Chapter 545 Really a Genius
"The third part is a cosmetics brand called Ai Meili. I don't know if all the female teachers here have heard of it." Secretary Zhu continued.

"Ah, I'm using this brand. It's pretty good. It sells very well. It was introduced to me by a friend, and I also introduced it to my other friends. Several best-selling models are often sold out." A female teacher posted by the way After a brief look, he wondered again: "What does this brand have to do with our genius classmate?"

The others also listened with puzzled faces.

After hearing the source of the second part of the funds, they already had vague guesses in their hearts, but they couldn't believe it.

If any cosmetics brand was created by these two first-year students, then these two first-year students are really terrible.

"There is a very big relationship."

Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Principal Zhu's secretary knew how much they had been hit in their hearts.

He instantly regained his balance.

Before, Principal Zhu thought that these people would ask Chen Xin about the source of research funds, and he was also curious, so he asked Chen Xin.

Worried that Chen Xin would not want to say it, Principal Zhu also deliberately hinted to her that if she did not clarify the source of funds, it might have a negative impact on her master.

Only then did Chen Xin tell the truth.

At that time, not to mention that he was a secretary, even Principal Zhu was stunned by Chen Xin's source of funds.

However, this also proves that Chen Xin is indeed capable of independent research, whether it is medicine or cosmetics for women.

Secretary Zhu continued: "The brand of Ai Meili has a lot to do with our talented classmate Chen Xin. The founders of this brand are two young lesbians. One of them is in charge of product research and development, and the other is Responsible for the operation of the company. The lesbian who is in charge of the company’s operation has nothing to do with our topic today, so I won’t say more, but the lesbian who is in charge of product research and development is our classmate Chen Xin.”

There were gasps one after another in the conference room.

Everyone was surprised and discussed each other.

Everyone here, who is not a well-informed person.

It is not a big deal for a person to be able to take on multiple roles. However, if you add an age attribute to this person: a 17-year-old big supermarket shareholder and one of the founders of a large cosmetics company A student, with the money he earned, set up a small laboratory, researched alone, independently applied for and obtained a new drug patent!
What a genius!

No wonder Professor Yu took him in as an apprentice not long after entering the school.

Professor Yu must have gotten wind of it a long time ago, knowing that Chen Xin is a young genius, so he preemptively took her under his command and became her little apprentice.

"So, some people said that Professor Yu Shangbian accepted bribes before accepting Chen Xin as an apprentice. This kind of statement is not true at all, is it?" A calm voice suddenly sounded in the conference room, breaking everyone's discussion A lot of situations.

In the conference room, there was a sudden silence.

Regarding the topic of Professor Yu Shangbian, most people wanted to avoid it intentionally or unintentionally at first, because this topic is a bit sensitive, but in fact this is impossible, because Chen Xin is Yu Shangbian's apprentice.

The speaker was a professor named Yuan Shengli, who was the deputy director of the institute.

As soon as his words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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