Chapter 39 Murder Book
The four of them approached the tower. After the four of them approached, Yang Jian did not run away immediately. He stood under the tower. When the four of them walked in, Bron took the lead and threw a Q skill at Yang Jian. , hung up one of his passives, and then stood outside the tower and began to carry the tower!
He only has two levels, and he can carry almost three towers. He is sure that his control skills are very strong. As long as he hits the enchantress, he can definitely kill him!
Sure enough, after he hung up the passive, Yang Jian turned around with an e skill, and the chain held Bobby, and Bobby turned on the W skill, and directed an e at Yang Jian, pushing Yang Jian towards the purple side, and at the same time, the Titan A hook followed.At the same time, a landed on him.

The two skills were connected very well. Cooperating with the q skill of the male gun, Yang Jian's line selection dropped by half in almost two seconds, and he was shot out of the clone.During all this, Yang Jian didn't take too many actions, but the second part of the e skill was triggered, binding Bobby.

Tai Tan believed that Yang Jian must die this time, so he did not hand over the ignition.

And this clone also saved Yang Jian's life!
Because the moment the passive clone was hit, the opponent had no way to make a judgment attack on him, so Braum's passive was only hit twice by a, and it was not triggered.

At this time, Braum had already carried the tower twice, and the blood line was only a little over one-third left.Bron's body was pulled towards the outside, trying to get out of the tower's attack range after the third tower resisted.

At this moment, Yang Jian, whose avatar was over, suddenly flashed out of Bobby W's circle. At this time, his blood line was only about a hundred drops, and his hand speed was extremely fast. At the moment of flashing, another qw landed on the Bron's body, with the attack of the third tower, Bron didn't have time to react, and was killed in an instant.


On the commentary stage, it was almost Ze Yuan who saw Bobby being hooked by Tai Tan, sighed and said: "Sure enough, he was hooked, this time the enchantress is doomed."

However, after he finished speaking, the painting style suddenly changed, and Bron disappeared in less than a second. He exclaimed: "Beautiful, the enchantress directly flashed Bobby's w, and then a The demon's silence combined with the w skill Phantom Shadow, and Braum was dropped in seconds, this hand speed is really too fast!"

At the same time, Yang Jian's teammates finally outflanked him from Hedao's side, and the people on the WE Youth Training side felt a little confused at this moment.Originally, they also thought that the enchantress must die, but the plot took a turn for the worse. In the blink of an eye, their own party surrendered first blood, and the other party's people also arrived. Neither Bobby nor Tai Tan dared to stay long, and wanted to follow along. Retreat outside F4.

The male gun flashed in the past, wanting to ax the enchantress, as long as the a is hit, the enchantress will die!
However, the moment he flashed, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Yang Jian's mouth, and he tapped the keyboard lightly with his fingers, and w returned to the tower.

Bobby and Tai Tan, who were originally retreating, saw a bloody enchantress, their eyes lit up for a while, and they wanted to turn around and take away the enchantress.

At this time, the excavator dug a tunnel directly, and then flashed to push the two people up. The troll erected a pillar from the ground, and slowed down to Poppy and Titan while isolating the battlefield. Yang Jian drank the blood potion While walking towards the river channel with blue buff on his side, he wanted to increase the distance between Titan and Bobby. Titan and Bobby had just landed. At this time, Feng Yushan also arrived. He first stunned the two opponents with a q skill. Then it flashed to the vicinity of the drinking road again, and opened a passage for Yang Jian. Yang Jian followed the passage to the side of the river, which completely made Bobby and Tai Tan lose their desire to kill Yang Jian.

The remaining two wanted to escape, but Yang Yufeng and the others didn't give them a chance. Their position was too deep, and they were chased and beaten to death by the three.

After the male gun flashed and failed to kill the enchantress, he ran away from the red buff side.

"Let you b come to target me, I'm so stupid!" This wave of Yang Jian seemed to have completely vented the anger of being targeted in the previous game, and roared loudly.

At this time, the audience also fell into a burst of boiling. Although Yang Jian only took one head in this wave of attacks, the hand speed of that wave of flashing qw, and the wave of W that was synchronized with the flashing of the male gun returned to the original place. , are all show to bomb.

What is the audience's favorite?Isn't it just playing wonderful operations on the field?
On the commentary seat, Su Xiaoyan said: "The handling of this wave of enchantresses is indeed very calm, the control of the damage calculation and the final handling are very delicate, if he can't handle it a little bit, this time They will definitely die, and with four of them left, the remaining three of PG may not be able to beat them.

