Elf Battle System

Chapter 209 Ready to leave

Chapter 209 Ready to leave
Misty City, somewhere underground.

After Kentra opened his eyes, his eyes were red, and there seemed to be a volcano about to erupt in his heart. He had never been so angry like today, and at this moment he wished to destroy everything he saw in front of him.

Kentra looked at the groove next to it, and there were only five elf balls, two healing balls, and three dream balls. The healing ball that had subdued the lightning bird cub had been stepped on by the fire dinosaur in the dream world. Rotten, which means that the lightning bird is still in the dream world.

Kentra slammed a fist against the wall next to him, and stood up angrily, his eyes revealing fierceness.

"President, the Poké Ball..."

At this time, a research member of the Diablo Society came and found that a Poké Ball seemed to be missing, so he asked hesitantly.


Kentra yelled.

Kentra decided not to enter the dream world for the time being, he needed to vent his anger.By the way, I got a Z bracelet recently, and I just asked my subordinates to send it over.

"Wait a minute, my Z bracelet?"

Kentera stopped the research members who were about to leave, and asked, but he managed to let Butoman get the Z bracelet from the Elf Academy. He happened to have the evil Z pure crystal in his hand, which can be released by Bangira. Use z moves.

"It should be at the island branch, but it hasn't been delivered yet."

The members of the Dark Society who were just about to leave stopped, turned around and shook their heads.

"Go away, let Pace send it to me right away!" Kentra roared again, his mood was very irritable at this time, and he had never been so irritable as today.


The members of the Dark Society nodded and murmured in their hearts: What happened to the president today? Why is he so irritable? Could it be that the Lightning Bird escaped?


At the same time, the island branch of the Diablo Society.

"The president is already angry, let me send the z bracelet over as soon as possible, what do you want me to do, what are you doing these days!" Pace looked at the member of the Diablo, Babu, very angry. inaction.

"The little girl has been staying in Leiner City recently. What happened last time made the trainers in Leiner City more cautious. There is no chance to do anything, but it doesn't matter. I have arranged for my men to intercept her on the way to Shanyan City. The other party." Babu was also a little nervous, and hurriedly said.

In fact, they have been preparing to act in the past few days. According to investigations, the little girl named Kalia will soon leave Lena City and head to a new city.

"As soon as possible, the president is not in a good mood recently. I have been scolded by him just now. I must get the Z bracelet back for me these few days." Pace looked very unhappy.

"Don't worry, I brought more than ten members this time, and I will definitely make her hand over the bracelet obediently!" Babu said viciously.


Lehner City, Institute.

"Sigh, after so many days of research, the old guy in the Avery area actually kept a hand." Dr. Chang Qing sighed.

"I knew it would not be that easy, how could those guys not keep their hands." The doctor on the side also shook his head and sighed.

The research on the Z bracelet has been caught in a vortex and can't get out, so I can only give up, and it's useless to continue the research. If the researchers in the Avery area don't tell them the key core technology, let alone cracking the technology, they can't even copy it. arrive.

The key core technology is missing, and only the doctors in the Avery area know this, so the research on the Z bracelet can only be stopped indefinitely.

"It's a pity." Kalia sighed. All the most powerful doctoral researchers in the Sebastian area gathered here. Even they can't help it. It is estimated that it will be impossible in a short time.

"That's all." Dr. Chang Qing shook his head, as if giving up, "For so many years, the technology in the Avery area has been superior to ours. If you can't crack it, then don't crack it."


The crowd sighed.

Suddenly, Dr. Chang Qing changed the subject and said: "However, don't be discouraged. Although we haven't cracked it, I found that there is a mysterious power hidden in the elves, which is different from Z power. If we can dig it out, even It's more powerful than the z-movement."


"I also have this feeling, but this is a new kind of power. To dig out this kind of power is several times more difficult than cracking the Z power." One of the researchers said.

"That's right, I don't know how many years the Avery area has been studying the power of z. It may take us longer to study this new power."

"Since the z-movement can be researched in the Eli area, why can't we research a new power? Thanks to the inspiration given by the z-movement, I discovered the existence of this kind of power. Next, let's work hard to research it." Chang Dr. Qing was full of fighting spirit, and he did not lose confidence because of the failure of his research.

Lin Chuan was listening on the sidelines, and suddenly had a thought. It seems that the world has not yet evolved mega, but the z-movement appeared first. So what Dr. Chang Qing discovered may be the power of mega. If so, the power of mega may eventually will be researched

Lin Chuan remembered that the z bracelet seemed to be able to trigger the power of the mega evolution stone, so the two should have something in common.

After thinking about this, Lin Chuan was a little excited, but unfortunately he didn't understand the principle. Mega evolution needs to be thoroughly researched, and it probably takes a lot of time, and it may take longer to perfect it.

If it can be researched, the mega evolution is definitely more powerful than the z move, but the mega evolution seems to have some limitations, only some elves can complete it, and the z move is universal.

"Kaliya, please return this z bracelet to you. Keep it safe. In the future, you should have the opportunity to obtain z pure crystals. It's a pity that those two z pure crystals are not mine, otherwise I will give them to you."

Afterwards, Dr. Chang Qing returned the z bracelet to Cariya.

"I know." Kalia took the Z bracelet.

"Doctor, I may be leaving tomorrow, and I am going to the next city. During this time, I have learned a lot, thank you doctor." Kalia said sincerely.

During this period of time, Kalia went to the research institute every day, and indeed learned a lot, such as some secrets about elves, and many anecdotes about the elf world, which can increase her knowledge.

After leaving the institute, Kalia returned to her residence.

Lin Chuan sat on a chair, wagging his tail, and was finally about to leave Lena City. The level of trainers here is really not good, it's too bad.

After a battle, he only got more than 2000 battle points, which was not as much as he earned during his stay at the Spirit Academy. The Spirit Academy often had more than [-] battle points.

In the next city, there should be quite a few intermediate trainers. There is a big gap between intermediate trainers and elementary trainers, and the elves are also very powerful.

In other words, if the level of the elf is high enough, the physical strength value will be correspondingly higher. A battle score is more than 3000 combat points, or even [-].

(End of this chapter)

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