Chapter 364

Qin Mu smiled and comforted her: "Little Qiao, you don't have to worry about what you entrust me to do, I will definitely be able to do it, it's just a matter of time."

He can't go back yet, the matter of the border has not been settled and it will take a lot of time, the most important thing for him now is to deal with the matter of the border.

As soon as Qin Mu thought of Jiang Heng's actions, he secretly remembered them in his heart. Maybe he doesn't have much ability to do anything to the Jiang family now, but what about in the future?Who can make it clear in the future, the present he doesn't have that strength, but the future he can't guarantee that he has the ability to do whatever he wants to others.

It's just that he doesn't express these thoughts in front of Hua Xiaoqiao now, and he plans to do many things silently by himself.

It is precisely because of these thoughts in his heart that he now hopes that Hua Xiaoqiao can live well.

As long as Hua Xiaoqiao can live well, everything is enough.

Speaking of this matter, Qin Mu thought that if Hua Xiaoqiao left this time and didn't know when she would be able to come back, she couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant: "Xiao Qiao, if you leave this time, you don't know when you will come back. If you really plan to You must come and find me when you come back.”

Thinking about Hua Xiaoqiao's age is not too young. It has been about three or four years since I met Hua Xiaoqiao. Thinking about the distance, we understand each other and become friends. We have experienced many, many hardships together. The more he thought about the matter, the more he felt that Youhua Xiaoqiao occupied a very important position in his heart.

He hoped that Hua Xiaoqiao could always live in his heart, of course, the premise is that Hua Xiaoqiao is willing to do so.

Hua Xiaoqiao was stunned when she saw Qin Mu's nostalgic eyes. The last time Qin Mu asked her to go to the palace with him to ask the emperor to marry her, she actually had doubts in her heart, but she never thought about it. Now that she saw Qin Mu The reluctance in Mu's eyes seemed familiar to her. Could it be that Qin Mu really had feelings for her?
If it was true, she still couldn't bear the result, and she didn't know how to explain it. In short, now she felt that she really didn't understand Qin Mu's thoughts.

She hesitated for a long time before saying: "I don't know when we will be able to meet each other. I just hope that you can be well. I really don't have many extravagant wishes."

She spoke her inner thoughts very seriously.

This time the parting is really far apart. It is impossible for her to run all the way from here to Jinxiu City by herself. She has many capable shopkeepers under her own hands, and it is good to leave all the things to these shopkeepers. She only uses Just wait for the final result, so the only thing she wants now is to see that they are all very well with each other.

Hua Xiaoqiao looked at General Kang and suddenly thought of Mr. Zuo's matter and suddenly became serious.

She looked at the two worriedly and said, "I don't know if I should say something or not."

Qin Mu knows Hua Xiaoqiao very well and knows that Hua Xiaoqiao is not the kind of person who likes to moan about nothing. Now that Hua Xiaoqiao is so worried, something important must have happened. As soon as he thinks of this, he himself becomes nervous for no reason, worried Something really big happened.

Hua Xiaoqiao took a deep breath before opening her mouth: "I don't know how to tell you about this matter. The relationship between the prince and us doesn't need to let my mother-in-law. I just tell the truth."

She originally wanted to be more tactful, but then found that there was no need to be tactful with Qin Mu. After all, the relationship between them was here. She felt that she could talk openly and honestly with Qin Mu, and there was no need for such things as mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

Qin Mu looked at Hua Xiaoqiao seriously and motioned for Hua Xiaoqiao to continue.

"Little Qiao, you know me better because you should know what I am like. If you really want to say something, just say it, and you don't have to hesitate all the time. This is not what you and I do."

Only then did Hua Xiaoqiao make up her mind to talk about this matter.

"Do you know Mr. Zuo?"

After thinking about it, she still felt that she should ask them first if they knew anything about Mr. Zuo.

Qin Mu shook his head: "I don't know Prime Minister Zuo's son very well, because he always likes to be alone and doesn't like to do anything with everyone, so he doesn't know Mr. Zuo very well. Now you ask me Mr. Zuo What exactly is going on, could it be that Mr. Zuo has done something?"

