Elf Battle System

Chapter 134 Practical Assessment

Chapter 134 Practical Assessment
The assessment for junior trainers is very simple. It is divided into two tests. The first test is about the basic knowledge and common sense of elves. After all, as a trainer, you must know something about elves, otherwise how can you train elves well.

The second is the strength test of the elves. The strength of the elves must reach a certain level, not too weak. However, being able to obtain three badges is actually a proof of strength. The second test is generally not too difficult.

The junior trainer assessment started soon. Mr. Jiang handed out test papers one by one, with various questions on them. As long as you can reach the passing mark, you will pass the test. If you don’t even have a passing mark, it means The trainer has not seriously prepared.

After Kalia got the test paper, she read it first, and then wrote it seriously. Most of the questions were not difficult, and it was easier for Kalia, after all, she had studied in the library for a long time.

The first part is a multiple-choice question. There is a question about which kind of elf Dabibi likes to hunt in the food chain of the elf world. There are several answers, namely green caterpillar, unicorn and carp king. This question is very simple , the answer is undoubtedly King Carp.

It is a well-known fact that Dabies like to eat King Carp. Although trainers generally don’t give Dabies to eat King Carp, if it is in the cruel wild, the wild Dabies like to eat from the water. Hunt the king carp.

The first few questions in the test paper are almost all about the food chain between elves, such as whether there is a hunting relationship between the melting ant and the iron ant, or which elf the ancestor bird hunted in ancient times, etc.

Kalia answered very seriously, and almost all of them had been read. Even if there were some unpopular questions that hadn't been read, they could be easily guessed.

For example, Roaring Whale prefers to hunt love fish, weak dinghies, or big tongue shells. This is a multiple-choice question. There are a total of three answers: a, b, and c. Choose the correct answer.

This is relatively unpopular, because weak dinghies are rare in the Sebastian area, and even some trainers don't know that there are such elves, but in fact, the elimination method can be used.

Lovefish like to live in warm water areas and swim between corals. Obviously, this type of sea area is not suitable for hunting by roaring whales.

Not to mention the big tongue shell, the big tongue shell is an elf living on the shore, and will not go to the deep sea, so there is only one answer, and that is b.

Kalia quickly finished answering the first part. The middle part was to fill in the blanks. Most of them were about the moves of elves. Trainers are free to fill in.

This is very simple, because generally speaking, elves can comprehend several moves, even if they don't remember all the moves, it doesn't matter, as long as they remember enough moves.

These questions are not difficult for Kalia, and she can fill them out with ease, with little difficulty.

The last part is the most difficult and most critical question to fill in. For example, when a certain elf is fighting against a certain elf, various conditions are given, and then the trainer is asked to write which elf is the final winner and why it can win. .

In fact, at this point, Kalia has basically passed, but she still finished writing seriously. The last few questions are still relatively difficult, but if she can answer the first questions correctly, she will basically pass without a problem.

"Phew, I'm done." Kalia let out a sigh of relief, and she was relatively relaxed. Based on her battle experience, although the last few questions could not guarantee full marks, the final answer must be correct.

When Kalia finished writing, the other trainers were still thinking hard, with sad faces, obviously not fully prepared, but there is still a chance to pass.

Kalia checked it once and handed in the paper directly.

"You're not bad." Teacher Jiang has been observing, and Kalia's performance is the best.

After taking the test paper and looking at it for a few times, he nodded slightly in satisfaction. There were almost no mistakes, and all the answers were correct. Even he couldn't find any faults.

Soon, the others were almost done, and those who didn't know it basically couldn't do anything, so they had to hand in the paper.

Next is the strength test of the elves. After the strength test of the elves is over, there will be news tomorrow. Whether you have become a primary trainer or not will be notified.

The location of the second test is naturally not the battle field in the elf center, where there are trainers fighting every day, and it is easy to be disturbed.

The location of the actual combat assessment was on the outskirts of Hongyu City, a vast grassland.

The strength test is very simple, it is to fight against the elf of the person in charge of the test, as long as the trainer who is in charge of the test thinks it is OK, he will pass it smoothly.

After arriving at the outskirts of Hongyu City, Mr. Jiang sent out his own elf, which was a blue Snorkelling with squinted eyes, as if it hadn't woken up.

Snorby is very famous among trainers, because Snorby can eat hundreds of catties of food in one meal, and has a terrifying appetite. In addition, Snorkel's strength is also very amazing.

The trainer's impression of Snorby is that it has rough skin and thick flesh, and its chubby body seems to be immovable. Any move hit on Snorkel is like scratching an itch.

And the attack power is also very high, when angry, the destructive power is very large.

Looking at this huge chubby Kirby, it is almost taller than a person even when it is lying down. If it stands up and falls accidentally, it may directly crush people to death.

"Next, you can send two elves to fight my Snakemon. If you can persist for 30 seconds, you will pass. Come first." Mr. Jiang said, and then he pointed to one of the trainers.


The novice trainer walked to the front, looked at the huge Kirby, and sent out his elves, a bibi bird and a straight bear, both of which were faster elves.

"Snorby, defeat them." Teacher Jiang didn't even give instructions for moves, but let Snorkel to play freely, throwing a few berries casually.

Snobbling lazily, it stood up, took the fruit and threw it into its mouth, ate it, and then looked at the two elves in front of it.

"Go straight to the bear, Bibi Bird, use Lightning Flash!"

The trainer spoke up.

Kalia shook her head. The requirement to pass is to persist for 30 seconds. Both Bobo and Zhidong Xiong have a speed advantage.

Now attacking directly, getting close to the attack range of the Snorlax, is equivalent to sending it to the door on its own initiative.

Sure enough, in the next second, the straight bear was slapped and flew out by the Kirby beast. The thick paw possessed great strength, and when it was slapped out, the straight bear immediately lost its fighting power.

However, Bibi Bird was slapped away because he went straight to the bear and avoided being attacked by the Snorkelmon. After attacking, he flew into the air.

At this time, the trainer understood what to do, and directed Bibi to fly into the sky, not to continue attacking, and wanted to delay it for 30 seconds.

It's a pity that Kirby didn't give up, picked up the stone on the ground, and threw it at Bobo, which is the rock-type shooting down move.

After Bibi Bird was hit, he fell directly, fell into a coma, and lost his fighting power.

"Bibi Bird!" The trainer was stunned, and within ten seconds, he went straight to Xiong and Bibi Bird and failed one after another.

"If you didn't pass the exam, you thought you could just fly in the air. There is no such simple thing." Teacher Jiang said coldly.

The trainer's order at the beginning was wrong, and it was right to let Bobo fly in the air next, but later he was opportunistic and wanted to delay it to 30 seconds.

What's the use of a trainer who doesn't even have the right mentality to face the strong.

"Next, you."

 Sorry, I'm a bit busy today

(End of this chapter)

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