My daughter-in-law is the sweetest in the world

Chapter 196 What He Picked Up Was His

Chapter 196 What He Picked Up Was His
Jiang Feiran came to school with a wound on his face, and instantly attracted the attention of the students.

"Did you accidentally fall or did you fight?" The classmate Tong emphasized, "It shouldn't be a fight, right? I haven't seen anyone who can beat you like this."

Jiang Feiran was too lazy to talk to him.

He is now glad that Chen Xin gave him the unexplainable "miracle medicine", which made him refreshed and more energetic than before. The joke is dead.

This is the benefit of picking up the snail girl.

Jiang Feiran domineeringly put a label on Chen Xin: He picked it up, his!

He was tired of reading idle books that day, so he decided to go out for a walk and do some activities. He happened to pass by the Zhang family, and saw the brothers of the Chen family being beaten by the brothers of the Zhang family. The two brothers left, and then he picked up Chen Xin and made a 60-year contract with her.

This is God's reward for his good deeds!
Jiang Feiran turned his head to look at Chen Xin, thinking that the fall last night was really not in vain.

If it wasn't for his lack of energy, Chen Xin wouldn't have given him such a good medicine, and he hadn't had a chance to figure out Chen Xin's secret.

Thinking about it this way, the ridicule of the students is nothing.

After the first class, Wei Qifeng also ran to their classroom to watch the injury on Jiang Feiran's face.

Wei Qifeng asked as soon as he came: "Seventh brother, how did I hear that you lost the fight and you still have a smile on your face?"

Chen Xin covered her face and pretended she wasn't smiling.

Jiang Feiran didn't care about this question for a long time, and just asked casually: "Who did you listen to?"

Wei Qifeng chuckled, and didn't say who he heard it from, "Then you accidentally fell while riding?"

Jiang Feiran asked him back: "Foreigners have a saying, do you know how cats die?"

"I haven't even figured out the proverbs of our country, how can I know the proverbs of foreigners?" Wei Qifeng asked curiously, "How did you die?"

Jiang Feiran said: "Killed by curiosity."

Wei Qifeng immediately stood up: "Oh, I remembered that I still haven't previewed the text..."

"Wait, I have a question for you." Jiang Feiran stopped him: "Is your home near Wuzipo Village? Have you heard of this village?"

Wei Qifeng's answer was very surprising: "Wuzipo Village? You know. It's not far from our village. I have an uncle and cousin who married in that village. Why do you ask this?"

"I asked." Chen Xin said: "I would like to ask you to help me find out about a family."

"Which household?"

"My surname is Gu, and my name is Gu Jinhua."

"What do you want to focus on?"

"She may become my sister-in-law. I want to find out about her family and her behavior."

"It's easy to handle. I'll inquire about it for you at noon."

Wei Qifeng really used his lunch break to inquire, and the news he got back was similar to what Gu Jinhua said.

It is true that there are only two people in Gu Jinhua's family, an orphan and a widow, and their lives are very poor.

Wei Qifeng said to Chen Xin: "I heard that Gu Jinhua is very powerful. Regardless of her young age, she can't suffer in front of anyone. Their family is poor, and they have a medicine jar that needs to be taken for a long time. No one promises to marry her. In their village there was a bachelor in their thirties who was in their late thirties, who used to harass their mother and daughter all the time. One year, Gu Jinhua carried a kitchen knife and chased the bachelor for three ridges. Since then, no one dared to harass them. This happened several years ago, how old was she then? Are you sure you want such a terrible girl to be your sister-in-law? "

(End of this chapter)

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