Chapter 861
As the northern Jin army gathered again, the constant news of Guantang shocked the Song dynasty.Fortunately, the court said that there was no heresy.

However, among the people, it was rumored that the Jurchens would lose their alliance and go south, and everyone cursed at them.Nima, the Jurchens are in a hurry to prepare for the war before the handwriting of the North-South Covenant is dry. They are shameless villains who use the covenant as toilet paper, and let people have a peaceful life?
Moreover, Dangxiang was preparing to attack Pingqiang City, and it was obvious that he was making trouble, which was simply the act of a villain.

In just a few days, the wind direction suddenly reversed, and the Jin army once again gathered 15 horse infantry troops to go south, and the momentum was quite huge.

When there was a lot of noise along the river, the news was confirmed. Dajin Zuo Deputy Marshal Wushu passed on the edict of Jurchen Lang, claiming that he would lead 40 troops southward under the edict of the Emperor of Dajin to escort Zhao Ji's Zigong back to the south.

The [-] elite Jurchen tribe gathered from the north, and the original soldiers and horses were on standby in their respective military prefectures, and they automatically joined the escort team when they arrived at Zigong.

For a moment, everyone didn't know what to say, and Cai Yi, the newly appointed Xuanfu envoy of the Fifth Route Xuanfu Division, was obviously at a loss for what to do.

Although the preparation and training of the major battalions has been completed, the forbidden army and the issuance of township soldiers have completed the assembly, and the various armies have clarified the strategic direction of the camp, and they are no longer fighting on their own.

However, if they really escorted the Taishang's coffin into the country, should they fight or not?Fighting, that is the Zi Palace that escorted Zhao Ji, if you don't fight, let the Jin army cross the river, it will kill you!
The two governments were also in a dilemma. The government and the opposition were in a turmoil. People's vision turned to whether to fight the Jin army or to fight against the Jin army or to clear the country and let the Jin army cross the river to Luoyang.

After all, people occupy the great righteousness, and there is also Taishang Zigong, there must be no talk of fighting on the surface, only discussion about whether to let go or not.

Wang Xiu was well prepared, and the strategy of the Jurchen was very clear, that is, to help the party members to restrain the attack of the Song Dynasty, and let the party members attack Pingqiang City, which had a strong flavor of Zhang Qiyuan.

How to say it is to contain the pace of attack, that is, the Song Dynasty is on the edge of Shaanxi, and has always maintained its offensive posture. Pingqiang City is a thorn in Xia Ruan's abdomen, an important offensive stronghold.

Zhao Chen couldn't hold his breath any longer, so he hurriedly called a meeting with the six ministers of the two governments and the Shangshu to discuss how to deal with the Jurchens.Well, due to the continuous deepening of the new official system, the status of the six ministries of Shangshu Province has been improved again, and they have entered the decision-making circle.

According to Wang Xiu, the expansion of the Six Departments is certain, and many yamen will be spawned. The abolition of the Imperial College and the establishment of the Department of Education to govern the world's culture and education are very popular, and Wang Xiu's tacit approval has been obtained, but the highest level of the Department of Shangshu still needs to be established. The six departments are the main ones, that is to say, the Minister of Shangshu can add more departments, but they have to be divided into three, six, and nine grades.

Everyone had their own thoughts, you said yours and I said mine, which made Zhao Chen at a loss, not knowing whether to send troops to stop or let him cross the river.

Wang Xiu didn't say a word, just watched with cold eyes, and put it on her head that it had nothing to do with her.Of course, it's not that the matter is really irrelevant to him. He needs to look at it again before he can decide how to say it.

"Can the captives be trusted? The ink of the alliance has not yet been dry, and the army is going south again. It is an excuse to return to Zigong and do disgusting things to contain blackmail. Is it tolerable or unbearable? Please send troops to fight." Zhao Ding asked the North-South Alliance. He was very dissatisfied, he kept saying that the captives were cunning and honest, and he couldn't be trusted. As expected, Menghao went south again before his handwriting was finished.

Of course, he is not a fool. It can be seen that the Jurchens are holding back the Song Dynasty and making it impossible for the northern servants to reinforce Shaanxi.

When Wang Xiu heard what Zhao Ding said, he knew that this guy understood. A strange smile flashed across his mouth, but he remained silent.

Li Gang frowned slightly, and secretly scolded Zhao Ding and Meng Lang. The Jurchens had ulterior motives, but they stood up to righteousness. If you are going to ruin Taishang Zigong, what will happen to you? My lord's words are wrong!"

Zhao Ding raised his brows slightly, who would have thought that Wang Xiu didn't refute, and Li Gang acted like an outcropping bird, and said displeasedly: "I don't know what Master Li means?"

"Let me ask, what are the chances of winning if the imperial court starts wars in Yanhe and Shaanxi at the same time? What's more, the captives used the excuse of returning the Taishang Zigong, how do you fight?" Li Gang asked the point, metaphor Zhao Ding didn't know how to fight, so don't talk nonsense.

"Since they are obviously trying to contain the court, let's not let them succeed." Before Zhao Ding could speak, Xu Han spoke first.

The corner of Wang Xiu's mouth twitched. It seemed that few of them who could stand in the hall were fools. Everyone could understand the situation.

The Jurchen's trick was like the Khitan's blackmail in the past. Apart from helping the party members to contain the main force of the northern servants, they also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to gain some benefits.Some people want to take advantage of the opportunity to make dangerous moves and counter the Jurchens with a tough stance, which is absolutely reluctant in public and private matters.

He was a little disappointed in Zhao Ding. This honest and loyal minister in his impression was a little too selfish, too persistent in major issues, which was also the main cause of tragedies in history. Qin Hui was impartial, and his power was flourishing. inevitable?If it continues, he really can't help but want to make a move.

Lu Haowen is a very practical person, he doesn't care what you think, but he said loudly: "Shaanxi and along the river are dangerous to defend, and it is not difficult to defend against the enemy, but Wushu came here with Taishang Zi Palace, in case How to deal with the army crossing the river?"

This is the key point. The Jurchens are demonstrating and blackmailing, but once they want to cross the river and approach the river, will they resist or wait and see?No one dares to make a conclusion. After all, the North and the South have been fighting for more than ten years, and there is no new appointment between them.

The Jin Army may take advantage of the problem and launch an offensive against Kaifeng, or it may take a flanking offensive and go directly to Henan Prefecture via Mengzhou. Even Zhao Ding and others advocated the War of Resistance, but they were still uncertain.

Saying is one thing, doing is another.

"What does Lord Wang think?"

When Li Gang's words came, everyone stopped discussing, and their eyes fell on Wang Xiu. He was caught off guard, and secretly scolded Li Gang for being a jerk.

However, as Prime Minister, he had to make a statement, cleared his throat, and said, "Your Majesty, there is nothing to be afraid of when Wu Shu goes south. The imperial court's greatest trouble lies in the northwest."

Zhao Chen's complexion was very ugly. It was as if he hadn't said this. It was true that the Jurchens went south, but there was no party member to besiege Pingqiang City imminently. He said bluntly: "The prince said."

"Obviously, the captives are just trying to contain the court and want to gain some advantage. It's because they didn't take advantage of the last covenant. Your Majesty can take this opportunity to claim back the Taishang Zi Palace." Wang Xiu paused, feeling very uncomfortable. It is really unacceptable that his son still has to recognize others, but for the sake of his great cause, he endured it.

"Oh, so what?" Zhao Chen was finally a little interested, welcoming Zigong back is no small matter!
(End of this chapter)

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