Chapter 17 A Rich Woman

On the WE post bar, a girl named "Mai Asahi-kun" posted a post titled: "I seriously suspect that the newly signed mid laner of WE recently doubled up with Zangdi."

He wrote in the post: "I think it must have been signed by WE, either it was Xiye's substitute, or it was for M3."

There are countless threads below.Most of them agree, because the performance of M3's Korean mid laners is really not satisfactory recently. Many people in various forums are saying that if they change to M3's mid laners, their record should be better.

In addition, in the Korean server, this guy with the ID "wushi" is either in solo queue, or in duo queue with condi, and the only person he comes into contact with is WE's jungler, so there are different opinions for a while.

In an office in the WE base in Shanghai, WE coach and CEO Xiaoshou are sitting there, and Condi is also sitting opposite them.

There was some doubt on Condi's face. It's true that Beast EO often came to talk to them, but just now he was called out during a training match, which obviously surprised him a bit.

The little beast pondered for a while and said, "Condi, does the wizard often duo with you recently? Is he Chinese? Is he a professional player?"

The little beast asked several questions in a row.

Condi nodded and said: "He is indeed a passer-by. He has a team and is playing in the city competition recently."

Xiaoshou's face showed a hint of joy, and then asked: "You often duo with him, how do you feel about his level in the mid laner?"

Hearing Xiaoshou's words, Condi knew that Xiaoshou was interested in recruiting, nodded and said: "In terms of rank strength alone, it can be said that it is completely a thigh, and the hero pool is very deep, whether it is an assassin, a brush-type mid laner, or say They are rhythm-type mid laners, and they are used at a certain level, especially the assassin-type mid laners are used quite well."

"Okay, then you have a chance to test him out and ask him if he would like to come to WE. The treatment is negotiable. If he wants to come, we can directly let him play the mid laner of M3." Xiaoshou said after pondering for a while.

On the other side, in the EDG building, Abu and the factory manager were also sitting together. Abu said to the factory manager: "If you have a chance to get in touch with that wizard in Hanbok, the pawn's contract will expire this year. If he can’t renew his contract, he might have a chance to replace him after training. He has been duoing with Condi, but as far as I know, he is just a passerby, so don’t be preempted by us.”

The factory manager nodded.


This kind of thing is happening in every team. To be ranked in the top ten of the Korean server is to a certain extent more shocking than the first place in the national server.

At the same time, because the rhythm of WE posting bar is too much, everyone thinks that the wizard is the substitute mid laner of the WE team and keeps bombing WE's Sina official Weibo. WE's official Weibo has no choice but to post a Weibo.

"Temporarily speaking, Wushi is not yet our team member, but the level of the wizard is very high, the club is in contact, if signed, it will be announced on Weibo as soon as possible."

This microblog made WE Tieba directly castrate some. They all knew that there must be many clubs vying for this passer-by called a wizard to be ranked in the top ten of Hanbok.As for robbing people, the WE club seems to have never won, whether it was insec at the beginning or kakao later.This time neither of them held out much hope.

Some fans also hope that we can get in touch with Xu Yandong, who is number one in the national server and shines in the city competition.

There are also many clubs that have contacted Xu Yandong, especially after they defeated the team composed of former professional players, many teams have found him.


And all of this has nothing to do with Yang Jian, he is still playing five rows in the Hanbok as usual, preparing for the provincial competition.

But after reaching the top ten in the Hanbok, Yang Jian encountered a wave of trouble. After he reached the sixth place in the Hanbok, he seemed to have encountered a bottleneck. Driving in five rows, five rows in one team, communication and cooperation between teams, but it is easier to fight than single row.

So Yang Jian couldn't raise his winning percentage too high at this time.

On this day, Yang Jian was training with a few people in the Internet cafe as usual, but the owner of the Internet cafe he often trained found them, and with them was this young woman in her thirties who was well-dressed.

The woman wore light makeup, a pair of black-framed glasses, and her hair was coiled up high. She looked intellectual. She walked behind Yang Jian and the others, and after watching the five of them rank up, she started Hands up.

Yang Jian and the others turned around and frowned slightly. The woman said first, "If I'm not wrong, you should be members of the PG team."

"You are?" Shao Keqing thought of a possibility.Looking at the suspicious look on the woman's face.

The woman smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhou Menglian. You can call me Sister Zhou. The reason why I found a few is because I want to sponsor your team."

