I walk in the world of heaven

Chapter 52 Intense Funeral

Chapter 52 Intense Funeral

Xiao Zhi, who was standing behind the door, waited until Tongfu Tatsumi left for a long time before putting away the pistol and wooden spikes. These vampires and werewolves should have many abilities that were not shown in the anime.

For example, in the temple wing, Kirifu Sako’s voice was very seductive, making people feel involuntary to obey, but fortunately, Xiao Zhi knew that she was a vampire, and he had strong vigilance in his heart, so he held on. Consciousness is unshakable...

Two days later, funerals began again in the village.

And it was the funeral of three people, named Yoshiichi Anmori, Dazuo Kangxin and Takashi Shimizu.

The villagers began to panic, thinking that there was a deadly infectious disease similar to the plague spreading from person to person, and there were fewer people going out...

Xiao Zhi went to the lumber company to get a custom-made wooden weapon, packed everything and fixed it on the back seat of the electric car, Ansen Qiankang handed him the statue wrapped in white cloth: "Xiao Zhijun, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva located in four places in the village It was vandalized a few days ago, I used the remaining wood to carve a new Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for you, I hope it can bring you well-being..."

Holding Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in his hand, Xiao Zhi remembered!
At the beginning of the story, Kensho had just built the small castle, and Kirishiki Sako's family hadn't moved in yet.
The statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the village was inexplicably poisoned and smashed into pieces. Two days later, Tongfu Sazi and others moved to Kanzheng in the middle of the night...

It's like opening a new door in my head!
Kirishiki Sako’s bewitching voice, vampires can give hints by biting people, uninvited vampires cannot enter the house...

In this world, the power of gods exists!

There is a reason why vampires cannot enter a house without the consent of the owner. In Japan, it is also believed that every house is protected by patron saints who will prevent all evil from entering the house.But if the host accepts evil, the Patronus cannot stop the evil that is invited...

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is often seen everywhere in Japan.It is somewhat similar to the role of the Land Lord, protecting the peace of one party. If their statues have the power to stop vampires, then the ones who come to destroy them in advance must be hired humans.Putting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the back seat, Xiao Zhigang wanted to thank him, but found that Ansen Qiankang looked a little downcast, and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Ansen, what's wrong?"

An Sen Qiankang sighed and said: "Nao has been haggard for the past two days, it seems that he has contracted a fever, and he is in a daze."

Nao was also bitten, Xiao Zhi's heart skipped a beat.

He looked at Ansen Qiankang, he was a nice man, and sighed: "Send Nao to find Dean Ozaki Toshio every day, he is studying the fight against recent infectious diseases, I believe that as long as you cooperate, he will definitely I will work hard to heal Mrs. Nao..."

In the anime, Mrs. Nao went to Ozaki Toshio to watch it, but she only watched it once. Later, when her mood deteriorated to the extreme, she went for the second time. It was too late...

I hope he can heed his advice.

As he got more and more in contact with the villagers, he couldn't bear it.


If it's not a mission...

An Sen Qiankang, please work harder...

On the way home, the phone rang, it was a strange call.

When Xiao Zhi picked it up, the other party directly reported the name of his cheap father, it was a helper.

Inform the other party of their address.

A black car drove in from the entrance of the village and stopped at the door of Xiao Zhi's house.

The car door opened and five burly men in black suits walked out. They exuded strong blood, and it seemed that at least a few lives had been stained in their hands.Xiao Zhi recalled the introduction in the information, that the cheap father's group is actually a society, and it is legal to be a black society in Japan...

Simply put, it is an alternative continuation of the Bushido spirit.

But this is not what Xiao Zhi wants to care about. He looked at these men: "I need to do a test. You take off your sunglasses, take off your hat, and expose yourself to the sun for 5 minutes. I think this should not be a problem for you !"

Without saying a word, the five bodyguards stood in the sun for 5 minutes.

Xiao Zhi nodded in satisfaction, and then threw a stone into the house in front of them: "I need to find what I lost just now... You must find it together!" Of course the five bodyguards saw it, although Puzzled, but still strode into the house to take out the stone.

Sunshine can rule out the fact that they are vampires, picking up stones is not blocked by the power of the house, and it can also rule out the possibility of being a werewolf.

Several people entered the house.

Xiao Zhi sat on the sofa and said lightly: "I have two requests that sound a bit strange. First, this house has never invited you in, and you are not qualified to invite anyone. This must be kept in mind! Second , the order I gave, as long as it is executed! Well that’s it, now you guys introduce yourself..."

The names of the five bodyguards are very simple. They are actually five brothers. They are Ichiro Erlang Sanlang Shiro Goro. They are easy to remember. They joined Xiao Zhibai's father's club when they were in high school. After years of hard work, they were very appreciated by Xiaozhi's father. , currently serving as an important ministerial position in each branch of the association...

This time I heard that there was a very important mission, so the five of them were sent here.

Xiao Zhi looked at the five of them: "It's not time to talk about what is important, but there is a question I need you to answer!" There was a hint of chill in his voice: "When one of your five brothers turns out to be a traitor, What will you do?"

The five bodyguards looked at each other, and the boss said firmly: "We have sworn to be loyal to the president, everything today is given by the president, even if we are told to die, we will never hesitate!"

Xiao Zhi clapped his palms vigorously, pointed at the door, "Very well, the way to identify a traitor is very simple, when you suddenly find someone who is unable to cross the threshold of this house while the door is open, shoot him immediately , and then use a wooden awl to pierce his heart, shoot him, the wooden awl, these two points are indispensable, remember!"

The five of them acted cleverly together. They had known the viciousness of the president earlier, but they didn't expect his son to be even more terrifying!
What hatred, what resentment, but...

It's just a small threshold, how can a normal person not be able to cross it, even a child can do it...


Day and night cycle.

An Sen Qiankang didn't listen to Xiao Zhi's advice, and his wife still died.

Not only that, he himself, and his youngest son were all recruited, and they were doomed, and died after carrying it for a few days.

Their deaths seemed to blow the charge, and then Toru Muto, the son of the office director of Ozaki Hospital, also died at home, and his symptoms were the same as those of the other dead...

That Muto Toru is a big boy with a good personality in the plot.Even Masao Muraki, who has a shoehorn-shaped face and an extremely bad personality, who looks three parts like a human and seven parts like a monster, can get along with him...

With so many deaths, Toshio Ozaki should almost think about that.

Xiao Zhi knew, thought about it, and took the bodyguards to Ozaki Hospital to look for Toshio Ozaki.I saw Toshio Ozaki taking care of a demented old lady at the moment, Mrs. Nao's mother-in-law... She was also tricked.

 Thank you for helping the Guo family point out typos in this chapter, thank you everyone, the next chapters also need your help, hehe
  Thank you for the 1000 coins from Jiman and the 100 coins from Yuan Ke who is too lazy to name today.

(End of this chapter)

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