Qin Mu only thought of this for a moment, but felt that Hua Xiaoqiao was not the kind of person who liked mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and it must be because of what this young master Zuo really did.

Hua Xiaoqiao sighed: "I really don't know how to tell you about this matter. I found that Mr. Zuo is not a simple person, so I should say that I think Prime Minister Zuo's family is not simple."

She herself is not sure why she thinks this way, but now that she thinks about it, she really thinks that this family is abnormal. If you say that this family has completely different tempers and personalities, Prime Minister Zuo is also quite perverse, Miss Zuo Not to mention, she felt that as a time traveler, to be able to do Miss Zuo's step required a mind.

And Mr. Zuo is secretly planting poppies.

"How do you say that?" General Kang asked worriedly, somewhat puzzled why Hua Xiaoqiao would say that.

Hua Xiaoqiao took a deep breath and continued to explain: "I don't know how to explain these things, but I just feel that the things that Prime Minister Zuo and his family do are incomprehensible, especially Mr. Zuo. It is an addictive poison, and Mr. Zuo doesn't seem to know how to use it, because he is still in the research stage, you must take the matter of the prince and the general to your heart, don't think it is a trivial matter, if it is true As I guessed, Mr. Zuo is extremely dangerous."

When she thought about it, if she used that thing on more important people, wouldn't it be... .

Qin Mu and General Kang were even more worried. They knew what kind of person Hua Xiao Qiaoao was, and it was precisely because they knew in their hearts that every word Hua Xiaoqiao said was so worrying.

"What exactly is the poison you are talking about?" Qin Mu asked worriedly, wanting to find out what was going on.

Hua Xiaoqiao took a deep breath and decided to tell everything she knew.

She found a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, drew a general picture of a poppy flower, and explained carefully: "This flower is called Poppy. The fruit is the source of all evils. Don’t think that this thing is not so powerful. It’s easy to make you addicted and you can’t live without it for a lifetime. Put it in dishes, put it in soup and water, as long as you eat it Then this life is over."

After she finished speaking very seriously, Qin Mu and General Kang became frightened, and they looked at each other worriedly, and even raised this matter so frighteningly incredible.

Hua Xiaoqiao continued: "Don't think that what I said is all lies or to scare you, everything I said is true, if you don't believe... Forget it, you can't try it at all, you must Be careful about this Prime Minister Zuo, Qin Mu, you really have to be careful, I always feel that this person is not simple, not like what we see on the surface, my hunch is very accurate, this Prime Minister Zuo's actions are really too suspicious."

The main reason is that people like Miss Zuo and Mr. Zuo make Hua Xiaoqiao unable to determine what this family is like. She feels that everything this family does is so strange, and it’s just that it’s just strange. People have no way to describe it in words.

Anyway, now she really feels that Yin should persuade the people around her to be careful.

Qin Mu and General Kang believed what Hua Xiaoqiao said. They didn't seem like Mr. Kang didn't understand Hua Xiaoqiao's personality. They knew Hua Xiaoqiao so they knew that every sentence Hua Xiaoqiao said might be true. Of course they will not be careless or careless.

Qin Mu made a serious promise: "Xiao Qiao, don't worry, I will definitely be careful."

Hua Xiaoqiao got Qin Mu's guarantee, at least she felt relieved. Mr. Zuo is not a simple person. If he really has any bad intentions, then Qin Mu will not be prepared at all. Hua Xiaoqiao doesn't want to see such a thing happen. , and didn't want to see Qin Mu suffer, so he naturally wanted Qin Mu to live a safe life.

It's just that the biggest problem with this is that Qin Mu must take good precautions against Mr. Zuo. He doesn't have to worry about anything at the border now, but if he goes back in the future without any preparations, it won't work.

She struggled in various ways, but she still had some doubts in her heart that she did not express. Both Qin Mu and General Kang were not ordinary people. It is impossible for such a smart person not to think of some things.

She has already said all she said here, and the purpose of coming here is to say goodbye to the two of them and explain the specific situation to them. As for the other things, she can't control it now and doesn't want to. clear.

