Chapter 358
Potaya led everyone to prepare to leave. In addition to uniting all the high-end combat power of the two regions, I am afraid that only the legendary elves can fight against Kyoka.

But it was too difficult to get the legendary elves to help, and ordinary legendary elves were no match for Kyoka.

However, the gap between ordinary elves and Gaioka is too great, they are basically not at the same level, and even the number cannot make up for this gap.

Lin Chuan fell to the ground with a whoosh, and flew to Kalia's side, feeling a little helpless.

Kalia is not the protagonist in this battle, nor is Lin Chuan.

Kyoka is the protagonist this time.

"Charizard, let's go."

Kalia's eyes were obviously disappointed, but they were full of hope.The loss is due to the strength of Gaioka, which forced the Sebastian area to abandon this sea area and Xihai Town, and eventually it will become a vast ocean.

The hope is because she not only saw the strength of Gaioka, but also saw the strength of the four heavenly kings and Potaya, and it turned out that she was not as invincible as imagined.

This means that even if you become a champion, become a king-level trainer, it is not the end, nor is it the end, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Lin Chuan flew into the sky with Kalia. Kalia's clothes were already soaked, which didn't hinder anything. After all, everyone was soaked. Some trainers even took off their clothes to reveal their solid muscles.

The intermediate trainers on the ground also quickly rode their flying elves, and some elves who had just been rescued had been healed at this time.

There are many spirits that can be healed by the trainer. Sometimes in the wild, there will be situations where you cannot return to the spirit center. It is still very important to have a spirit that can heal injuries.

Kyoka is still releasing moves, but the trainers in the Sebastian area insist on leaving, and Kioka can't stop him.

Soon, Portaya led a group of trainers away from Gaioka and flew towards the land.

Many trainers looked at the islands in the sea helplessly. These islands are all good. Although the resources are scarce, at least the scenery is good.

Unfortunately, it is now about to become an ocean.

Potaya also looked back and sighed. Next time, Gayoka must retreat to the deep sea and continue to sleep.

At this moment, there was a vague sound in the sky, which was hard to hear because of the heavy rain.

But Portaya heard it clearly.

"Hey, isn't this the champion of the Sebastian region, Portaya? Why are you in such a mess!"

Portaya stopped, and many trainers behind him also stopped, looking at the speaker and the people behind him.

Potaya looked at the other party and asked, "Gioka has woken up. Why are you here now? The residents of Canglan Town were rescued by us. Is this what you do in the Aili area?"

The opponent is the regional champion of the Ari region, Tenzo.

At this moment, it was Tianzuo who led the trainers in the Aili area to support and stop Gaioka, but because of the backwardness of the news, it was too late.

Behind Tianzuo are all mid-to-high-level trainers in the Avery area, and the number is much smaller than that of Sebastian.

However, only more than 30 advanced trainers came, and many advanced trainers were absent. There were only more than 200 intermediate trainers behind them.

There are always a lot more intermediate trainers in Avery than in Bath, but about the same amount of advanced trainers.

The ethos of the Ellie area has led to the strength of intermediate-level trainers, but they have also neglected the cultivation of elves in other aspects, so when it comes to becoming an advanced trainer, they are stuck.

The potential strength of the elves is insufficient, so naturally they cannot become advanced trainers, and they can only be stuck as intermediate trainers in the end. This is much more serious in the Bath area.

"Then I thank you, but what are you going to do, are you afraid of being beaten by Gaioka?" Tianzuo also knew that he was at a loss, after all, this was indeed a mistake made by the Ailey region, and instead let the Sebastian region wipe his ass.

Tian Zuo quickly changed the subject and brought back to Potaya. He hated Potaya very much, because he had lost several private battles.

He had to accept Portaya's strength, but he always disdained the overall strength of the Sebastian region.

"Let me tell you, Kioka is stronger than you imagined, and you must be fully prepared. If you are going to challenge Kioka now, I advise you to give up."

"Our two regions join forces to discuss the fight against Kioka, otherwise we won't be able to stop Kyoka."

Potaya said seriously, unlike Tianzuo, he always cares about face, even if the appointment is private, he is allowed to spread it if he loses.

If you lose, you lose, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

"I don't want to. I want to see how strong Kioka is. Let's go."

Although Tianzuo saw the trainers behind Portaya, among whom he knew more than 50 senior trainers, it was obvious that Gaioka must be very strong, and even such a strong lineup could not resist.

But Tianzuo didn't want to, he just wanted to see how strong Gaioka was, how strong Potaya and the others could retreat, and he and the trainers in the Aili area could also retreat undisturbed.

Portaya knew that Tian Zuo would do this. Tian Zuo was older than him, but his temper was like that of a rebellious child, and he always liked to fight against him.

Portaya shook his head. He knew that Tianzuo would not listen to persuasion, but he finally reminded: "Intermediate trainers should not go. Gaioka cannot be defeated by numbers."

Intermediate-level trainers can't help with family affairs. Just the source fluctuation of Gaioka's exclusive moves can make a large number of intermediate-level trainers overwhelmed, let alone fighting.

"Even if you are the champion, you can't look down on us. Your Sebastian's intermediate trainer is far behind us. You are all fine, let alone us!"

A mid-level trainer in the Avery area said loudly that the trainers in the Avery area are basically hot-tempered. Even if Potaya is the regional champion, they would dare to be angry.

Portaya has a very good temper and doesn't want to say anything. If Tianzuo doesn't listen, then he can't say anything. This is a matter of the Aili area.

There were already some frictions between the two regions, especially the previous exchange event, which made the trainers in the Avery region feel ashamed.

"We're waiting for you on the west coast." Potaya looked at Tianzuo and said, he knew Tianzuo would be shocked by Kioka's strength, so he would definitely choose to give up the island.

At that time, the most important thing is to unite the two regions to stop Kioka. This is an inevitable result. It is difficult to stop Kioka from invading the land by relying on the power of one region alone.

(End of this chapter)

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