The apex pet of the sick lady

Chapter 1 Clothed Beast VS Weak and Helpless

Chapter 1 Clothed Beast VS Weak and Helpless (1)

"Doctor Yu!"

"Doctor Yu! Doctor Yu!"

Outside the door of the laboratory, a round ball was hitting the door one after another, making a harsh sound of "bang bang bang".

The crisp sound came from this sphere.

"Dr. Yu!" Called a few times, but didn't hear a response, it stopped, and the round ball fell by the door.

This sphere is made of smoggy blue unknown material, full of sense of technology, looks cold and hard.

After it landed on the ground, two "clicks, clicks" were heard, and limbs protruded from the sphere.

With a sound of "嗡~", two white circles lit up on the upper side of the sphere, which looked like eyes, and turned out to be a humanoid robot.

Ah Bao walked around the door twice, obviously there were only two glowing circles, but he was able to express his feelings very accurately.

It's very lost.

I heard that Dr. Yu has been in the laboratory for 10 years and hasn't come out. No matter what happened outside, she can't be contacted.

I'm afraid I can't shout out.

What should I do then?

"click" -

Ah Bao was thinking, but the door behind him suddenly opened.

"Dr. Yu!" Its body didn't move, its round head turned 180 degrees, and it looked behind.

The door behind him opened, and a woman stood behind it.

She is very tall, so A Bao needs to look up her neck hard.

She is thin and thin, wearing a white coat, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, delicate and distinct facial features, sickly white skin that has not seen the sun all year round, dark eyes with gentle arcs, she looks like a harmless and gentle woman.

"Dr. Yu, you finally came out!" Ah Bao was very excited, but he didn't dare to move closer to her.

Dr. Yu is obsessed with cleanliness, and such a figure with countless great scientific achievements should be respected.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is a little afraid of Dr. Yu.

It's not that it's timid, many people are afraid of the gentle and kind Dr. Yu.

"What's the matter?" Fable stayed alone in the laboratory for 10 years, and hadn't spoken much. His voice was a little hoarse, but it was pleasant to hear.

"A big deal has happened!" Ah Bao talked about the business, and jumped anxiously, his short legs stomping on the ground, "Admiral Yu is missing!"

Abao said: "A month ago, General Yu went to planet KJ to hunt down the Zerg, and suddenly he couldn't find the location. The leader sent people to investigate the situation, but found no clues. What's more frightening is that the main brain showed the general's life display. The light was off, but half a month ago, it turned on a weak light again, but it can be seen that he is in a bad condition."

Ah Bao tried his best to express this very serious matter in short and accurate words, not noticing that the eyes of the woman in front of him darkened slightly.

Fable asked gently: "So, what do I need to do?"

Abao said: "We found Admiral Yu's chip fragments on other planets. The ruler arranged for people to try to retrieve the fragments, but they all failed. Admiral Yu was made by Dr. Yu himself. We guess you went to The chance of success will be higher, so can I trouble you to bring General Yu back personally?"

Abao's request was very unfounded.

Although Admiral Yu was made by Dr. Yu himself, but for some reason, there was no connection between the two a long time ago.

Now such a hasty request, I don't know if Dr. Yu will agree.

"Yes." Wucheng Fable agreed quickly.

"Really?! Thank you, Dr. Yu!" Ah Bao was pleasantly surprised and sighed, "Admiral Yu is too important to our planet, otherwise I wouldn't bother you."

The fable laughed without saying a word.

Abao asked again: "Can you bind me now? I have recorded the fragment information of Admiral Yu, and I will go to those planets with you to collect fragments."

"Of course." Fable smiled and stretched out her wrist, an astonishing glint flashed in the depths of her eyes.

After the binding, Po entered the intellectual brain in Fable's spiritual body.

The intellectual brain is also bound to the allegorical spiritual body.

After the binding, Fable came to the research institute as A Bao said.

There is only one hibernation cabin in the research room, and an old man with gray hair is standing beside it.

Seeing Fable coming in, he quickly put down what he was recording and said respectfully, "Teacher."

The allegory puts it bluntly, "How do we begin?"

Dr. Su: "Teacher, just lie down and leave it to me."


Fable lay down in the dormant cabin, and when the dormant cabin was closed, it was filled with nutrient solution sufficient for the body to survive.

Fable consciousness is still awake.

"Doctor Yu." Ah Bao suddenly remembered something and felt very guilty, "We are spiritual bodies entering those low-level planets, so we have to temporarily live in the bodies of the aborigines on that planet, do you mind?"

Fable: "Nevermind."

Po: ...

Suddenly, I feel that the rumors are all false, and Dr. Yu's cleanliness isn't that scary.

At the beginning, some people said that because someone touched Dr. Yu's things without his consent, Dr. Yu was hung on a hover car and flew around the planet for a day and a night, driving that person almost crazy.

all fake!
MS-1013 planet.

This planet is similar to the planet where the fable lives, as if their planet has returned.

2520 years.

This beautiful planet has undergone a great change, the vegetation withered, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and a terrible virus spread from an unknown place.

The human beings infected by the virus mutated quickly and turned into walking dead monsters. They attacked their former companions, ate people and drank blood, and at the same time, many strange beasts of unknown origin appeared here.

They are huge, ugly, and vicious, as if they came out of a special effects movie. They wantonly destroy everything and kill innocent people indiscriminately. Humans are powerless to resist.

In just one night, all the cities were in ruins, the sky was gray, there was no sunlight, and the air was filled with silence, blood and despair.

Only the ancient city that has been heavily protected has become the last pure land.

The ancient city is an ancient town with a small flow of people. It is the place where the country set up weapons manufacturing, so it is under special protection.

When the virus spread, this remote city had the least number of people, which greatly reduced the speed of the virus spread. At the same time, there were troops stationed here. They were strong and healthy, and those who were not infected had the ability to protect themselves.

From the people who came here by accident, I learned that all the countries and cities outside have fallen, and the army in the ancient city began to organize its troops, preparing to go out to search and rescue survivors.
City C, on a street.

In the middle of the night, the sky was like a curtain splashed with ink, without stars, and a street lamp beside the street was flickering, lingering and breathing a little light.

Dilapidated vehicles were piled crookedly on both sides of the road, and cans and plastic bags were blown slightly by the wind.

Otherwise, it was deathly silence.

There are many broken glass slags on the ground, reflecting the light under the street lamps, reflecting the blood stains that have deteriorated and darkened on the concrete road. There is endless darkness ahead. Several pictures are intertwined, creating a gloomy, depressing, and hopeless environment.




One sound, one sound, slowly.

This is the footsteps of alien beasts.

Zhan Ran hid behind a car and squatted, his hands tightly covering his mouth, revealing a pair of eyes that were steamy from fear.

The strange beast stopped and walked, looking for something, and gradually came to the side of the car, a huge shadow enveloped the place where Zhan Ran was.

(End of this chapter)

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