Chapter 219

Liu Bingfan immediately waved his hand and said, "No need, Xiao Die is fine."

It's not so easy to get used to a person again, the senior brother simply can't hurt his back while standing and talking.

Li Yehan swept around the room, pulled up a chair, and sat down on the side of the charcoal basin, "Liu's mansion is very proud, and silver frost charcoal can be used."

Silver frost charcoal, also known as silver bone charcoal, is a high-quality charcoal.

Xu Ke's "Qing Barnyard Banknotes Items Silver Bone Charcoal": "Silver bone charcoal comes from the Xishan Kiln near Beijing. Its charcoal is hoarfrost, smokeless, difficult to burn, and not easy to extinguish. It is held by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for imperial use. It is especially good to choose. When the storage basin is full, cover the gaps with ash grits, cover it with copper wire, and keep it full for a whole day and night. When you enter this room, it is as warm as spring.”

Are you stupid? How could the Liu family use it.

Liu Bingfan curled his lips, complaining inwardly, but on the surface he said softly: "The Liu family is just the servant of the Ministry of Rites, how could it be useful, it was all given by my uncle."

Liu Bingfan wrapped the blanket around her body.

Silver frost charcoal is a tribute, more precious than bird's nest, and only people above the concubine position can use it. She used to live in the princess mansion, but it was often used, so I know.

Li Yehan nodded understandingly, "Grandpa Guo is willing to part with it. His Majesty only bestows a little every year. I'm afraid most of it will be sent to you this year. The Xue family really loves you."

When Liu Bingfan heard this, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Uncles and aunts are very kind to me."

It turns out that there are so many people who love themselves.

"Uncle heard that you were disfigured and went back. Sister, don't be sad, you and my mother, we are all by your side to accompany you." Liu Xianhui's voice sounded, as if pulling her back to that time.

That year when she was disfigured, people from Xue Guogong's mansion came, but they didn't come to her yard to look at her.

People from the Duke's Mansion must have wanted to see her, but He Anqing refused in her name. I'm afraid it was too much. From then on, the Xue family really didn't care about her anymore.

At that time, I was complaining, as if the whole world had abandoned her.

Because her mother died the night she came back, because she was disfigured and worthless.

In such a situation, what kept her alive?

Where is the meaning of living?
"Bingfan, your life has just begun, how could you end your own life so easily." He Anqing's words emerged.

Oh, I remembered, it was He Anqing who told her over and over again to live.

While ordering people to destroy her, he kept her alive like an ant.

It's just that He Anqing never thought that the eldest princess would rescue her from this cage.

Li Yehan sat quietly by the side, watching Liu Bingfan sink into deep thought little by little, his eyes were unfocused, but he could feel a strong evil spirit.

The gentle smile just a second ago disappeared like a flash in the pan.

What did she think of?
Suddenly a bold idea flashed in his mind, and Li Yehan's face turned ugly instantly: "Are you Liu Bingfan?"

One sentence pulled back Liu Bingfan's thoughts, and also shocked Liu Bingfan's heart. Liu Bingfan's eyes were a little surprised and flickered: "Elder brother, why do you ask such a question?"

The 13-year-old Liu Bingfan's body contained the 27-year-old Liu Bingfan.

She couldn't play her 13-year-old self, because of the 14 years of torture, it was impossible for her to have such a pure mind.

She thought that senior brother had gotten used to her now, but now...

Li Yehan looked at Liu Bingfan seriously, that subtle change stirred his heart: "You are really not her."

(End of this chapter)

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