Yang Jian had already set off from the city at this time, Ze Yuan noticed Yang Jian's equipment at this time, frowned and said: "You pay attention to the wizard's equipment, is he a little too hard? Could it be that he lost his temper?"

At this time, Yang Jian, who was walking towards the middle, made up a Dolan ring and a dark seal after returning home!That is the ring of murder.

Su Xiaoyan frowned and said: "To be honest, I am a bit puzzled when the wizard chooses the enchantress this time. At first I thought he might be to prevent being gank, but this game is in the middle or even the late stage. She enchantress The effect is almost gone. Opponent Bobby, the Titans in the middle and Braum are all very fleshy. The male gun will definitely choose to make up the magic drinking knife after the jungle knife. She can only choose the second Draven, but With Bron's shield, he really has very little room to play in this game, and now that he has such equipment, it feels like he should have been affected by the last game, and now he plays the game with emotion."

Ze Yuan nodded in agreement and said: "I think so too, and you also mentioned this issue just now, their lineup is very weak in the front row, and ez also faces a problem of insufficient output in the later stage, the ability to play in the front row is weaker than The gap between Delevingne and Draven is really too big."

If Yang Jian had heard the conversation between the two at this time, he would have replied with a smile in his heart: "That's why I have to choose a murder book, otherwise I will play around in the middle and late stages, and the opposite side is full of f*cking flesh." All the dogs."

After returning to the line, Yang Jian bought a real eye, and then the excavator also released a green jungle knife and a real eye. After the vision was made on both sides of the river, Yang Jian chose to suppress the Titan!
But the hero Tai Tan is indeed very fleshy, and after being killed in the first wave, Tai Tan directly made a small cloak, Yang Jian can only consume his blood line, but can't kill him.

At 6 minutes into the game, Tai Tan has only half of his health, and Yang Jian is only level [-], and he only has the mana of a set of skills. Neither side has flashed. So I chose to push the line, planning to return to the city after pushing the line.

Seeing what Tai Tan did, Yang Jian showed a slight smile, because the experience bar at the bottom left of his computer was already full, which meant that he could be promoted to level six with just one pawn.

She moved to the front and held the soldiers in the back row. When the soldiers had half of their HP left, the enchantress moved.

A phantom obsession stepped up, and at the same time it stepped on Tai Tan, the soldiers in the back row were trampled to death, and the brilliance of the enchantress flashed, and she was promoted to level six.

Yang Jian's e skill has been released, and he jumped on the dog chain to tie Tai Tan. When Tai Tan saw the enchantress at level six, his expression changed drastically. After adding a shield, he walked down the tower on his own side.

When Yang Jian was stunned, he himself was also trapped by the chain. At this time, Yang Jian learned the r skill in seconds, and the second dog chain flew out of his hand! The Q skill also hit the Titan.

When the second link of the chain triggered the imprint of the q skill, Titan's huge body collapsed, giving up his life.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Jian's mouth, and he set his eyes on the killing ring and said, "It's two floors."

The game continued. This time, Yang Jian's surrounding vision has been doing very well. It is really difficult for the opponent to catch him. Yang Jian chose the ghost book as the first piece of equipment.

The bottom lanes of both sides chose to push the outer tower quickly after changing lanes.At twelve minutes, the upper and lower outer towers of both sides were pulled out.

However, at this time the head ratio has become 6:0
After killing Titan once, Yang Jian seized the opportunity to kill him again, and then swam around to take Draven's head.His record is already 4:0, twelve minutes is already a ghost book plus a murder book and two Dolan rings, and the murder book already has eight layers.

After WE youth training saw that Yang Jian failed in this round against Yang Jian, they also chose to hide and defend the tower, not daring to invade again. Yang Jian is now an eight-story murder book. If the enchantress' strength in the mid-term makes him stack up the killing books, then they will be in real trouble. As long as they drag the game to the later stage, relying on the characteristics of the lineup, they can kill the opponent with flesh.

They began to choose to avoid rather than fight.In addition to development and development, they firmly guarded the middle tower. They knew that once the first tower in the middle was pulled out and the opponent started to invade the wild area, their money-making space would be extremely compressed.

In 15 minutes, after Yang Jian and the others took away Xiaolong, they chose to group up and push the opponent's outer tower in the middle, and the WE youth training also gathered five people to hide in the middle, trying to defend Yang Jian's offensive and even find opportunities to counterattack. Hit a wave to bring back the disadvantage a little bit.

In the voice, Yang Jian said: "Xiao Xi, look for an opportunity to trick Braum's shield out, and then consume almost one-fifth of Draven's blood line, and then I will give him a second."

(End of this chapter)

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