League of Legends national warriors

Chapter 11 Yasuo is ruthless and deadly!

Chapter 11 Yasuo is ruthless and deadly!

When the excavator appeared to dig the tunnel, he directly flashed the top and pushed the bull's head up, and then Thresh did not idle, and directly sent an e-pendulum of doom!

Pull the bull's head towards the purple side, the dizziness of ez ends, and the crazy output to the bull's head begins.

Feng Yushan yelled at the moment he pushed the excavator away: "Paralysis level two, come down!"

At this time, Qin Nana did a good job in the details. They also ate a toad before they went online. Now she awed a pawn, and both he and Thresh were promoted to second. .

Knowing that Niutou must die, Xiao Xi sold Feng Yushan.


The first blood of the bull head was taken away by ez!

Qin Nana said: "Sure enough, as they have observed, they like to grab the second to suppress the first wave, and now we have caught the opportunity."

Then he said to the jungler: "From now on, you should mainly help the middle and upper lanes, especially the top lane. I just need to stabilize the development now, and we will invade together after I have finished the Demon Sect and Ice Fist. If they go down If Lu is still so aggressive, come again.”

Yang Jian frowned, and said to several people in the voice: "Old Feng, you and Xiao Xi are a little bit more wretched, don't get caught."

At this time, the line of soldiers has been pushed under the tower, and Yang Jian has been promoted to the second level. His basic skills are very good, and he has not shown a single blow.But after Annie pushed the pawn line under the tower, she turned around and laughed wildly at Yang Jian with her butt.

Seeing Zhou Ming's ridicule, Yang Jian's eyes showed a trace of coldness.But he didn't attack blindly, and Annie had already stacked the passive stun at this moment.

After Yang Jian cleared out the pawn lines, he looked at the time and reminded him: "Yang Yufeng, you come to my place and squat instead, they probably are junglers squatting on me."

Yang Jian commanded crazily. Sure enough, when Yang Jian moved a little forward, Annie took the lead in attacking. He found an opportunity to directly stun Yang Jian with a w!
The excavator came out of the river, and Anne connected to the q-shattering fire!In addition, after a flat a shot, Lord Thunder was triggered, and Yang Jian's bloodline dropped by one-third!

At this time, Yang Jian's dizziness ended, and the moment the dizziness ended, the blind man was already on top of him.

"Hit the excavator, the excavator didn't flash, and the blood line is only two-thirds!"

After glancing at the excavator, he said to Yang Yufeng.

For Yang Jian, Yang Yufeng had absolute trust. At the same time, Yang Jian drank the blood medicine on his body, and used the e-step forward with the help of the soldiers!I got close to the excavator, and at the same time, another eq combo hit the excavator, and the ignition was also hung up.

Yang Yufeng didn't hesitate at all, the blind man's q skill - Tianyinbo!
He lifted his foot on the front door of the excavator. At this time, the excavator found that he was squatting on his back. He knew that even if he escaped now, he would definitely die. There was no chance, so he might as well try to exchange his life for Yang Jian's. Life!
So he didn't turn around at the first time, but lifted Yang Jian who had come to his side.

A bloody battle is imminent!
Annie has no skills at this time, and can only rely on Ping A to deal Yang Jian's damage, and at the same time hang up Ignition, trying to prevent the effect of Yasuo's blood medicine.

At this time, Yang Jian turned around directly and made a w-wind barrier to block Annie's flat a, turned around and slashed at the excavator!
It was too late for the excavator to dig a tunnel to escape, and was hacked to death by Yasuo's wild sword. Yang Jian accepted the head, and at the same time his q passive tornado was also stacked.At this time, his blood line was only one-third, but he didn't hesitate at all. The e soldier approached Annie, and then eq blew Annie up.

At this time, Annie's q skill had cooled down, and hit Yang Jianjian again. After Yang Jian's eq blew up, Yang Jian directly used the little soldiers to distance himself, and Yang Yufeng also approached the two of them, chasing Annie and kicking hard!
Maybe Zhou Ming wanted to kill Yang Jian too much, so he didn't choose to walk down the tower, but continued to kill Yang Jian. At this time, Yang Jian had only more than two hundred and 100 drops of blood. After Annie finished Q, he killed him again For a moment, this time there was no block from the wind wall, and the A was directly on his body, and the blood line dropped again, but because Annie was too flat a for him this time, he opened Annie's flat A distance, and then his eyes Wei Wei squinted: "Flash!"

Sure enough, when his voice fell, two flashing voices sounded, and Annie and her flashed away almost at the same time!
Zhou Ming originally wanted to take Yang Jian away with a flash level A, but he didn't expect Yang Jian to flash almost at the same time as him. At this time, the Flame Girl without flash and skills is like a loli who is being ravaged by others. In her hands, her dream was fulfilled, turned into a cluster of flames and ascended to the sky!
"Crap, I almost changed it!" Zhou Ming cursed.Qin Nana frowned deeply, but as the captain, he didn't say anything, and said, "It's okay, fight hard, we have an advantage in the bottom lane!"


