I walk in the world of heaven

Chapter 470 Kotomine Kirei

Chapter 470 Kotomine Kirei

Medea pondered: "According to what you said, isn't this Holy Grail War meaningless? Even if there is a winner and the Holy Grail descends, the wish will only become malicious..."

Zongichiro Ge Mu said solemnly: "Magicians, if only a very few people like Mr. Xiao Zhi know the truth about the Holy Grail, I'm afraid the battle will have to continue... It's very simple, only desire can explain it!

Masters who yearn for the power of the Holy Grail to fulfill their wishes have a desire buried in their hearts that cannot be easily realized by themselves, so they will join this mutual killing war. The truth, I'm afraid that quite a few still want to try the Holy Grail ability of pollution...

And those masters who gave up chasing the Holy Grail, after losing their qualifications, I think there will be new magicians to add them, then... the Holy Grail must absorb the souls of six defeated heroes as magic power, it does not matter whether the new masters know the truth , the crisis that comes to them will force them to revolt..."

Medea touched her chin and said, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, I remember you said just now that besides Matou Sakura, the false Holy Grail created by Matou Zouyan, there is another man-made man in the Einzbern family. Holy Grail, what's the difference between the two?"

"the difference?"

Xiao Zhi looked at the empty glass: "The difference is very simple. This artificial human from the Einzbern family can be said to be a product of the Holy Grail. It is just a walking Holy Grail. It looks like a human being, but The internal structure is completely different. Even if she absorbs the defeated heroic spirits, she can still maintain her sanity until a real victor emerges before turning into the Holy Grail.

This is the holy grail of orthodoxy.

And Matou Sakura is just a test product of Matou Zouken. A piece of the Holy Grail is implanted in the heart and subjected to various tortures. In this way, I don’t think Matou Zouken has the extravagant hope of making a real Holy Grail. It was just an experiment, trying to use the power of the Holy Grail fragments to create a weapon exclusive to the Matou family.

It's a pity that Matou Sakura is a real human being, and she can't withstand the huge magic power of the defeated heroic spirit like the Einzbern family, the artificial man who was born to exist for the Holy Grail!As long as she absorbs more magic power, her body will have less functions as a human being, her will will be distorted and collapsed, and she will be completely controlled by the malice flowing out of the Holy Grail fragments, thus becoming a walking Black Holy Grail!
It's too late though, as we've seen tonight, Matou Sakura has almost started to break down.Thinking of the large number of people who disappeared at night in Fuyuki City in recent days, plus the "Hassan the Hidden" and "Kojiro Sasaki the False Hidden", the magic power is already quite huge.The Holy Grail fragment in her body wants to further evolve, and the remaining heroic spirits will be one of the goals..."

When he said this, Xiao Zhi thought to himself that there was nothing wrong with the Holy Grail itself, but it was polluted by the "Avenger" Angola Mainu from beginning to end. Now it is this evil that is using the power of the Holy Grail to control Sakura Matou.

Its purpose, probably, is to activate the third magic after gathering the magic power of a large number of heroic souls, and to be born in this world in the form of materialized souls...

Ge Mu Zongichiro said: "Since both of them are containers of the Lesser Holy Grail, when we defeat other heroic spirits, how can we judge whether their souls are absorbed by the orthodox artificial Holy Grail of the Einzbern family, or by the black man of the Matou family? Holy Grail absorption?"

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly and said: "It's simple, Matou Sakura's Black Holy Grail will personally devour the heroic spirits in the form of black mud and shadows, while the Einzbern family's Holy Grail is to passively absorb the souls of those defeated heroic spirits. You can understand that the former is going to the supermarket to buy in person, while the latter is sitting at home and waiting for the courier to deliver."

I have to say, these words tonight made Medea and Soichiro Gemu feel bad.

Ge Mu Zongichiro had no expression on his face, but his heart was still fluctuating. He subconsciously glanced at Medea's half face hidden under the hood: "No matter what, we have to fight, even if there is no result..."

The two masters and heroic spirits in front of me are no longer normal masters and heroic spirits. The master Katsuki Soichiro is not a magician, and he does not provide magic power supply, nor does he have command spells, and the relationship is only maintained by contracts.As a heroic spirit of a servant, Medea does not obtain magic power from Soichiro Kuzuki, but uses the venue of Ryudoji Temple to set up an enchantment, and obtains it from the people of Fuyuki City.

The relationship between the two of them looks like a partner, but the relationship has already surpassed the partner, such as the 404 contract signing method...

Xiao Zhi stretched his waist, and his bones crackled: "Our agreement has not changed, this battle is still going to be fought, I have no desire for the Holy Grail to come true, I just want to simply end this boring farce...

Matou Sakura can't stay, and the other heroic spirits can't stay either, you don't have to worry that I will kill you at the last moment, it's not just because I'm honest, because it's even more unnecessary..."

Medea and Soichiro Katsuki: "..."

Medea has gone through the times of the age of gods, and Soichiro Katsuki has seen the times of the modern world. Honesty is not as fragile as a piece of ordinary paper.

After leaving Liudong Temple, Xiao Zhi returned to Fuyuki City Hotel.

Medusa has been waiting for a long time, and her expression was a bit sad: "Sakura, there is really no other way?"

Xiao Zhi took off his coat, hung it on the hanger casually, and lay lazily on the bed covered with a quilt: "You know her situation better than I do, the things in the Holy Grail try to flow out through her body, the difficulty of saving big..."

Medusa didn't speak anymore, she sat obliquely on the bay window sill, "looking" at the distant dawn scenery in a daze, the faint light passed through the glass, and reflected her body as a blurred silhouette on the ground.

It's just a matter of simply fighting each other to the end. Too complicated emotions will bring too much burden. The more entangled and struggled, the more it will wrap around the body like silk threads...

Xiao Zhi glanced at her, closed his eyes, he needed a little rest.

Fuyuki City, small church, nave.

Tohsaka Rin stood there alone looking at the huge cross in a daze. After a while, a middle-aged man in a priest's outfit came out from the side door: "I told you to wait, Matou Sakura's treatment is more troublesome, it needs Take a little time."

The hair on the back of the middle-aged man's neck is slightly longer, his voice is thick and there is a hint of magnetism, his face is very masculine, and his smiling expression is covered with a layer of softness...

His name is Kotomine Kirei.

On behalf of the church, as the supervisor of the Fifth Holy Grail War...

Tohsaka Rin said: "Sakura, can her condition be completely treated?"

Kotomine Kirei said lightly: "Yes, but it is difficult to achieve that level with human power. The engraving worms were planted in her body. This kind of worms is equivalent to a living magic circuit. They are located in various parts of Matou Sakura's body, and they are always there. Absorbing the magic power, almost fused together, forcibly taking it out will only increase Matou Sakura's pain, and end her life early..."

Tohsaka Rin said: "So, if you want to prevent her from going crazy next time, you can only eliminate her."

Kotomine Kirei: "Is this really the case, even if she is your own sister?"

Rin Tohsaka said: "As the person in charge of Fuyuki City, the Tohsaka family must do this to those who break in outside the rules." This feeling is for Matou Sakura or Emiya Shiro!

Emiya Shiro also came out from the side door suddenly. He just watched Matou Sakura fall asleep before leaving at ease. Just when he heard Tohsaka Rin's words, his pupils trembled a little: "No, Sakura is a good girl, there must be a way!" Matou Sakura standing under the street lamp covered in blood appeared in his mind, subconsciously said: "The Holy Grail is fine, the Holy Grail is an omnipotent wishing machine, if you have it, you can save Sakura..."

(End of this chapter)

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