Chapter 45 Two Monsters
The sword light flashed on the long sword in Haifeng Jianhao's hand, and Xu Yandong showed a cruel smile. He seemed to have seen that in the next second, Ruiwen died under his sword. He seemed to have seen the computer in front of him. Yang Jian had a look of despair on his face. Thinking of the fast, an excited smile appeared on his face.

His q skill had already been pressed, and Jianhao's long sword stabbed straight at Ruiwen's chest.

However, the moment his long sword pierced Raven, Raven suddenly rushed towards his face!His q skill landed on Yang Jian's shield.

At the same time, Yang Jian slashed on Yasuo's body with a knife, and there was only a trace of his blood in an instant, and Xu Yandong's shit was about to come out. Just when Ruiwen wanted to make a second knife, he suddenly moved towards He flashed in the direction of his own tower, and at this moment he was close to the defensive tower, so this time he flashed directly to the tower's attack range.

He knew that if Yang Jian flashed to keep up, he would die, but Yang Jian would also be killed by the tower, so even if the two sides exchanged, it would not be considered a single kill.

And Yang Jian didn't hesitate, and followed directly in a flash, and the last knife fell on Yasuo.


The moment the sound sounded, Yasuo fell down in response to the sound, and the tower also attacked at this time. Yang Jian was unable to escape, and was attacked by the tower, and both sides called for their lives.

"Wow, this is really exciting. The mid laners of the two sides are full of gunpowder, and they actually chose to fight at the third level." The commentary doll exclaimed and said: "This wave has become a call, but I feel that the wizard I want to make a little money, after all, I took first blood, and now the line of soldiers is coming towards him."

Miller said: "Actually, this wave of Yasuo shouldn't fight. Revan is at the third level at this point, which can be regarded as one of his explosive points. Yasuo's choice of fighting this wave is a bit irrational. If he didn't handle the details Well, he will definitely die in this wave of confrontation."

After returning home, Yang Jian chose two short swords and a bottle of red medicine to go out again. His face was serious, and although he could not understand Xu Yandong, he had to admit that since he played this game, Xu Yandong had encountered I have been to the mid laner who gave him the most pressure.

Although in the ranks of the Korean server, he has encountered many top mid laners, including existences such as faker and pawn, but rank is rank after all, and those professional players will not choose to devote themselves wholeheartedly to it, even Some will play more relaxed and choose to play around, for example, faker's black Yasuo. (I don’t know if you have seen this meme. There is a chapter picture of the online game P. Next to the faker’s portrait is the faker’s Yasuo. The record is very poor, and it is accompanied by the text: Is it black? I play Yasuo.)
Yang Jian's online details are already very good, but Xu Yandong's online handling is not much better than his own, and he is even better than himself in some aspects.Online is even more aggressive than himself, and often initiates active blood changes.

At this time, Yang Jian was not surprised at all why he was blown so hard. His online suppression in the city competition was completely crushing compared to other mid laners in this competition. There are many factors to consider, after all, he is still the commander of the team.

After going online, Xu Yandong chose two attack speed daggers, neither of which was cowardly. After going online, as long as there is a pawn line and Xu Yandong is passive, the two will fight against each other.

Perhaps the junglers of both sides also hope to see a winner between the two online, so almost neither of them choose to grab the middle lane, but they both sit on the two sides of the middle lane to ensure the vision of both sides.

Compared with the constant fighting in the middle lane, the other three lanes seemed a little more peaceful. The two big meats in the top lane were developing peacefully, and Toner also chose to take the initiative to clear the jungle.On the other hand, the blind man chose to squat a few times, but they were all detected by Yang Jian's vision.

Although Yang Jian and the others fought extremely fiercely in the middle, there were no kills after that. The two of them were very good at controlling blood volume and calculating damage.

Yang Jian knew in his heart that it was estimated that this round would be played in the mid-term to watch the team battle.

The game lasted for 10 minutes. In the commentary booth, the doll suddenly said: "I noticed something. I don't know if you saw it."

Miller froze for a moment and said, "What is it?"

"Look at the last hits of the two men in the middle lane." Waowa pointed to the screen and said to Miller.

Miller was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but sighed and said: "I'm so good, these two people are a bit fierce."

Wa Wa said: "These two are monsters. Under the circumstances of fighting so hard in the middle, their last hits are almost not lost. Now in 10 minutes, both of them have made more than ninety last hits."

Miller nodded approvingly and said: "This is indeed a bit scary. Logically speaking, under such a fierce situation in the mid lane, they should lose a lot of last hits, but the current situation is that there are almost no misses." Dao, these two people are a bit perverted."

