League of Legends national warriors

Chapter 47 It's not just your Yasuo who can eq flash

Chapter 47 It's not just your Yasuo who can eq flash


Seeing that Yang Jian had chosen Yasuo in seconds, screams and applause erupted from the audience.

The audience likes to watch this kind of educational series the most, and it is Yasuo who is such an outstanding hero. This hero who hardly appeared in the professional arena was used continuously in the finals of the city competition.

On the commentary stage, both Miller and Wawa laughed, and Wawa said: "These two people are really interesting. From the very beginning, the two of them were at each other's throats. Now the wizard directly chooses Yasuo. If you want to say that these two people There is no contradiction, anyway, I don’t believe it.”

Miller said: "But we just need something like this to make the game interesting. I don't know what heroes will come out from assnssinn. I guess both sides should prepare something for this game. Now they lose a layer first. Under the circumstances, he should come up with his own big move."

Yang Jian, who was sitting in front of the computer, couldn't hear the commentary outside, but he swore to God, the reason why he took Yasuo was not to punch the opponent in the face, it was their routine lineup, which was discussed before the game of.

If they win the first game, they will come up with this lineup of Yasuo.

After picking Yasuo on the first floor, because the opponent released the wheel mother, they chose to take the wheel mother second-hand.

When the screen cut to the blue square, Xu Yandong and the others seemed to be discussing something, and finally Xu Yandong took out the Tsar on the third floor, and they grabbed Bron on the second floor.

They knew very well that Yang Jian and his side, like them, were centered on the mid laner. Since Yang Jian took out Yasuo so early, the opponent's lineup would inevitably be equipped with a lineup centered on Yasuo.So they chose a hand of Braum as a backhand.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Jian and the others took the top lane stone man and added the auxiliary bull head. After taking out the first four hands, Yang Jian and his team's lineup characteristics are already obvious. The main center is Yasuo, with Yasuo Cooperating with the wheel mother's big move, a crazy face lineup is formed.

But their lineup has a flaw, that is, it is an all-AD lineup. In the last game, because the opponent was also an all-AD lineup, neither side took advantage, but this time the opponent took out a czar.

Qin Nana and the others took out ez and added the old driver Sean in the last two hands!
Although the hero Sion is rarely used in the game, in the high-end rounds of the Korean server, Sion's winning rate is extremely high.

When Thain appeared, the audience burst into roars of excitement.

The reason why Thain is remembered by the Chinese audience is that at the IEM Nine World Championship last year, when WE’s top laner aluka took out Thain, he took out GEtiger, who was ranked first in the Korean lck league at the time (now also number one in lck, changed his name) Became ROX) crashed back home, making all Chinese LOL players remember this hero.

Yang Jian and the others really didn't think of Thain's move. The purpose of the NLW team is very clear, to use Thain as the front row, provide control, and let the czar and ez output!

With Thain's HP growth characteristics and Yang Jian's all-ad lineup, their lineup is almost invincible in the later stage.

On the commentary stage, Miller said: "Judging from the lineup that came out, I feel that NLW's side is more layered. In the later stage, their lineup feels that they can win naturally. Although PG's lineup is very strong. , but it will be difficult for an all-AD lineup to beat Thain in the late stage. It depends on what they take in the end."

"Wow, no way, widow!" the baby exclaimed suddenly.

Yes, in Yang Jian's last jungler move, they took out the widow!
Miller suddenly realized: "I see, they took out the first four moves, the purpose is to make the opponent think that they will play an all-AD lineup, and then release the widow at the end as a big move, and their lineup will really start a team. Maybe it really wasn't the stone or the bull's head, but the widow's going around to start a group, and then the stone man and the bull's head took over the second-hand control! Both sides showed their big moves in this round."

So far, the lineups of the two sides have been determined, and the blue team is placed on the NLW team: top laner, Thain, and jungler: male gun.Mid laner: Tsar, the bottom lane is a combination of ez and Bron.

The purple side PG team: top laner: Golem, jungler: widow, mid laner: Yasuo, bottom lane is a combination of wheel mother and bull head.

Wa Wa said: "Okay, the players on both sides are ready, and then enter the second game of the two sides."

