I walk in the world of heaven

Chapter 285 Who Is The First Lucky Person

Chapter 285 Who Is The First Lucky Person

He took out a smart phone from his pocket, yes, the color screen one, and it was Nokia Symbian system. In order to match the background of the times, he replaced his latest mobile phone...

It’s really considerate, after all, as an exorcist’s mobile phone, it’s not enough to be too fancy and consume electricity.

Just sitting there for a while, a policeman in uniform came over, Xiao Zhi stared at him blankly, here he can't do anything that may cause misunderstanding, otherwise the other party will be at any time because of ( feel the danger from you) and shoot you to death, although there is protection from the silent elves, it is still undeniable to reduce unnecessary troubles.

This is a blond-haired, blue-eyed, white police officer with a slightly bloated figure. He walked over slowly and asked, "What's your name, take out your ID documents, I mean the passports, because you look like a stowaway."

Xiao Zhi whispered in his heart, but there was still a panic expression on his face: "Officer, my documents are all in the luggage bag, you should take it or I will take it, if I take it, you can't shoot me, I heard that people here Everyone has a gun..."

The white police officer laughed immediately, he was almost sure that Xiao Zhi was a harmless person.

Because when ordinary people come to this country, the most fearful thing is to go out and be shot, but in fact, things will happen, but they also need to be divided into regions. At least in the area he is in charge of, such things are rare.

Pressing his right hand on the butt of the gun at his waist, he watched Xiao Zhi carefully take out his ID card like a frightened quail. The white man took it over with a sigh of relief and checked it carefully. He looked at the passport and ID card carefully, with a natural smile on his face. Many: "So I came here for tourism, but why are you alone? People from your country usually travel in groups, and it is easy for a single person to be misunderstood."

Xiao Zhi smiled awkwardly: "I'm a freelance traveler, and my purpose is to visit big cities in various countries around the world. Whenever I go to a new country, I usually count where I go. I just arrived here. I don’t have enough money on me. Because of the time difference, I didn’t have the nerve to bother me, so I stayed on the bench in this park all night..."

The white policeman looked at Xiao Zhi sympathetically: "Okay, poor traveler, without a strong financial backing, it is very difficult to travel around the world. Now, on behalf of the local people, I welcome you to Mississippi, Corley There are many affordable hotels here, don’t freeze your body because of the money..."

Holding a piece of paper written by a white police officer with more than a dozen addresses and phone numbers in his hand, Xiao Zhi watched him go. Now he really wanted to find a hotel to stay, and it was too conspicuous to walk around with luggage.

After finding the hotel, Xiao stayed there for a few days. After getting a feel for the surrounding environment, he began to work hard to establish a good relationship with the people in the town.

After the relationship was almost established, he first went to use a little money to quickly take the driver's license test. It is now 2005, and a lot of things can be done with money in such an inconspicuous small town.After he got his driver's license, he immediately went to the nearest car dealership to buy a black super-high chassis off-road vehicle. Although this type of vehicle consumes fuel, it can overcome most complicated road conditions...

As long as there is a gas station, Xiao Zhi will not worry about not being able to refuel.

Drive back to the hotel in a brand new car.

When Xiao Zhi was eating a sandwich in the restaurant next door, he heard an unusual conversation. It was a few farmers chatting. They said that three children had disappeared in the past few days, and now they dare not let the children go out alone, for fear of I won't be able to come back when, but I have to go to study...

This is in the world of evil forces. In the middle and late stages, there are as many angels as dogs, and demons are everywhere. In the early stages, various monsters keep popping up one after another.Xiao Zhi can basically confirm that there are monsters and other things that are attacking the children through the chat content of just a few words...

It looks like this is my first single task.

The strongest exorcist's first monster in this world, I don't know who has such an honor!
Xiao Zhi directly picked up the bowl and walked over to sit among several farmers.

He raised his hand to the waiter and said, "Give each of these gentlemen a glass of whiskey, and it will be charged to my account!" As long as there is wine, even a few people you don't know can chat quickly.The farmers were not polite either. They drank free drinks and looked at Xiao Zhi: "Young man, are you interested in what we're talking about?"

Xiao Zhi smiled: "To tell you the truth, apart from my favorite travelling, I also don't see any bad things happen. I have seen too many unfair things during my travels in the past few years, such as roadblocking, robbery, and fairy dancing. When things like this happen, I will stand up to help the victims get justice! And among the bad things, what I hate the most is those related to children. Children are the hope of the future. Villains who set their minds on children must not forgive!!!"

What he said was loud and upright!

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause in the restaurant.

A bald-headed farmer interrupted him: "But what happened recently is so wrong that even the police officers have no clue. How can the investigative ability of ordinary people compare to that of experts?"

Xiao Zhi raised the big wine glass: "It's not a matter of ability or size, it's mainly about attitude! As long as each of us can take the initiative to stand up and contribute to the fight against crime, no matter how small it is, it can start a prairie fire. Let the villains have nowhere to hide, and even at night, women and children can walk on the road with peace of mind..."

This sounds good to say, but it is easier said than done, let alone women and children, even men dare not go to slightly remote places after dark, because under the cover of night, those places are the territory of hooligans.Foreigners are foreigners who say one thing after another, full of nonsense.

Although the farmers were not optimistic about Xiao Zhi, they still told him the family locations of the missing children. Although I just met this young man today, everyone in the town knew of his existence a few days ago. A free traveler with money, he is enthusiastic and cheerful, as long as he sees a place that needs help, he will help for free.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Zhi left the restaurant and came to the door of a house on the east side of the town. He knocked lightly on the door: "Hello, is anyone home?"

The door panel creaked open, and there was a woman in a white dress, in her thirties, with brown hair, and her eyes were red, obviously she had just cried.She knew that Xiao Zhi was a traveler, but she was a little surprised when she came to visit suddenly: "Sorry, I'm not in a good condition, what's the matter?"

Xiao Zhi sighed and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you suddenly, but I'm here to help you find your child..."

(End of this chapter)

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