Hearing this, Yang Jian and the others showed ecstasy on their faces, this woman wants to sponsor the team!

But Shao Keqing frowned slightly at this time and said: "I don't know how sister Zhou plans to sponsor?"

"This is not a place to talk, let's talk in another place." She said to Yang Jian and others.

Yang Jian nodded, stood up and walked with them to a coffee shop. At this time, Zhou Menglian said: "I was planning to sponsor you just now, but after watching the game you just played, I changed my purpose. I want to buy Get off your team!"

Hearing this, Shao Keqing frowned and said, "To tell you the truth, our goal is to sell this spot after we get into LSPL. If you want to buy our team, I don't know what price you plan to pay."

Zhou Ailian smiled and said: "The reason why I decided to buy your team just now is because of him. I saw his Hanbok ID just now, the wizard, that person who is in the top ten of Hanbok."

It seems that this woman in her thirties seems to know a lot about the e-sports circle.

"Are you from a professional club?" Shao Keqing asked with a more polite tone.

Zhou Ailian shook her head and said with a smile, "Well, I'm just a businessman, I just like to play this game, and I know more about the e-sports circle, so I set up an e-sports company and plan to form a professional team to play."

Hearing this, Yang Jian understood, probably she was a rich woman.Form a team to play.

Shao Keqing frowned and said, "Then just tell me how much you plan to spend to buy our team."

She pondered for a while and said: "You have a certain risk in entering the LSPL, and you may not be able to enter. As far as I know, you will meet the WE youth training team during the provincial competition. It’s hard to say, let alone the final finals, the current LSPL quota is about 80, and I bought your team for 50, but there is one condition, you must sign with the team for three years, and the salary is natural. I won't treat you badly."

What she said is indeed reasonable. It is unknown whether Yang Jian and the others can get into LSPL. The quota is only about 80. One person can get 10,000+. Now give them 50, which is almost enough for one person Take one hundred thousand.

But what she meant was already obvious, she just asked Yang Jian to sign with the team for three years alone, and he didn't plan to take the others.

After the voice fell, Yang Yufeng and the others showed a hint of excitement on their faces. After pondering for a while, Shao Keqing said: "I'm afraid I can't promise you this matter."

Zhou Ailian was taken aback and said, "What do you mean? Aren't you just selling them for quota?"

Not only Zhou Ailian was stunned for a moment, but other people were also stunned for a moment.

Shao Keqing said indifferently: "We are only selling places, but not people. You signed Yang Jian for three years. During these three years, he belongs to your team, but what if we didn't get LSPL? Isn't Yang Jian There is no way to become a professional player, and we have to wait for another season. Although the price you gave is indeed fair, it is a bit unfair to Yang Jian. Moreover, with Yang Jian's current strength in the top ten in Hanbok, you just sell her to a professional club. It’s not just 50.”

When Shao Keqing said this, Yang Jian instantly understood that Zhou Ailian's real goal was him.After seeing his Hanbok ID, she plans to sign him and form a team around Yang Jian. If she can't get the LSPL, she will sell Yang Jian to a professional club. With Yang Jian's current rank and the e-sports industry The bubble is huge, definitely more than 50!

On the surface, it seems that each of Yang Jian took about 10 yuan, but in fact they lost money.It is equivalent to Yang Jianbai giving it to Zhou Ailian.

Zhou Ailian glanced at Shao Keqing in surprise and said: "The little girl is smart, but I said I won't let him suffer. Since I plan to enter the e-sports industry, I will naturally form a professional team. Yang Jian is the cornerstone of it. If he signs the contract, I will naturally give him a very expensive signing fee."

Hearing what he said, Shao Keqing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's because I thought too much, I'm sorry."

Zhou Ailian shook her head and said, "It's okay, I still like you two little girls. In fact, after I set up the company, I'm already looking for coaches, analysts, and managers. When the LPL Spring Split is over, I plan to Looking for an opportunity to buy a spot in the LPL, but I can’t. There must be a spot in the LSPL, so don’t worry, and we don’t plan to sign other players from your team, which means that the players we are looking for need to be strong. On top of them, I want to play with a world championship."

Hearing this, Wei Yuxi and the others looked a little ugly, but they didn't say anything. They all knew that except for Feng Yushan, it was really difficult for them to play professionally with their strength.

Speaking of this, she suddenly smiled slightly and said, "Of course, if your strength can be raised, it is not impossible to keep you."

(End of this chapter)

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