The apex pet of the sick lady

Chapter 239 Star Admiral VS Coquettish Little Crying Bag Slave

Chapter 239 Star Admiral VS Coquettish Little Crying Bag Slave (1)

Planet XJ-0309.

This planet is a bit special. The setting here divides human beings into two categories—sentries and guides.

Sentinels are natural leaders and rulers, with strong physique and abilities, and are the backbone of a planet. At the same time, they are too powerful to be tolerated by the world, so they also have a fatal weakness.

— Manic period.

Every Sentinel will have the possibility of falling into a manic period, without exception.

When he frequently uses powerful power, he may be unable to control the power, and at this time, he will cause damage to everything around him.

This is a devastating blow to the Sentinel itself, as well as his surroundings, cities and even the planet.

After all, the sentinel's ability is very powerful, especially when it is in a manic period. If it cannot be stopped in time, it is very possible for a powerful sentinel to destroy a city.

This makes the existence of wizards particularly important.

Guides are generally weak in physique, and they are delicate flowers that need to be cared for in the greenhouse. Healing and calming down are their innate abilities, and they can calm down all mania.

They are like magicians, as long as they exist, they can restore the peace of the Sentinels who have fallen into mania.

But not all sentries and guides are like this, powerful or important.

Some people are born just to make up the numbers.

The planet divides the abilities of Sentinels and Guides into levels.

They are ss, s, a, b, c, d, f, seven levels.

Through the ability test, the study found that only the sentinels and guides with B level and above have the ability to make outstanding contributions to the planet.

The sentries and guides below B level can only maintain their own lives.

Due to physical reasons, sentinels do not have the ability to conceive and reproduce.

Therefore, in this era of distinct classes, low-ranking guides only have one role to reproduce.


Planet Mevagos.

Imperial Auction House.


A black curtain divides the stage into two. In front of the curtain is the auction place, and on the stage are the auction items being auctioned.

And behind the curtain, there are auction items that will be on stage next.

What is being auctioned at this time is the wine glass brought from Blue Star some time ago, which is said to have been used by the emperors of Blue Star in ancient times.

Because it is too rare, it is a rare treasure.

Knowing collectors scrambled to start bidding.

The atmosphere in the front is very lively, but the background separated by the curtain is much quieter.

Although it is just a curtain, it is made of special materials and is very soundproof.

The lighting behind the curtain was extremely dim, creating a silent environment.

An iron cage half a person's height was placed next to the curtain.

Standing next to the cage were two staff members in uniform. They lifted the corner of the curtain, peeked at the situation in front of them, and generally discussed in low voices.

"Treasures from Blue Star are rare. The last time was three years ago. It is said that the price of 700 million gold coins was auctioned, which is enough for us to spend several lifetimes."

"Yeah, the location of Blue Star is too mysterious and unpredictable, so things from Blue Star are not easy to get, but haven't we found it?"

"By the way, the president has already sent someone to Blue Star to hand it over. Now that Blue Star belongs to our planet Mevages, their treasures are also ours."

"That's right."

The war between Planet Mevagos and Blue Star had just ended less than a month ago.

Their planet has the most powerful fighters and the most advanced combat weapons, and deservedly won.

Now is the stage for the president to send someone to Blue Star for handover.

At the same time, Blue Star, as a defeated planet, caused their people to be homeless, and their fate was extremely miserable.

Being a slave and finding a good master is considered a better result for the people of Blue Star.

The two staff members chatted, thought of something, and looked at the boy in the cage with sympathy.

Geez, what a poor guide.

Speaking of war, one cannot help but think of that general who is as mighty as a god.

The blond staff member was suddenly worried, "Admiral Aitlin is back, right?"

Another staff member also became serious, talking about the news he had heard earlier, "Yes, but I heard that her condition is very bad, and there is a possibility of falling into a berserk period."

"Really? How can this be done?" The blond staff member said: "Admiral Aitlin is the only sss-level general on our planet, but we don't have a guide who can match her. If she falls into a berserk period... "

It's hard to imagine the consequences.

Perhaps it is not impossible for the entire imperial capital to be reduced to purgatory.

Blonde staff member: "Pray that Blue Star will have a guide who can match the admiral."

A moment later, the auctioneer's voice sounded from the front.

"The next one is a slave from Blue Star."

Although Planet Mevargos has issued a ban on auctioning human beings, the Imperial Capital Auction House is the property of an official, so this ban basically doesn't work here.

Of course, these shady transactions are all carried out in secret.

This auction is not widely known, and there are very few people who can come here, and they are not ordinary, so they will not publicize such things.

I have auctioned slaves several times before, and slaves are just playthings, so the customers who have seen the world are not very interested.

Auctioneer: "The slave from Blue Star is an S-level guide, and the spirit body is a snow rabbit."

The customers below are a little interested.

S-level guides are commonplace to them, but it is indeed rare that the spirit body is a rabbit.

They like rabbits.

In other words, Sentinel, who is born with a bad factor in his bones, likes to tease such timid things, and it is their pleasure to watch them show fearful expressions.

In the background, the thin boy in the cage seemed to sense the gaze of others, hugged himself tighter, and buried his face in his knees.

The voice of the auctioneer came from the front, "Please enter auction item No. 16."

The boy in the cage shook his body.

Two staff members came to the side of the cage, one of them squatted down, approached the young man, and said in a harsh tone: "Put your face up in a moment and behave better, otherwise you will suffer."

The boy hugged his legs and still hid his face in his knees. He wore a bunny ear headband on his head, which was specially dressed up by the people from the auction house.

I could see him trembling harder, and his furry ears trembling with it.

Seeing that he didn't look up, the staff frowned, and continued: "I have already taught you yesterday, if you don't want to be worse than now, just do as I said."

The boy stopped trembling, presumably recalling what the staff had said before. After a few seconds, he slowly raised his head from his knees, revealing his delicate and beautiful face and bright red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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