I walk in the world of heaven

Chapter 371 The Age of the 80s

Chapter 371 The Age of the 80s

In the movie, Constantine’s lung cancer was not for no reason, it was purely caused by 15 cigarettes a day when he was 30 years old. It can be said that there must be a cause and an effect... Your retribution is... Bah!Xiao Zhi hastily slapped himself. Just to understand the anchor industry, he watched a few more popular short videos, and there were shadows shaking in his mind every day...

No, no, the magic video is really scary, I guess the demons will call daddy after watching it...

In short, Constantine, who was born in 1953, looks almost 30 years old in the movie, which means that the time in this world is almost around 1983, no wonder there is such a strong atmosphere of the times.

Standing on the side of the road, watching the vehicles coming and going, as well as passers-by in fashionable clothes.

Xiao Zhi sighed, no wonder so many people in the flower-growing country of this era always come here. It is the advanced technology and atmosphere here that make them feel that there are opportunities here full of gold, and the money they earn is quite valuable...

Alas, there are too many people who want to leave the country even by smuggling, there are too many people who come and go. Although the United States looks bright and beautiful, after the night falls, there is a bloody smell everywhere in the darkness of the city, and the neon lights can't dispel it. The beast that lurks within.

The space is distorted, the piece of paper dangles and falls from the mouth, and the task is coming.

Xiao Zhi reached out to catch the piece of paper, and frowned. The content: "Task 1. Capture the Spear of Destiny. Task 2. (Need to be approved by Satan or God, just verbal.) Become the strongest exorcist and the task is completed."


There are actually two tasks, which is really troublesome.

The Spear of Destiny, at the beginning of the film, was in an underground cavity in the ruins of Mexico. When two scavengers were picking up trash, one of them accidentally stepped on the wooden board above the cavity and found it. At the same time, it had special abilities. .Spear of Destiny is a key item...

There is a big conspiracy in the movie where angels and demons cooperate.

That is, the angel Gabriel thinks that God is too merciful to human beings, regardless of murder and arson, as long as one admits a mistake and repents, one can be forgiven. Gabriel believes that human beings need to be severely punished before being considered whether they should be forgiven.

But because he didn't get God's approval, Gabriel simply colluded with the son of Satan secretly, intending to purify the world and establish his own kingdom.But it is not easy for the son of Satan to come to the world, so he needs Gabriel to find the Spear of Destiny and a special human being as a medium to break through with the spear to come to the world...

What is the agreement between God and Satan? Their agreement is not to directly intervene in the human world, but to let human beings develop. Human beings decide whether they will go to hell or heaven in the end.

Heaven, earth, and hell are three worlds. As time goes by, the barriers of the world become thinner and thinner, and more and more angels and demons come to the world to act wildly. At this time, various exorcisms appeared in human beings. People come to exorcise demons, and some bold people even make a living selling exorcism props...

The piece of paper in his hand dissipated, and Xiao Zhi rubbed his forehead vigorously. In the TV series "Evil Force", he also gave himself a task of becoming the strongest exorcist.Because a traverser broke into that world, the mission was interrupted. Now the world of "Hell Detective" is a place higher than the evil power, and he still has to continue the mission of the strongest exorcist.

Is it necessary to be so persistent?

Looking around, he found that there was a suitcase beside his feet. He squatted down and opened it. There were brand-new clothes in it, and a small black bag, which contained complete documents and materials, and a letter of recommendation.According to the contents of the letter, Xiao Zhi finally understood what his identity was...

He is a promising young man from a flower-growing country in Asia.

Because of the introduction of his father's friend in Los Angeles, the United States, he came all the way here to find a job for his father's friend.Looking for a job to find a foreign country?
No way, in the 80s, going abroad was a glorious thing, because the transportation also required a lot of money. "Returnees" are two glittering words, you choose your job, not your job...

Those who go abroad at this time, except for smuggling, are basically people with some background. Ordinary people can just watch black and white TV and dream. If you want to go abroad, the most important thing is to go out and wash your face to wake up.

Xiao Zhi looked at the address on the letter, sighed softly, and reached out to hail a taxi.The taxi driver was a black man. He looked up and down at Xiao Zhi, who was carrying a large luggage, and asked in a rap tone: "Hey, Asia...cough cough, brother, where are you going? I am the driver who is most familiar with the road conditions here. Guarantee Arrive soonest."

Xiao Zhi opened the back door and sat in, looked at the address on the letter, and said the destination in proficient and standard English.

The black man was stunned: "Brother, you have been here for a long time, you are very proficient in the language, how do you carry the luggage, will you be fired by the boss?"

Talking a lot, Xiao Zhi leaned on the car window and looked at the passers-by outside: "Go ahead, you won't lose the tip..."

There are three words for tip, the driver's eyes lit up, he made an ok gesture, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car drove out slowly. As the car passed through the streets, his attention was [-]% on the road and [-]% on the road. Looking at Xiao Zhi in the rear seat in the rearview mirror.

Seeing that he seemed to be resting with his eyes closed, the driver gently turned the steering wheel with both hands, turned the front of the car, and drove towards a remote street. After a while, the car entered a dilapidated yard, and the brakes let him The car body paused, Xiao Zhi was indeed closing his eyes, and his head was directly on the front seat...

He saw that something was wrong with the place: "Friend, what is this place?"

The driver turned off the engine and opened the car door and said with a smile, "This is a good place. I am very hospitable. I would like to introduce some friends to you to get to know each other well." He raised his head and said loudly, "Brothers, come out, there is life!"

There was a bang bang bang sound from the broken house, and soon came out a few black men with disheveled clothes and various tattoos on their skin. They walked slowly with steel rods in their hands. After seeing the people sitting in the car , suddenly laughed: "That's right, he's actually an Asian guy, he looks like he's rich, that's great, I have money to spend tonight..."

Xiao Zhi pushed the car door and walked out: "It turns out that you guys want money. It's easy to talk about it. I will give you how much money you want. There is only one small request, and that is to ask the driver to take me to the destination. It doesn't do any harm to you, does it?"

Several black people present almost burst out laughing: "Interesting, where did such a cute lunatic come from to say such a thing? Could it be that he traveled abroad and thought he had come to a fairy tale world?"

 Thank him for knowing where the wind came from for the reward of 10000 coins!
  感谢书友20190506160604880、七月的风八月的鱼、书友20180826224040731、书友20180406124347549、柳尊、书友20190323211116506、luoke000、魔皇、玄天灵宝库管员,起点读书 iOS、幸运e枪兵、淡看烟尘、不眷不恋不念不愿、切克闹的打赏!
(End of this chapter)

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