Wawa said: "I kind of want to see the performance of these two people in the professional arena. Whether it is the wizard or assnssinn, they have shown a very deep hero pool in this game. Whether it is the czar or the assassin, they are very used Well, I think as long as they adapt to the rhythm of the game, they will definitely be the top mid laners in LPL."

Miller nodded and said: "It's about the same as I thought. I have received a little news. Now assnssinn has been signed by a certain LPL team. We may see him in the summer split or the playoffs. But I don’t know about the wizard, it is said that he has already signed a contract with the team, but I don’t know which team, but WE, EDG and some other LPL teams are interested in him, it is said that he rejected EDG..."

Before Miller finished speaking, his voice suddenly increased: "Look here, the Golem and the Titan are teleporting at the same time, and the junglers on both sides are in the bottom lane. This wave is about to fight."

Because Yang Jian and the others pressed the pawn line to the front, the opponent quietly planted a queen's eye behind the grass, and then Yasuo walked down the road. After Yang Jian saw Yasuo wandering, Also hurried towards the next road.

At this time, the stone man teleported to the rear, and the titan also teleported to the line of soldiers in a hurry!
It just so happens that the junglers of both sides are also in the second half of the jungle, and this wave is about to fight.

After the stone fell, it flashed and shouted at Xiao Xi.

Xiao Xi looked very calm at this time, he kept aiming at the Golem's big move, and the moment the Golem hit him, he flashed to the side, the Golem's big move was only as big as a bull's head, at this time the bull's head The level is already very high, Yasuo did not choose to take it up.

Qin Nana directly activated the holy gun baptism, dealing the first wave of damage.

At the same time, Yasuo approached the battlefield. He did not enter the crowd for the first time, but chose to passively stack q minions.

After the stone man failed to start the group, it was Yang Jian's turn to fight back. Yang Jian's Ruiwen was circling in the distance, and he didn't enter the field immediately, waiting for the opportunity to cut in.

"Start a team, start a team." Yang Jian commanded in the voice, the opponent's stone man's ult move was almost empty, and now the advantage was all on his side.

And Qin Nana and the others knew it very well, so they immediately chose to keep the lineup back.

At this time, Feng Yushan played a wave of extremely wonderful operations. When the stone man retreated, he used w to make a unique move with the help of the stone man, and then a q flashed directly!When they got to the opponent's back row, they directly q'd Lucian, Bron and Blind!

At this time, the wine barrel moved, and he flashed an e, and took over the control of the bull head again!

Yang Jian didn't hesitate any longer. At this time, he activated his big move. When the two Q's were about to enter the field in the third stage, Yang Yufeng made a fatal mistake. He clearly controlled the opponent's three people. As long as Yang Jian entered the field, he could be killed in seconds. Under the situation of the opponent's AD, he actually chose the big move to blow the opponent's Lucian back.

What's more, his ult was blown up, Lu Xian's position wasn't right, instead he put Bron in front of Yang Jian and the others.

Bron didn't hesitate at all. After landing, a backhand is a big move. I saw a group of ice cones rising suddenly from the ground. Revan, ez, and Titan in the back row didn't react, and were instantly knocked into the air. Yasuo also Without hesitation, he took the big move directly!

In the commentary seat, Miller's speech speed suddenly accelerated a lot. He said: "Yasuo's ult hit three people, and the NLW team chose to fight back. Their two most important C positions were all overwhelmed. It feels like they are going to blow up this wave, the Titans gave Yasuo a big move, trying to limit Yasuo, but at this time Lucian was liberated again."

"Ruiwen, Raven has entered the arena!" His voice suddenly shouted at this moment.

That's right, Yang Jian didn't hesitate at all after landing, and directly connected to the flash q. He had already continued two q skills before, and the third q skill instantly hit the point!

Originally, Lu Xi'an's blood line was only about half of it, Yang Jian's third q hit AD's body, a slashed, and then w and the big move were thrown out almost at the same time.Lucian was instantly reduced to ashes!
"This operation is really smooth, this Ruiwen is so good." Waowa couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

The moment Lucian was dropped in seconds, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience, and many people stood up, but this was just the beginning of this wave of team battles!
Behind Yang Jian and the others, Yasuo entered the arena after Braum drove up to them, and Titan's ultimate move was directly blocked by him with w, and then he used his minions to move, and he arrived in front of ez in the first time, and hung up on ez. After igniting, flat a plus qe, combined with the Golem and Braum, also killed ez.

Next, Yasuo also made a wave of extremely wonderful operations!

He had a tornado in his hand, and next, he eq'd a pawn. At this time, Yang Jian's wine barrel and Niutou's positions were somewhat concentrated. He eq'd a pawn, and then directly took a flash and appeared in front of the three of them.

Yasuo's eq flashed, instantly blowing up the three of Yang Jian who were standing together.

(End of this chapter)

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