On Yang Jian's side, the other three applauded, including those watching behind them, and burst into applause at the same time!
Shao Keqing and Chen Jing even gave each other high fives!

Among the audience, someone said: "The blind man is going to take off now, and he has squatted on his back. The engineering department is probably a bit troublesome."

Yang Jian and his school are called Shanghai Engineering University, or Engineering University for short.

On the sophomore engineering team, Chen Xian smiled and said, "Hmph, what is this, but it's just a wave of counter-squatting, and we got first blood in the bottom lane."

Chen Jing has long been unhappy with Chen Xian, she turned her head and said with a smile: "The mid laner who was blown up by Yang Jian, since you think the engineering team can win, why don't we make a big bet? , how about 500 yuan? I bet on losing the engineering conference!"

Both Chen Jing and Shao Keqing are beauties, they already attracted a lot of people's attention, but everyone never expected Chen Jing to be so hot, so they directly said that they wanted to take a gamble!
Chen Xian's face was startled, and he thought that this is not too big, my monthly living expenses are only 1500 yuan!
Seeing his appearance, Chen Jing sneered and said, "Don't you dare?"

Hearing this, Chen Xian sneered, gritted his teeth and said, "Who is afraid of whom? I still don't trust Zhou Ming and the others! It's a bet!"

"Okay!" Chen Jing said, "Everyone has testified."

The so-called watching the excitement is not a big deal, everyone nodded repeatedly.

This was just a small episode, and everyone focused their attention on the top of the computer screen again. After Yang Jian had returned to the city, he went to the middle road again.At the same time, he had two more attack speed daggers on his body.

Annie was also on the line. Yang Jian clicked on Annie and found that she had only one passive layer on her body. on the body

An eq combo!

Zhou Ming sneered and said, "Take the line of soldiers and attack me, you're courting death!"

He didn't hesitate at all, and directly covered Yang Jian with a w, but at this time, Yang Jian turned around with a w, blocked the attack of the little soldier, turned around and began to chop Annie!

He himself had the attack speed rune, and with the attack speed bonus brought by the two attack speed daggers, his attack speed was already close to 1 at this time, and when he slashed at Annie's body, the knife pierced into the flesh!

One stab, two stabs, Annie realized that something was wrong, and began to walk down the tower. Yang Jian followed up with another q, and the q landed on Annie's body. Q's passive tornado was triggered, and Annie also pulled away his normal attack distance. Yang Jian didn't continue to chase, and e Xiaobing went back.But in this wave of blood exchange, he replaced Annie with one-half of the blood line and a little more, which can be said to be a big profit!Both of them drank the blood medicine at the same time.

However, in the next 2 minutes, Zhou Ming's face changed. He found that Yang Jian's Yasuo's understanding of the line of soldiers was too high, and Yang Jian's grasp of fighters was really good. , or when the passiveness is very low, Yang Jian will always come to exchange her blood, and Yang Jian earns money every time. Regarding the understanding and details of the soldier line, he feels that Yang Jian surpasses him too much. There was cold sweat on his face!
At 50 minutes and [-] seconds, Yang Jian was only one soldier away from level [-] to level [-]. At the same time, he already had a tornado in his hand.

Annie is also at level five at this time, with only half blood, and her blood bottle has been exhausted.There is a passive stacked on her body. In front of her, there is an attractive cannon car, which is already full of blood at this time. Zhou Ming gritted his teeth and planned to mend the cannon car first, and then go home directly. At level five, the distance is quite far. Even if he blows up the cannon car after he repairs it, he can't get close to him without flashing.

So he resolutely took a step forward, the difference between one step, life and death!

As soon as she took a step forward, Yang Jian knew that she was going to use Q to supplement the cannon, and he had already moved towards the soldier closest to him, E!
The soldier died, and Yang Jian was level six!At this time, Annie's Q was also thrown out. The moment she saw the sixth-level light on Yang Jianjian's body, her expression changed, she turned around and started walking down the tower.

However, Yang Jian didn't give him a chance, the second e, e landed on the soldier in the back row, and at the same time he let out a growl: "Ha saki!"

At the same time, a tornado flew out of Yasuo's hand and roared towards Annie!

Annie subconsciously walked to the right, but the tornado seemed to know that she was going to the right, roaring towards her, and Annie's figure was instantly swept up by the tornado!

At the same time, Yang Jian pressed r-Blaster's Last Breath Slash!
"A pain!"

Yasuo seemed to be dubbing Annie. When he was in the world, he made a voice.The whole person lifted Annie into the air in an instant and gave her a fierce meal!After landing, Yang Jian made an e, e to Annie's back, followed by a wild slash!

Zhou Ming's face was so ugly, he wanted to make a final struggle, he released an angry w at Yang Jian, and moved towards the tower, but it was useless, Yasuo was ruthless, and his knife was deadly!In the end, she fell in front of the tower and turned into a dead loli!

First solo kill!

Yasuo stood in front of the corpse, ctrl 3, Yasuo stood leaning on the sword, and played the flute, like the prelude to death.

(End of this chapter)

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