The strongest city king in history

Chapter 163 Miklash's Ambition

Chapter 163 Miklash's Ambition

Hearing Zhang Baohua's words, Li Liyan couldn't help feeling that he had made a mistake.

Hang Yuanziqing came over by himself, but he didn't know that Hang Yuanzi was staying at Zhang Baohua's house.

The Zhang Baohua in front of him seems to regard himself as someone who is stalking people, and wants to use Hang Yuanzi's relationship to get in touch with Zhang Baohua, and finally get in touch with her husband's boss from the Provincial Party Committee, right?
Thinking of this, Li Liyan couldn't help but feel a little sick.

But considering Hang Yuanzi's feelings, he turned his head and said to Hang Yuanzi, "Yuanzi, I have something to do today, so you can come to me some other day."

After all, he left the back garden without looking back, and went out.

Zhang Baohua couldn't help being furious when he saw that Li Liyan was so arrogant and shameless.

I was so angry that I didn't know what to say, "You! You!"

No matter how stupid Hang Yuanzi was, he could see that something was wrong, and immediately chased him out.

"Master!" Li Liyan was walking on the road and stopped when he heard Hang Yuanzi's voice.

Hang Yuanzi ran to him out of breath, clutching Li Liyan's sleeve with his tired hand.

"Master, you run too fast."

Take a breath.

Hang Yuanzi looked at Li Liyan embarrassedly, "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't know things would turn out like this."

Li Liyan looked at Hang Yuanzi, the unhappiness in his heart subsided a little, and he couldn't help but patted Hang Yuanzi's head, "It's okay, it's not your fault, and it's not your aunt's fault. Let's teach it another day, next time you come Our house, our house is also very quiet."

When Li Liyan patted his head, Hang Yuanzi couldn't help being a little dazed. No man had ever patted himself like a pet.

Can't help but feel weird.


"Yuanzi, go back quickly. Your aunt must be worried about you. Master will look for you next week. I will never lie to you."

"Really? Master!" Hang Yuanzi's eyes were full of excitement again.

"Of course." Li Liyan stretched out the palm of his right hand, signaling to clap his hands as an alliance.

Hang Yuanzi jumped up and gave Li Liyan a high five.The worry on his face just now disappeared.

"Master, then I'll go first!" Hang Yuanzi bounced back and went back.

Looking at Hang Yuanzi, Li Liyan smiled and shook his head.

This apprentice, talking to her always makes people relax.

In South America, in the depths of the dense jungle, all kinds of vicious and poisonous beasts are everywhere.

The local aborigines never dared to enter.

There have been expedition teams that have gone out into the adventure, but, without exception, not a single one has returned.

A sickly young man was walking slowly in the jungle without any adventure gear.

Suddenly a poisonous snake spitting out its core, coiled on the branch next to it, staring at the young man passing by slowly.

"Chirp~" There was an inaudible voice.

The sickly young man showed a slight smile, barely turning his head, and grabbed the poisonous snake attacking from behind with one hand!

The speed is unbelievable.

Holding the poisonous snake with both hands, the sick young man opened his mouth, threw the poisonous snake into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it in his stomach.

Swallowed into the stomach, with a satisfied expression.

Stretching out his blood-red tongue to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth, this sickly young man's eyes flickered.

He whispered, "That old Ludwig, hehe, the Dark Council should have been extinct long ago. Right now, we need to find the flesh of the god that is still alive!"

The young man was obviously Miklash of the Dark Council. At that time, Ludwig sent him to China to find Li Liyan and kill Li Liyan.

Unexpectedly, he actually came here.

Find the legendary living gods!
Miklash took out an old parchment with bloodstains on it.

Miklash smelled the blood on the parchment like a lover's handkerchief.

Then he raised his head and looked in the direction.

Show a smile, the goal is ahead!

Miklash encountered more and more beasts along the way, including huge crocodiles and poisonous snakes as thick as buckets. The deeper they went, the bigger and more aggressive the beasts became.

Even, some grotesque beasts appeared!
Miklash did not have the slightest fear, but was even more excited.

However, the mutation of these animals must have been influenced by the blood of the gods!
Miklash went all out, displayed his innate peak skills, and ran all the way to the depths of the jungle!

I don't know how long it took.

Miklash's eyes finally brightened.

A large open space suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the middle of the open space, a huge Mayan pyramid building appeared out of thin air. The trapezoidal building has sharp edges and corners, showing a mathematical beauty.

The base of the pyramid is square, and the steps face due north, due south, due east and due west respectively.

Miklash observed carefully and found that there were 91 steps on each side of the pyramid.

It is said that the number of steps and stepped platforms represent the number of days and months of a year respectively; the 52 stone slabs carved with patterns symbolize that in the Mayan calendar, 52 years is a cycle year, and the positioning is clearly designed carefully.

But Miklash knew that this was not a Mayan pyramid at all.

It is proof that prehistoric humans studied divine blood!
Without any hesitation, Miklash rushed in through the small passage below the pyramid!

The space under the pyramid is huge!
It's like a city that has been covered in dust for a long time!
Quaint and atmospheric!

After tens of thousands of years of invasion, it still remains the same.

Miklash was even more ecstatic.

It turns out that all this is true!
It is said that this was the most prosperous place to study divine blood before the human catastrophe.

In the past, human beings were almost developed by using the blood of the gods, and everyone had inhuman strength!
Prehistoric humans even captured a god alive!
Through the study of gods, the culture and strength of prehistoric humans have developed to incredible heights!
However, one day, catastrophe suddenly appeared, and everyone went crazy.

All are killing each other.

In order to protect their own safety, the remaining humans also began to hunt and kill these crazy humans.

However, in the end, the entire prehistoric human race became extinct.

When the defectors of the Dark Church escaped from the Dark Church, they stole the classical documents hidden in the Dark Church.

But these classical documents were stolen by Miklash.

The parchment in his hand is a map pointing here.

"Hmph, the Holy Grail of Blood is just a funerary object made by prehistoric humans. It is not surprising that the emperor of a country of prehistoric humans died. In his underground tomb, he was buried with a cup of divine blood. Ridiculous, the dark church The group of people in the world have grown to such power with just this one funeral object! Now, I have found the birthplace of the blood of the gods, and the glory of prehistoric humans will definitely shine from my hand! Hahaha, when the time comes, I shall be king!"

Looking at the vast underground city in front of him, Miklash not only laughed out loud.

Just when Miklash was the size.

Deeper in the underground city, in the boundless darkness, a huge eye suddenly opened.

This eye is almost 2 meters in diameter!

Simply sensational!

(End of this chapter)

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