After the game started, the two sides were still facing each other normally. After Yang Jian went online, he exchanged blood with the czar crazily online, but this time Xu Yandong was extremely calm and did not choose to fight head-on with Yang Jian. Although he used sand soldiers to play more aggressively , but still mainly based on brushing.

The other two lanes are mainly based on wretched development. The hero Widow, under the normal laning situation, puts too much pressure on the laning.

Because the C position is all AD, Yang Yufeng's widow in this round is equipped with full damage according to the previous plan, and is used to cut the opponent's back row.

Three minutes into the game, level 3 Yang Yufeng chose to grab a wave of bot lane and successfully took away the opponent's first blood.

In the 6th minute of the game, the widow came to the middle, cooperated with Yang Jian, and took the head of the opponent's czar again.

The widow's rhythm is very good. In 15 minutes, he ganked three lanes and got a big advantage, but this advantage did not roll into a victory. After the game went on for a while, the disadvantages of Yang Jian's lineup began to be revealed.

Their lineup is very short, and they have no way to recommend it when the opponent has the czar, so they choose to control the dragons.

Because of the disadvantages in the early stage, the NLW team chose to give up all the resources on the map.

At 28 minutes into the game, the heads of both sides were 9:2, the number of towers was 3:0, and the number of dragons was 3:0.Yang Jian's economic advantage has reached [-], but the opponent's tsar has developed very well. Without the big dragon buff, they can't even take down the opponent's second tower, let alone the high ground.

Yang Jian also became a little nervous. Going over the tower is too risky, and the opponent's lineup has a very strong backhand ability.If they jump over the tower, there may be a wave of explosions. Too many people have died at this point in time. If the opponent takes the big dragon, the situation may be reversed.

NLW just guarded the tower, and didn't fight with Yang Jian and the others at all. Yang Jian and the others chose to fight the big dragon to get involved, but NLW came to do vision and get involved with them. In short, they didn't fight a team.

The two sides were involved in this way, and the game was slowly pulled to 38 minutes.

At this time, the fifth dragon in the audience was refreshed, and Yang Jian and the others were all gathered in the dragon. The buff gain brought by the five dragons was the winner of the game for Yang Jian and the others.

After getting five small dragons, they can use the five dragon buff to lead to the high ground.Yang Jian and the others made an eye behind the opponent's blue buff, and the stone man was waiting in the spring with his home guards. As long as the two sides fight, he will immediately choose tp!

Qin Nana and the others also knew that all the little dragons in front could give way, and even the big dragon could give way, but these five dragons were absolutely forbidden, so a group of people also gathered at the little dragons.

Yang Jian and the others didn't care so much, because the Tsar was here, they pulled Xiaolong out of the dragon pit.

At this time, the sound of Sion's ultimate move starting sounded. In the middle of the road, Sion turned into a bull and rushed towards the river frantically.

The stone man teleported inside, and brought the home guards around from behind the opponent's blue buff.After the opponent opened up, they gathered towards Yang Jian and the others. This wave of team battles had to be fought.

The best developed opponent is their tsar. As long as the tsar dies, the opponents will all explode.So the stone man who rushed over immediately chose to attack the czar.

Yang Jian quickly said: "Niutou, you can limit their male guns later, let's get the five dragon buff first!"

Feng Yushan nodded hastily, activated his ultimate move and entered Q Flash to enter the crowd, trying to push the blue gun away, at this time Xiaolong had already reached the bloodline of punishment.

The male gun flashed directly, and opened the bull's head more, trying to snatch the little dragon. When the thousand soldiers fired, Yang Yufeng's hands did not shake, and he successfully punished the little dragon.Five dragon buffs!

Yang Yufeng and the others were taken aback, and directly abandoned Thain who rushed into the crowd, planning to retreat to the high ground.

At this moment, Yasuo, who was holding a tornado in his hand, first e shot Sion in front of him, and then e e the male gun again and connected to q!

In the next moment, he flashed directly to the side of ez and the czar who were running away, and the two flew up in an instant.The whole process was done in one go.

The same move, eq flashes.

Yang Jian in front of the computer said with killing intent in his eyes: "It's not just your Yasuo who can flash eq."

(End of this chapter)

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