Powerful Song Dynasty

Chapter 839 Zhang Qiyuan's Universiade

Chapter 839 Zhang Qiyuan's Universiade
Shi Hao felt very suddenly that Wang Xiu took the initiative to help him, and he couldn't believe the good luck.

It is of course good to be able to teach at Yuquanshan Academy. The teaching salary there is comparable to that of Zhizhou, and even the teaching assistant is enough to support the family.

Yuquanshan Academy is not Zhongshan Academy. It is not inferior to Yingtian and Yuelu academies. Zhongshan Academy focuses on science and engineering, while Yingtian and Yuelu academies focus on classics and poetry. endowed.

Although Ye Mengde, Li Qingzhao and other celebrities went north, there are still many celebrities giving lectures in the academy. The academic atmosphere is very good. It is naturally good to be a lecture assistant. It is also a joy in life to be able to listen to the lectures of great Confucians from time to time. The attraction to him is not A star and a half.

Besides, being able to enter the academy did not rely on Wang Xiu, he had to rely on his ability to eat, but Wang Xiu asked the Ministry of Rites to give more quotas for the examination in Hangzhou, and let him take the examination in Hangzhou, which was also well-intentioned and took care of his emotions.

If he was recruited into Zhongshan Academy, it would make him feel like giving alms. Hangzhou is not far or near, so he has a choice. Yes, it is my good fortune to be able to enter Yuquanshan Academy. However, I will stay in Hangzhou to participate in the examination, and please don’t mention it again, I dare not use one person for personal gain and abolish the government.”

Wang Xiu smiled with satisfaction, Shi Hao did not reject his kindness, but made the most sensible choice.If the other party fully accepts his kindness and does not return to Mingzhou to take part in the examination, he will definitely take care of it, but relatively speaking, the impression points will be reduced by [-]%.

He was in a very good mood, and said again: "Oh, why is Zhiweng alone here, why isn't Yu Binfu here?"

"Binfu originally wanted to stay in the industry, but he heard that his mother was seriously ill last year, so he returned home overnight. He didn't want his mother to die before he arrived, so he stayed at home to observe his filial piety." Shi Hao's face was sad.

"So that's it." Wang Xiu nodded slowly. How could such a virtuous person who has become a general and a prime minister lose ten years of good time in vain?That would be a pity.

Shi Hao didn't know Wang Xiu's plan, so he felt it was a pity, and said: "Bin Fu is a filial piety, I'm afraid he won't have to participate in the tribute examination within three to five years."

"Talents can't satisfy both loyalty and filial piety. It should be changed." Wang Xiu thought about whether he could use the recruitment method to let Yu Yunwen enter the official career ahead of schedule.However, he needs to consider the impact.

Zhong Lirui smiled calmly, poured a glass of wine for each of them, and said: "My lord, Brother Zhi Weng, come, drink this glass to the brim."

Besides, above the sea, Zhang Qiyuan's life is very difficult. They are not going to do business, let alone go to other countries as envoys, so they can't be too particular about everything.

Sea-going ships are not big and spacious blessing ships, but medium-sized and small offshore merchant ships. They transport bulk goods such as grain and salt to and from the coast, and the conditions are naturally very simple and even harsh.

He hadn't showered for many days, and the humid sea climate made him sticky all over his body, making him extremely uncomfortable.It was only at this time that I realized that the business of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty navy was not easy to do. No wonder Wang Xiu raised the salary of the guards and sailors. This foreign crime alone is not something ordinary people can bear.

I was still frightened along the way, and encountered two patrol boats of the Song Guards. It is impossible for such small and medium-sized merchant ships to enter the deep sea, and they cannot completely avoid the patrols of the Song Army, and they are easy to be spotted by the patrol boats.

Fortunately, the subordinates in the jurisdiction are familiar with this route, and the officers of the two patrol boats also know each other.It can be considered that Zhang Qiyuan's fate is great. These guards and sailors did not take the wanted announcement from the Song court to heart, and did not conduct a careful search of the ship. After paying some tribute, they only took a rough look.

Naturally, he disguised himself as a servant, and faced the absent-minded guards and sailors, he saved the day.

After many days of long-distance travel, Zhang Qiyuan finally saw a line of land. Zhang Qiyuan was extremely excited, but seeing Juli walking over, before he could ask a question, he smiled and said: "Congratulations to Mr. Zhang!"

"Where does the joy come from?" Zhang Qiyuan seemed to realize something, and tried his best to suppress this emotion. This **** ghost ship didn't want to stay for a day.

"To the northwest, that is Wendeng County, Dengzhou, Jingdong East Road. The land you see is mountains, and it is also the eastern end of Jingdong. The rough sea makes you suffer."

"Oh, so you're almost at your destination?" Zhang Qiyuan was not in a happy mood, and he didn't care about any suffering. Instead, he felt a little heavy, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

"My lord is right. We are about to reach our destination, but it is also more dangerous." There was no joy in the jurisdiction, but a serious expression on his face.

"Oh." Zhang Qiyuan was stunned, and immediately remembered the guard of the Samana Island, the Navy Dazhai. He couldn't help taking a breath, and said in a deep voice, "Meng'an is talking about the Samana?"

"Exactly, there are hundreds of warships stationed on Shamen Island, and there are usually warships off the coast of Laizhou. Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck!" The jurisdiction is desperate enough, but facing ships at sea, Still have no confidence.

You must know that the warships of the Song Guards and Navy all have sharp long-range bed crossbows, and are equipped with abnormally powerful iron shells or arrows.This is an important place for border defense, but it is not comparable to the patrol boats patrolling the sea meeting in the south.

"Hehe, your General Affairs Department claims to have great powers, but sometimes you miscalculate." Zhang Qiyuan seemed to have thought of something, and he couldn't help laughing, but his laughter was very miserable.

Juli frowned slightly, but he didn't know why Zhang Qiyuan was smiling, as if he wasn't worried at all about the most difficult road ahead.After finally coming to the frontier waters, it would be too unlucky to encounter a warship of the Song Dynasty Navy.

When Zhang Qiyuan saw that he was hesitant to ask questions, his mood improved a lot, and he said very relaxedly: "Don't you know that Wang Wenshi's eyes are on the South China Sea, and the guard navy has assembled a 3-strong army to escort more than [-] living people to the south one after another. Shamen Nearly half of the ships in Dazhai have been dispatched! The warship you mentioned may be able to meet, unless we get lucky."

The jurisdiction suddenly realized that he was aware of the big movement of the guard navy, but he didn't think about it. Since the main force of the Song Dynasty navy is going south, it is natural to transfer troops from Samana.Now that nearly half of the sea-going ships have been transferred, the line of defense will definitely shrink. As long as they deviate from the channel, their danger will be much smaller.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the mast lookout suddenly shouted: "Meng'an, northeast, two large sailing ships are approaching."

Zhang Qiyuan's complexion immediately became very exciting. Could it be that he really got lucky?

Juli frowned, and his eyeballs were rolling.

(End of this chapter)

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