Powerful Song Dynasty

Chapter 875 Cruel Colonial War 2

Chapter 875 Cruel Colonial War 2
The general of the Song army checked that these slaves had nothing to do with life or death, and even deliberately consumed them. Nearly a hundred ladders were successfully erected on the city wall, and the slaves began to climb. The bows, arrows, boiling oil, and wood on the city formed a line of defense. Those slaves were either killed or injured. , the scene is extremely tragic.

The frightened people turned around and ran, but before they ran a few steps, they were killed by the crossbow arrows of the Song army, and they had to bite the bullet and charge upwards.

There is still a glimmer of hope in the desperate charge. Zhang Guo had his words first, and he took down Gaogong City. All the survivors who participated in the war were freed. Those who wanted to become the people of the Song Dynasty gave the land to cultivate tools. .

With this one, they can only grit their teeth and charge bravely, hoping to successfully kill a way out.

It has to be said that the defenders are also determined to fight to the end. Since they have resisted, they have lost the qualification to surrender and can only fight to the death.It must be said that Zhang Guo's illustrious reputation has already frightened the Sanfoqi people, and they have no way out.

The city gate is the focus of the attack. A group of imperial guards slowly drove up through the goose hole, and hit the city gate with giant wooden siege cones. Under the continuous impact of the siege cones, the city gate continued to make loud noises , The door is almost crumbling, which is shocking.

I thought, compared with the advanced war equipment of the imperial army of the Song Dynasty, which is almost equal to the uncivilized countries of the South China Sea, how can it be compared with it?There is no thousand gold fence in their city, so it is impossible to break the city gate and put it down to block the city gate hole.

The fall of the city gate means the fall of the city, and the fall of the city means being massacred.

The conquest of advanced civilization by backward civilization means massacre and plunder, and the replacement of backward civilization by advanced civilization is not killing the world. Zhang Guoshen embodies the essence of Wang Xiu, and brought the colonial war to the fullest in Sanfo Qi.

The battle lasted for a whole afternoon, and the three ship crossbows fired hundreds of huge arrows. Under the sharp attack of the Song Army's long-range siege equipment, the entire northern city of Gaogong City was dilapidated, and several sections almost collapsed in half. It is inevitable to fight those slaves desperately and win the entire city.

The faces of the Song soldiers outside the city were flushed, and their eyes were full of fierce beasts. The day the city was broken was the time for them to kill.

"Oh, I've been fighting for a whole day and a half, and it's over. It's really not challenging at all." Zhang Guo looked at the battlefield in the distance, where the smoke was billowing and the sound of killing was skyrocketing, with a look of indifference.

The streak of victories made him feel very boring. Compared with the Jurchens, the barbarians in the South China Sea were worse than their grandmother's house.

A member of the army blushed and said softly, "Taiwei, you can't say victory or defeat lightly, the enemy is still resisting."

"There is no suspense." Zhang Guo stopped, turned around and looked at the city again, and said indifferently: "Pass me the general order, no one will be left alive, take down the city wall and attack me with fire, just treat it as I owe everyone a chance to make a fortune , I will make up for it in the future. Oh, there will always be something left, and whoever catches it will get it."

The eyelids of joining the army trembled. These thousands of people followed Zhang Guo to attack the city and conquer the land, but they did not make a fortune!It is true that the first few cities were massacred. They were all plundered first, and the wealth belonged to the officials. This made them fight continuously for several months and still maintain a strong combat effectiveness. But it doesn't matter anymore.

In war, spiritual encouragement is important. Wang Xiu also agrees with spiritual encouragement, but pays more attention to material compensation. Without material as the basis, no matter how rich the spirit is, the rabble will be.It's like mobilizing farmers to support the front line. If you don't give them land, whoever is willing to work with you will only be able to support you firmly if they realize that they can get benefits or keep their own wealth.

Zhang Guo played very cleverly, he had the same blessings and shared the same difficulties, and everyone was a good brother to make a fortune together.

"Oh, don't forget, those slaves who were released after the war and who were willing to join the army were reorganized. The army is about to return to Yunjian City, so it's time to take a rest." important battle.

It has to be said that the stability of the Bowang army is related to Zhang Guo. His thousands of men fought against the opponent for nearly a thousand miles, his grasp of life and death, and his demonstration of the combat power of the imperial army of the Song Dynasty deeply shocked the Sanfo Qi nobles.

When he set fire to Gaogong City and evacuated, Sanfo Qi's [-] horse infantry arrived, but followed him for thirty miles, not daring to approach him, watching the Song army massacre, as if sending off the plague god.

His reputation spread all over Sanfoqi, and he was called "The Butcher" by people, almost to the point of scaring children.

Thanks to his illustrious military exploits, the Bowang army was not attacked by Sanfoqi, and even the surrounding troops dared not.The Song army controlled two nearby cities, and only 300 people were stationed in each city, but the residents in the cities were kept safe and did not dare to act rashly.

Gao Kan and Li Changsheng took advantage of the rare opportunity to repair the Yunjian Military City, added a left and right conjoined acropolis, and built a double-walled road from the main city to the port, connecting the main pass city and the port as one, and the defense system more perfect.

The four fortresses were also refurbished and expanded, and double-wall battle positions were added, which could withstand six or seven times the blows of the defenders. Even if the outer wall was lost, the inner wall was one and a half feet higher than the outer wall, and the distance between the two walls was [-]. Step by step, there are steel doors connected to the wall, and it is completely possible to accumulate strength to launch a counterattack and knock down the enemies occupying the outer wall.

The entire naval fleet is stationed at the port's military port wharf, maintaining three layers of troops cruising the sea, forming the protection of commercial routes, and also acting as a military pressure on Srivijaya.

The entire Bowang army formed an overall defense with Yunjian City as the core, the military port as the support, the left and right acropolis as the support, and the four fortresses as barriers. Taking into account the six cities in the jurisdiction, if it really wants to take it down, it must mobilize an army of [-].

Just when Zhang Guo led his army back to Bowang Army, Sanfoqi followed the army and recovered two cities.It should be said that after passing through those two cities, the residents decisively drove away the soldiers and horses stationed there to welcome the army of Srivijaya. They returned to the "embrace of the motherland", but their fate was also determined.

The Sanfo Qi army arrived at the northeast of the Bowang Army to control the periphery, so they did not dare to go south again. The Song Army was no longer a few major generals in the past.How many people did the whole team bring?An increase in population means an increase in troops. Up to now, some transshipment ships are still unloading, and they dare not risk it.

"How dare you expel the defenders, I think they are getting impatient." Zhang Guo's face was calm, and his tone was very aggressive.

Gao Kanhe laughed and said, "Let's talk about it next time. Anyway, there are no crows. You can figure it out."

"Second brother, starling, do you want me to turn around and hit him once?" Zhang Guo was calm, he didn't care about his reputation at all, he only cared about his battle results, and since Master Zhijun agreed, he would slaughter two more cities.

(End of this chapter)

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