After leaving the barracks, Qin Mu sent her away this time for an unprecedented time.

Sitting in the carriage, Hua Xiaoqiao looked at Qin Mu and laughed. The childishness in Qin Mu's face was completely gone. Qin Mu is not the same as sensible, mature and considerate in doing things. If another person has Qin Mu's experience, it may be what he will be like, but Qin Mu can survive in adversity. This is Qin Mu's ability and also Qin Mu's. Mu's ability.

She has nothing to say to Qin Mu now, Qin Mu can do whatever she wants, and the only thing she has is support, so no matter what happens to Qin Mu, she just hopes that Qin Mu can be safe.

Looking at Hua Xiaoqiao puzzled, Qin Mu always felt that Hua Xiaoqiao's smile was a bit confusing to him: "Little Qiao, why are you looking at me like this?"

Qin Mu asked with some incomprehension. He just wanted to know what Hua Xiaoqiao was thinking. He himself couldn't figure out what Hua Xiaoqiao was thinking and wanted to take a good look at what Hua Xiaoqiao was thinking. wearing something.

He has known for a long time that Hua Xiaoqiao just treats him as a good friend and has never had any other feelings or pleasures. This is a very sad thing, at least in Qin Mu's view, he is really sad. There is Hua Xiaoqiao in his heart, and what he has always hoped is that Hua Xiaoqiao can also have him in his heart.

But the truth is often cruel. Hua Xiaoqiao seems to never be emotional, never touches on emotional issues, and never touches those sensitive places.

Hua Xiaoqiao shook her head and felt a little regretful: "It's just that I won't be able to see you when you get married in the future. This time you will definitely marry Miss Zuo when you go back. If you can be crowned a great treasure... wouldn't it be even more difficult to see you in the future? .”

She thought about how they could still talk when they were together before, but what would it be like when Qin Mu sat in that position?She didn't know and didn't want to guess what would happen at that time, but she really hoped that Qin Mu could do well and achieve what she wanted.

Now there are only two people here. Hua Xiaoqiao said a little bit of treason, which is nothing to Qin Mu. It is what he thinks in his heart, so no matter what Hua Xiaoqiao says, he always regards Hua Xiaoqiao as a friend in his heart. of.

With a wry smile, I didn't know how to tell Hua Xiaoqiao what was in my heart, but after thinking about it, I still said: "Don't forget each other, maybe you think I will forget the past, but what I want to say is that I will not forget In the past, what I remember is the time when you and I faced ups and downs together."

Qin Mu is not a fool and knows what he is doing. What Hua Xiaoqiao said may be Hua Xiaoqiao's worries, but he hopes that Hua Xiaoqiao doesn't have to worry too much.

With Qin Mu's words, I feel a little at ease. There is nothing more reassuring than Qin Mu's promise. Hua Xiaoqiao feels at ease when she thinks of this.

"So I'm waiting for your good news. If it becomes a big success in the future, I hope that the prince can do whatever he wants in his life, can stop thinking about so many worrying things, and can only think about the people."

She herself didn't know why she said these words to Qin Mu, but after saying these words, she felt very relaxed and felt a little warmth from the bottom of her heart.

Qin Mu laughed: "I remember what you said, you can rest assured that I will be able to do what you want, and I will give you a satisfactory answer, and I will never do things that disappoint myself or the people. Xiao Qiao, I often think about it. How nice you are a man."

He felt that if Hua Xiaoqiao was a man, he would be a genius, but it was a pity that she was a woman.

Hua Xiaoqiao never felt that she was inferior to men, so she said a little unhappy: "Whoever says women are inferior to men, don't underestimate what I can do as a man, believe it or not, I can go to battle and kill the enemy Don't underestimate women. Women are no worse than men in doing things. It's just because of the different edification they received from childhood that men feel that women are not capable, but it's not the case."

Just like modern times, women can also hold up half the sky, and women can also do what men can do, but because of the different times, the influence they received from childhood is different, and women nowadays are too depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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