League of Legends national warriors

Chapter 78 Routine - Strong second lineup

Chapter 78 Routine - Strong second lineup
The match was divided into two venues. In Yang Jian's venue, there will be two matches. The first match is EDG vs. Snake, and the second match is LGD vs. PG.

The first session is at [-]:[-] noon and the second session is at [-]:[-] pm.The winner of both sides is the opponent in the semi-finals.

The first game was inextricably fought. After Sneke entered s6, he became a constant operation team. They have a very stable carry point in their team. Now they have grown into a world-class top laner-Flandre, and they also have a strong bottom lane. A powerful ad like Crystal.

It is also a strong team in the LPL. They are now mainly playing steadily, and they like to use operations and involvement to gain some advantages in the mid-term.

EDG played three sets with them, and each game lasted more than four and 10 minutes. However, the game seemed a bit boring. Both sides focused on operations and rarely broke out.However, there are many EDG fans and snake fans on the scene, and the scene is still very hot.

This venue can accommodate 4000 people, completely full, and there are still many scalpers outside the venue.

This is how popular LOL is now. This is not just a game anymore, it is an industry chain. A grand game is no less than a football and basketball match!
For example, the finals of the spring competition were held in a tennis center that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Many fans of Yang Jian and his team also came to the scene. Yang Jian has risen rapidly recently, and his smile and curly hair are the god-like existence of the older generation. Their fans on the scene are no less than LGD. When they play, There were bursts of cheers, but Zhang Dongdong and Wei Li, still not many people know them.

With LGD's victory in the summer split last year, and the fact that they recruited the former SKT top laner this year, the MVP Marin of the S5 Finals, their team popularity has also reached a very high level. During the spring split explosion period, these fans also love them. Never give up.

Before the start of the game, Miller and Wawa had already talked about the game on the commentary stand, and Wawa said: "There are still many things to watch in this game. First of all, the duel between the wizard and Wei Shen in the middle, Wei Shen's style of play I think I believe everyone knows that they are mainly brushes and show their carry ability in the middle and late stages, but the wizard is also known for its strong online strength and outstanding team fighting ability, the duel between these two is very interesting."

When he said this, he paused and said: "The second highlight of this game is the bottom lane. I think many people know or not. When imp was in MVPOZone in Korea, he was beaten by Smile and Curly. This is the story of two ez. At that time, Xiaoxiao won a complete victory. Later, after imp came to LPL, Xiaoxiao retired. Before Curly retired, he was considered the god of domestic support, and PYL can be regarded as the top existence among domestic support. , The battle between the two bottom lane combinations is obviously very interesting."

Miller finally said: "As you said, this game must be very interesting. The overall style of LGD is more aggressive. It happens that the PG team is a new team. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I think it will be very powerful from the start. But I am still more optimistic about LGD, after all, they are in a hot state now. I predict the score is 3:1, and LGD wins."

While they were talking, Yang Jian and the others had already finished their preparations. In the first round of the game, Yang Jian and the others directly used their first big move prepared for the game!
In the BP session, the blue team LGD came up with a more conventional lineup, top laner: Poppy, jungler: Spider, mid laner: Tsar, and the bottom lane took a strong combination of Lucian and Bard.

Yang Jian and the others directly released their first big move. In the final counter position, they took out a mid-laner hero who had hardly appeared on the field, the Prophet of the Void-Malzaha!

Their final lineup is: top laner: Golem, jungler: Eternal Nightmare, mid laner: Void Prophet, bottom laner Wheel Mom and Bull Head!A lineup with a strong opening and a strong second!

When Yang Jian and the others got the Void Prophet, there was a burst of screams. This hero has a very low appearance rate in the LOL arena, and is rarely used even in the ranks. A little bureau will be taken out and used by others.

And Nightmare, a jungler who was almost eliminated, was picked out by Yang Jian and the others.

They never expected that in the Demacia Cup this time, the PG team took out a hero like the Void Prophet in the first game.

