The Mysterious Bride of the Vampire Count

Chapter 10 is an idiot who doesn't run

Chapter 10 Those Who Don't Run Are Idiots ([-])

"Are you busy and confused? Today is Saturday, I don't have class." Ye Qinfeng actually came to take a look because he was worried about Li Muyang, and happened to run into Li Muyang.

"I don't read, it's normal not to know."

Li Muyang sneered, she doesn't like reading very much, and reading always costs money, she has no money, and her grades are not very good, so let's just leave more money for Ye Qinfeng to study, Ye Qinfeng's grades are very good, he The tuition fees are all paid by the orphanage, but now that Ye Qinfeng is working on his own, he no longer needs the orphanage to pay.

Ye Qinfeng is 22 years old this year, a third-year student, Li Muyang sometimes goes to his school to play when bored, and occasionally sits and reads in the big library of their school, although she doesn't like to sit in the classroom properly But she still prefers to read books and read some miscellaneous books.

By the way, should I borrow some books about vampires?Do vampires have natural enemies?What can subdue them?
"Qin Feng, please lend me some books about vampires after you go back to school."

"When did you become interested in this?" Ye Qinfeng was puzzled, but he had never heard Li Muyang mention this.

"I watched a movie about vampires recently, so I'm a little curious." She thought it was better not to tell Ye Qinfeng about this, otherwise Ye Yan might make fun of Ye Qinfeng that night, so she better not harm others .

As she grows up, the people in the orphanage treat her well, and the best for her is Ye Qinfeng, who always takes care of her like a big brother, so she can't let Ye Qinfeng get involved in this matter.

"Okay, I'll borrow it for you when I get back to school." Ye Qinfeng had no doubts, after all, no normal person would have thought that Li Muyang would meet a vampire, and the other party was the president of the well-known Black Flag Group.

Li Muyang ate the duck blood and drank the soup, he felt his blood was boiling and his whole body was smooth, as expected, spicy food was delicious.

"Drink some of this, you'll get angry later." Ye Qinfeng opened a can of herbal tea for her.

This meal made Li Muyang very happy, and the previous gloom was swept away. She rushed to wash the dishes, but was stopped by Ye Qinfeng, "You rest, I will wash, and I will go back to school first, Are you okay alone?"

"No problem, how could there be a problem, you have lived for so many years, don't worry." Li Muyang said indifferently, as long as that pervert Ye Yan doesn't come to her, she will have no problem.

She calculated the time, no matter what Ye Yan did, it would take a week to find her again, so she had to take advantage of this time to make good plans and hide in a place where no shit would happen and pretend to be dead.

Ye Qinfeng was very efficient and quickly sent several books to Li Muyang, all about vampires, and Li Muyang eagerly opened them to read.

"Call me if you have anything to do." Ye Qinfeng asked worriedly.

"Okay, got it."

He turned around and left Li Muyang's house, and sighed softly. In fact, he hoped that Li Muyang would tell him about it himself, but she didn't mention a word, and it's not easy for him to ask. Normally, she would tell him if she had something to do. Now she Don't say it, probably because you don't want to tell him.

Unexpectedly, Li Muyang married like this. He remembered that Li Muyang once said: She likes to bask in the sun and blow the wind, so Li Muyang and Ye Qinfeng will not be separated, and will always be together.

(End of this chapter)

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