Chapter 81 Too Perverted
Yang Qian told Yang Jian about the habits of many LGD players, such as when to do field vision, what is their jungler's night hunting route, what time do they like to invade the jungle after they get a hero, and so on.

Yang Qian summed up a lot and asked Curly and Zhang Dongdong to record it. Of course, there are some accidents in the game, and the opponent will not come at this time every time.For example, Yang Jian and the others did not squat in the last game.

But in this game, they successfully took away the first blood of the jungler!

And this first blood has a joint reaction. A jungler has his own rhythm and habits from his jungle clearing to vision to gank. Yang Jian and the others seized the opportunity to kill the male gun this time. A wave is equivalent to breaking his rhythm, which has quite a big impact on a jungler.

Another point is to give Yang Jian an advantage.

The reason why Godv was single-killed twice by Yang Jian in the last match was that he was not familiar with Malzaha, and the second reason was that he was a little scared.

He used to drive with Yang Jian when he was in Hanbok. He had seen Yang Jian's strength. Yang Jian played more aggressively in the mid laner position in the rank than in the game. When he and Yang Jian lined up together , as long as the opponent's jungler doesn't target the mid laner, the opponent's mid laner will almost always be overwhelmed by Yang Jian. He feels deep in his heart that he is not Yang Jian's opponent online, so he will subconsciously choose to avoid it online. war.

But he didn't want to be too cowardly, so he kept fighting, which gave Yang Jian a chance.

If he is VG's mid laner Monkey Lord, a man who is integrated with the defense tower, Yang Jian doesn't have much chance to kill him solo.

When Yang Jian got the first blood in this round, godv twitched a few times, sighed and said to himself: "If it's ugly, let's make it ugly. Let's talk about the development first."

Ever since, he chose to grow up under the tower, and it was impossible for Yang Jian to jump over his tower.Can only consume him.

Twelve minutes into the game, after the Leopard Girls volleyball lost their view of the river, Verus and the Leopard Girls swam down the lane together, successfully got two kills from the opponent's bottom lane, and pushed off one of their bottom laners. Tower, take down the first dragon.

The most frightening thing about POKE-type lineups is to allow them to gain an advantage in the early stage, but now, Yang Jian and the others really have an advantage.

After pushing down the first tower in the bottom lane, the four of them huddled together and went to the middle lane. At this time, they had an advantage in equipment. The only meat Ike on the opponent was still developing on the top lane and had not yet formed. The other four were relatively crispy. It was more disabled by Yang Jian.The opponent didn't dare to defend, and gave up a tower directly.

At 7 minutes, they teamed up again and pushed down the first tower on the road. So far, the opponent's three outer towers have all been destroyed.

After going back to integrate a round of equipment, the second dragon is about to be refreshed. Yang Jian and his lineup are invincible against dragons. If LGD wants to come to the group, their five pokes can directly make LGD fall by half before the group blood line.So LGD chose to give up.

They gave up on the little dragon group, but Yang Jian and the others would not let them go. After taking away the little dragon, the five of them huddled together and pushed towards the second tower in the middle road.

Yang Jian's position is always in the wolf's position, Leopard Girl is in the direction of F4, and the rest of Jess, Airplane and Fan Mom are in the middle, and they stand relatively scattered.The five formed a fan shape.

At this time, they have some advantages in equipment, and the opponent also has some bursts of shooting male guns, and the bursts of other heroes are not high, and there is no hero who can make them reduce their numbers instantly.And the purpose of their position is to allow Bud to drive at most only one person even if the other party drives hard.

Yang Jian and the others didn't push the tower, and tried to open the position as much as possible to prevent the czar from opening it.

Naturally, LGD doesn't want to give up the second tower in the middle lane easily. Once the second tower in the middle lane is lost, it will be really difficult for them to make vision.

They want to rely on the czar's powerful tower defense ability to defend the second tower in the middle.