"PG seems to be planning to give the old godfather a big blow. They released their big move in the first game. Their lineup obviously wants to play first with Golem, Malzaha (the name of the Prophet of the Void), and Nightmare. Wave burst out, and then cooperate with the smiling wheel mother to speed up to let the smile harvest." Miller said: "This lineup is indeed very good, but I don't know how it will play."

The two sides entered the game, and they were still fighting normally. LGD's online strength is quite strong. Apart from godv who likes to swipe, the bottom laner imp and the top laner marin are both famous for their online strength.

But as the game progressed, they found that they didn't take advantage of the laning.

Smile and Curly didn't choose to be tough with imp. After all, the opponent's combination line is very strong, and imp is now a world-class AD in full swing.They chose to focus on farming. Smile's last hit skills and Wheel Mom's line clearing ability kept his last hits from falling behind.

On the road, Zhang Dongdong's Golem and Marin's Bobby also exchange blood frequently, but it is too difficult for melee heroes to exchange blood with Golem, and now there is a very suitable talent for him.Although they fight fiercely, they are actually not worth seeing. The current top laner is just two clumps of flesh squeezing each other, and no one can kill the other.

Yang Jian and Wei Shen in the middle lane, Wei Shen mainly focuses on development, but Yang Jian plays relatively aggressively. When Yang Jian was promoted to the second level, he began to use Malzaha's e-skill, the evil star phantom.

This skill is the most disgusting skill among all Malzaha's skills. It pushes the line extremely fast, and after the target infected by Star Fiend dies, it can continue to be transmitted, and at the same time, it can provide Malzaha with a certain amount of mana recovery.

Wei Shen may not be very clear about Malzaha's skills, or he is not familiar with them. When Yang Jian pushed the line, he was accidentally infected once and directly lost one-fifth of his blood.

Moreover, the Malzaha used by Yang Jian used the q skill to find an opportunity to consume the czar's blood line after pushing the pawn line over. Wei Shen may have been q'd by Yang Jian several times because he was not particularly familiar with Malzaha.

And he was dumbfounded. He found that he was a majestic tsar, but he couldn't push the grasshopper in front of him when he pushed the line!
This is one of Wei Shen's most aggrieved matchups since he played the game.

Miller and Wawa on the commentary stage were dumbfounded. In fact, as professional commentators, they still knew Malzahar’s mechanism very well. A very abnormal hero, but he also has his own shortcomings, and he is easy to be caught online.

Therefore, Yang Jian usually chooses to retreat after spending a little time after pushing the line, and his playing is not particularly aggressive.

The opponent's spiders were always looking for opportunities in the three lanes, but Yang Jian and the others did a good job of defending against ganks and did not find any opportunities for the opponent's spiders.

At around 5 minutes and 50 seconds, Yang Jian was one pawn short of reaching level six.

In addition, Wei Shen was consumed by Yang Jian before, and now there are almost two-thirds of the blood line left. He knows that Yang Jian is about to upgrade, and he actively wants to distance himself.

But at this time Yang Jian didn't give him a chance, the moment he a-dropped that little soldier, he suddenly flashed forward, Yang Jian in the competition room kept rolling his hands on the keyboard!

First w, followed by the q skill, and the e skill Xingsha phantom for Wei Shen, followed by the big move-the grip of the underworld!Wei Shen was directly suppressed in place.

In addition to the flash, he almost finished this set of skills in less than a second, and Wei Shen didn't even have time to react to the flash.

Immediately afterwards, the Tsar was suppressed in place, and all his skills were hit. Cooperating with the damage of Malzaha's passive void spirit, his blood line dropped as if he didn't need money. When the ultimate move ended, the blood line on his body was empty. up.

Wei Shen kept pressing the flash, and when the ultimate move ended, he suddenly flashed down the tower, but the e skill on his body did not disappear, and the czar handed over a flash of death!
At the same time, a voice resounded throughout Summoner's Canyon: "FRISTBLOOD!"

(End of this chapter)

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