showroom to take something away, other objects would scream.Some even forcefully broke through the seal and escaped with super strong will to survive, not hesitating to damage their roots...

It's a pity to prevent monsters from releasing monsters.

Xiao Zhi used salt to paint magic circles of all sizes in the supernatural showroom. As long as something came out, he would be able to sense it immediately, and then come over to see which unlucky guy is brave enough to be the next test product... …

Ghosts are certainly scary, but at this moment in the ghost showroom, Xiao Zhi is the most terrifying existence.

Special monsters need to be eliminated in a special way. Hundreds of supernatural objects, in the two or three time that Xiao Zhi lived, there are only a dozen or so left. They are not very powerful, but they exist in a special way. Xiao Zhi hasn't found the corresponding elimination method yet...

Xiao Zhi didn't want to wait any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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