The apex pet of the sick lady

Chapter 34 Cold, deep and introverted national teacher VS scheming paranoid prince

Chapter 34 Cold, deep and introverted national teacher VS scheming paranoid prince (2)

Second Prince: "...Yes."

"Go back and copy the theory of virtue three times, and learn what it means to be lenient to others."


Fable: "Go back."

"Yes." The second prince quickly stood up, dragged Wei Enzhuo and ran away.

Everyone was gone, and the light behind the rockery was dim, leaving only the straight snow-colored figure and the child lying on the ground.

One side is bright and clean, making the people on the ground look like insects that live in the mud and never see the light of day, so humble and insignificant.

The child opened his eyes at some point, and stared at the fable through the hair covering his eyes without blinking.

Those eyes are very beautiful, black and clear, black and white are distinct, there are timidity, anxiety, and fear in the eyes, but the eyes looking at the fable are particularly bright.

Fable stared at him silently.

One second...two seconds...

In the third second, Fable moved, came to the child and squatted down, looking at him with gentle eyes, "Wei Jinyi?"

Nowadays, there are many descendants of the Holy One.

There are seven princesses and thirteen princes, and these are only those who fell in love with Yudie.

The large number of heirs has caused many princes and princesses to be neglected and neglected.

Nine Princes is one of them.

The birth mother of the Ninth Prince is just a servant, responsible for serving the master of the cold palace.

16 years ago, he climbed onto the queen's bed relying on his beauty, and the emperor was so cold that he forgot about this mere attendant after one night.

The attendant returned to the cold palace, but found out that she was pregnant a month later.

The attendant was a little clever, knowing that this matter was exposed, and he could not protect the child with his own ability, so he kept it a secret, and did not report it to the queen until the child was about to be born.

At that time, there had been no happy event in the harem for two years, so this matter was quite valued by the empress, so she gave the attendant a small position.

The attendant moved into his own yard, and died of dystocia on the night of giving birth before enjoying the blessings for two days.

So the Ninth Prince lost his biological father as soon as he was born.

In this dynasty where women were superior to men, he did not attract the attention of the men in the harem because he was a man, so he can live until now.

Although he has been alone and has gone through hardships, he survived anyway.

The Ninth Prince's name is Wei Jinyi, his surname is Suiguo's surname, and the name was given by his biological father.

Wei Jinyi looked into Fable's eyes, and said "hmm", the sound was like a mosquito, Fable hardly heard it.

Wei Jinyi kept looking at Fable, as if he had never seen such a good-looking person, and it seemed because no one had ever come out to interrupt him when he was being tortured.

Perhaps it was because of curiosity and astonishment, but this was the first time that Wei Jinyi looked directly at others so boldly.

Fable looked at his own shadow in Wei Jinyi's eyes, slightly bent the corners of his eyes, and stretched out his hand towards him.

That hand was white and slender, with well-proportioned joints and extremely beautiful.

Wei Jinyi shrank back a little, his eyes gradually became wary, like a little hedgehog with thorns but not piercing.

Fable paused for a moment, then continued to reach forward, he didn't hide anymore, she pushed the hair on his forehead that blocked his eyes.

The young man's face was dirty, like a little tabby cat, and there was always a hint of timidity in his translucent eyes. It could be seen that his facial features were delicate, his lips were very red, and he was a beauty.

It is this temperament that is used to being bullied, like the towering and trembling pink lotus in the pond, which arouses pity and hesitation, making people want to stretch out their hands, pick off that pink lotus, and possess it alone.

Fable stretched out her hand towards him, looking very gentle, "Your Highness Ninth," she smiled at him, but it was not obvious, it was all in her eyes, "Can I take you away?"

Wei Jinyi was taken aback.

This was the first time someone called him His Highness the Ninth Prince.

What do the rumors say?

Master Guoshi is peerless and charming, and his beauty is famous in Jinghua; his words and deeds follow the rules, gentle and polite, different from popular customs; his temperament is as gentle as jade, cool and indifferent, like a white crane in the cloud.

Wei Jinyi looked at the pair of clean hands in front of him, his eyes flickered, bit his lower lip, and after a while, he slowly put his dirty little hands on it.

Fable held his hand, and let go when he was pulled up, bowed slightly, then turned around, "Please come with me."

Wei Jinyi looked at her back, and after two seconds, he raised his feet and limped to follow her.

This is also the first time someone has professed himself as a minister in front of him.

Wei Jinyi followed Fable, he had never been to other places except around the cold palace of life, and he didn't know where Fable took him.

Don't know, don't ask.

Very nice.

After they left the rockery, a black shadow descended and picked up the Huoyun Whip dropped by the second prince on the ground.

Wei Jinyi's health is very poor, he suffers from hunger and cold all year round, suffers from malnutrition, and is tortured by several princes for fun.

At the age of 16, he is a full head shorter than his peers, only reaching Fable's chest.

It was only when he walked to a place with brighter light that he could see his whole picture clearly.

Thin as a monkey cub, with long and messy hair, I don’t know where I found the clothes of a servant, the sleeves and trouser legs have grown a lot, hanging on the ground, there are bloodstains oozing from the clothes, and there is a clear mark on the right side of his face. The slap print, it was just slapped.

I don't know what other injuries are on his body. He walks with a limp, and his pale face can tell that he is enduring the pain.

Fable stopped walking and turned to look at the child who was several meters away from her.

Wei Jinyi walked up to her, stopped, and looked up at her with his small face, his eyes were surprisingly big, with a feeling of innocence, as if he was asking 'Why don't you leave'?
Fable stretched out a hand towards him, "I'd better embrace Your Highness."

Wei Jinyi: ...

He pursed his lips, and put a small hand in her palm meekly.

Fable held his soft hand, wrapped his other arm around his leg, hugged him firmly, turned around and continued walking.

It's the pose of holding a child.

Wei Jinyi put one arm around Fable's neck, and was so close to her that he could clearly see her curly and thin eyelashes, her deep and dark pupils, and the cold outline of her side face.

The tip of her nose is the clear and pleasant smell of her body.

The woman has black hair and snow skin, white clothes and red lips. The extreme color presents a thrilling beauty on her body. She is not like a mortal, but like a fairy in heaven.

Touching it is blasphemy.

Wei Jinyi held a strand of black hair in her dirty hands and watched her all the way.


Fable sent Wei Jinyi to Yunguang Palace, handed him over to an attendant, and left.

Yunguang Hall is the place where the national teacher temporarily lives in the palace.

The attendants are also all close people.

"Your Highness, please come with this slave." The attendant turned his head and led Wei Jinyi to the bathroom.

He just heard Fable call it that, so he called it that too.

Wei Jinyi turned his head to look at Fable's back, and followed the attendants.

When Fable came to the imperial study, the queen was already waiting for her.

She entered the palace this time to discuss several business matters.

In fact, these are matters that the empress can decide on her own, so she wants to invite the national teacher into the palace to inquire.

Because the mysterious ability of the national teacher is too strong, if you ask, you can know whether this thing can be done, and you can be somewhat sure.

It's just that if you rely too much on one person's ability, wouldn't your original ability be wasted?

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Fable's eyes.

"National teacher." Seeing the fables entering the door, the queen stood up quickly, stopped her from saluting, and then asked: "Why did the national teacher take such a long detour this time? Is there something wrong?"

The way to the Imperial Study Room does not need to pass through the Imperial Garden.

Apparently, the Empress already understood what had just happened to Fable.

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(End of this chapter)

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