Chapter 846
While Zhao Gou and Qin Hui were drinking, in Fengle Building, Wang Xiu pleaded guilty and left to change clothes, but came to another luxurious private seat, Shen Mo and Cai Yi were there, and the two enjoyed their meal.

"Seeing that Wen is really busy, have you taken care of those guys?" Shen Mo put down the silver cup and made a joke of Wang Xiu.

"Damn it, they're going south tomorrow, and the South China Sea is dangerous." Sitting on the small table opposite, Wang Xiu gave Mo Mo a hard look.

"Brother Zhi, don't make jokes. I know how hard it is for them. The last time the ship came back from sea, how many officials died in Huangquan, it's really horrible." Cai Yi looked a little sad, as if he was complaining about the silence of Meng Lang.

At that time, when Wang Xiu knew Hangzhou, Shangguanqian led a fleet to protect merchant ships going out to sea. It was a large-scale operation before the establishment of the Song Guards Navy, using 23 ships of various colors and more than [-] officials.

The mission was completed well. Under the protection of the Song Dynasty's warships, the merchant ships were sailing smoothly. When the pirates saw the warships of the Song Dynasty, they were afraid to avoid them.

Shangguanqian attacked the pirates around the waterway in a planned way, wiped out four pirate lairs, and beheaded thousands of bandits.

Sea ships stopped at Sanfoqi and waited to return to merchant ships. During this period, Yunjian City was built, and finally Bowang Army was formed.However, the officers and men of the Song Dynasty navy caused all kinds of dissatisfaction with the environment, and the death toll remained high. During the half year of waiting, more than [-] people died of illness, and more people died on board, far more than those killed in battle.

After returning to the port of Panyu County, Guangzhou, there were 200 officials and only about [-] left, which can be described as tragic.

"I have to go back later, time is running out, can you stop talking so much nonsense?" Wang Xiu rolled her eyes in silence, and said again: "I discussed it with Li Boji, Yi Zhi doesn't have to worry, I won't let you go."

Cai Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and said awkwardly: "Brother Wenshi knows me."

Silence glanced at Wang Xiu, and said indifferently: "The army is going on an expedition, so there must be an incident with the Prime Minister in the South China Sea, right?"

"Minister of Rites, Wang Lun, Wang Zhengdao." Wang Xiu simply said the candidate, obviously already had a conclusion.

"Wang Zhengdao, you have such a thick skin. I heard that in Kaifeng City Slope, he was able to ask for officials at the Donghua Gate, and he was quite capable." Cai Yi smiled with a bit of disdain. He looked down on Wang Lun very much. ruffian.

"What does it mean to have some ability? It's a genius with real diplomatic relations." Wang Xiu rolled her eyes, disapproving of Cai Yi's conclusion, and even strongly opposed it.

Wang Lun, this is a character!According to the genealogy of the Chenzhou Wang family, the Langya Wang family and the famous Shen County Wang family are both descendants of the Taiyuan Wang family.

This person is the grand-nephew of Wang Dan, the prime minister of the Zhenzong era, a young man from a poor family, and to put it bluntly, he is a gangster, an unstable factor who cheats on food and drink.He lived in poverty, but seized the opportunity of the Jurchens to break Kaifeng, climbed Donghuamen and got an official position, but was looked down upon by the prime minister He Su, which must have aroused the anger of the scholars.

In a word, it is not a formal way of origin.

At that time, Wang Xiu was leading an army in Mengzhou to prepare for battle, but he didn't know that there was a commotion at Donghuamen for the second time. Zhao Huan was forced to go back to the city to appease the people.

However, Wang Lun is indeed a diplomatic prodigy, not to mention the past history, even in the history changed by him, it was going back and forth to bargain with the Jurchens for the benefit of the Song dynasty. It was a war without gunpowder. .

In the past ten years, the Song Dynasty has hardly suffered diplomatically. Even Tarlan ceded the Hedong Alliance, and it was Wang Lun who was the last pusher. Tarlan made the final decision. Decision-making reference and planning into a win-win situation for the north and the south are naturally attractive.

Never having the power to subjugate the country, the best ending is a good alliance, but it is not easy to achieve a good alliance, but Wang Lun used means to let Talan adopt it.

It should be said that using time and strategy against the other party must be appropriate to the current situation. No one is a fool, and there is no gain for nothing. Regardless of the success or failure of laziness, if Wang Lunda's diplomatic strategy is adopted by the other party, that is success.

His achievements are by no means inferior to Li Gang's, but it's a pity that he and Li Gang and others are buried in the halo of him.

In view of Wang Lun's outstanding performance, he is definitely qualified for the important task in the South China Sea. He knows that sending troops to the South China Sea is not a one-off wave. In terms of current strength, as long as the strategy is appropriate, it will be a crushing battle. The only worry is the great plague. It is the attitude of the countries in the South China Sea, and Wang Lun, who is good at diplomacy, is just right.

Just as Wang Xuance used the Tubo soldiers to destroy Tianzhu, but his illustrious military exploits were not recorded in the Danqing annals.

Shen Mo pondered for a while, and said: "Wen Shi wants Wang Zhengdao to go south. It is true that people make the best use of them, but Brother Gao is not very experienced, so the selection of the chief political officer must not be sloppy."

"I also discussed this with Li Boji, because the ministers don't have to follow the first batch of troops to go south, and there is no conclusion yet. What do you think of Taifu Temple Minister Wang Shuxing?"

"Wang Shuxing? This guy doesn't seem to get along well with Wen Shi. Why use him?" Silently smiled playfully, then glanced at Cai Yi, and said jokingly: "It's not as suitable as Yi Zhi, at least Jin Zi, the Minister of Quan."

"Why did you involve me again? Brother Zhi is so kind." Cai Yi didn't have time to enjoy the prosperity of the southeast, how could he be willing to go to the smog in the South China Sea? .

Wang Xiu didn't plan to Cai Yi at all, this guy is okay to be a peace officer, he has the ability to be conservative, but if he wants to forge ahead, then let it go!At least he is not optimistic.

All the nine sons of the Wang family are stronger than this guy, so they said seriously: "Yi Zhi is a university, how can he go to Nanhai? Well, Wang Shuxing has a lot of ambitions, so it can be regarded as a fulfillment for him, let him rely on his penetrating tongue , leaving a clear reputation in the annals of history."

"You are the prime minister, so you have the final say." Cai Yi rolled his eyes, how can he have the demeanor of Shangshu Jinzi, he is simply a street rascal.

"Okay, let's go there quickly, don't make Li Boji wait, Yi Zhi and I are going back to the city soon, and you have a lot to do." Mo Mo laughed dryly.

Wang Xiu gritted her teeth, hating iron for being weak and said: "Brother Zhi has a lot of things to say about me, but I give it to Brother Zhi. When you are in a state of desperation, don't blame brother."

The silence was stunned, but Cai Yi laughed out loud, raised his glass and said, "For the sake of my brother, let me drink this cup to the brim."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, rolled his eyes and said: "Yi Zhi, you are so authentic, you were still worried a few days ago, now you have nothing to do with it, and you are alive."

"Isn't this Wenshi's plan?" Cai Yi grinned, very carefree.

Wang Xiu felt chills for a while, but fell silent, thinking carefully about the strategy of the whole chess game, feeling that there are too few people who can use it.

(End of this chapter)

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