At this time, the power of Yang Jian's full Poke lineup began to show, and Curly said kindly in his voice: "Come, come, I will count three, two, one, and let's release skills together."

"Three, two, one!"

The moment he said that, he gave himself an acceleration and rushed to the front with a q skill that was thrown out suddenly. At the same time, Jess's eq second company, leopard girl's long hair, plane's missile, Yang Jian's arrow, five skills Lasing towards each other from five directions.

LGD was dumbfounded, they wanted to avoid one skill, but when five skills came from five directions, they found that they couldn't avoid it!

At this time, they all thought of a funny picture about LOL, Teemo with residual blood in the middle, being attacked by EZ's ult, brilliant ult, captain's ult, ice's ult and Draven's ult .There is no way to avoid it.

At this time, they have such a feeling.

In this round of skills, the people of LGD were more or less hit. The worst one was Ike. He already had a sunburn. He thought he was more fleshy, so he took it to the front, and ended up with five skills. He ate everything except Leopard Girl's mark, and his blood line dropped by more than half in an instant.

He was so scared that he hurried towards the back.

After the opponent's formation moved back a little, Yang Jian and the others moved forward a little. After a few seconds, Curly laughed cheaply and said, "Come on, come on, in the second round, Jess can't fight, we four A set of fires."

After throwing out another round of skills, LGD's formation had to move backwards. At this time, Yang Jian and the others moved their formation forward and took down the second tower.

LGD also thought about forcing them when Ike supplemented his big move, but Yang Jian and the others are very thieves, and they don't want to take the risk of going head-on, unless they use poke to let the opponent's key players lose blood or reduce their staff, and then Ike thinks When they wanted to rush forward and force open, they decisively chose to retreat. They had the acceleration door of Jess's e skill, and they ran very fast.It is too difficult for the other party to drive to them.

Then, they followed suit and pushed down the second top tower and the second bottom tower again. When pushing down the second tower, something happened that made everyone laugh out loud.

LGD's imp wanted to clear the line of troops, so e went to the front, but was bombarded by Yang Jian and his five skills. hit.It turned into ashes in a second.

Then the camera cuts to the front of imp, who seems to be behind with his mouth open: "Axi!"

This scene caused the audience to burst into laughter!

Miller said: "This lineup is very restrained. Their hands are too long. It is difficult for LGD people to touch them. Now PG has a big advantage. Let the POKE lineup get such a big one in the mid-term. Advantages, LGD's front row can't bear it, let alone their C position. This is a bit too abnormal, I really want to meet their coach and ask him how he came up with it."

After knocking down all the outer towers, it took only 25 minutes. At this time, Yang Jian and his lineup entered a really strong period.

Yang Jian and the others don't want to delay the game to the late stage. If their Ike equipment is really formed, their advantage will not be so great, so after removing the outer tower, they will go straight to the opponent's middle high ground.

At this point in time, LGD can't stand their poke at all. As long as they are hit by Yang Jian and Jess, their c position will at least drop by half the blood line.

The LGD players all had dark faces, as if they had had enough. At 27 minutes, they chose to surrender again.

The quarter-finals match was B05. After the first two rounds of the match, the LSPL team PG actually took a 2-0 lead over LGD, which surprised everyone.

The PG team's post bar is completely boiling, and everyone praises this coach as a genius, who can think of such a perverted lineup.

Duowan and other media immediately gave great affirmation to the lineup of the PG team, and wrote: "This is the most lacking thing in the Chinese coaching staff. The League of Legends has so many heroes, and there are countless ways to match them. Why can't you try often, but just imitate others? Of course, you can also use other people's strengths, but it's best to develop your own characteristics."

This time, Zhangmeng also gave great affirmation to Yang Jian and the others for their innovative lineup, thinking that this is a very good spirit.

Amidst the praises, Yang Jian walked towards the lounge and entered the corridor of the lounge. Yang Jian saw a scene that made him frown.

(End of this chapter)

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