The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 1200 Gu Wang Extra Story 317 Scars

Chapter 1200 Gu Wang Extra Story 317 Scars
The rice still needs to be eaten, and the corner of Gu Wang's mouth curled up playfully.

"Okay." The man hung up the phone directly.

In an instant, Sophie became excited.

Did she hear correctly?Gu Wang actually agreed to have dinner with her?Did Zhao Yinuo really ask him for a divorce?The woman sneered, her eyes were very cold.

Zhao Yinuo, Zhao Yinuo, it turns out that your charm is nothing more than that. In the end, didn't Gu Wang come back to me obediently?

Su Feifei looked out the window, clenched her fists tightly, her aura was very compelling.

The man next to him saw the happy look of the woman, and felt a sense of loss in his heart.He knew that Gu Wang must have agreed to her request.In this world, only Gu Wang can make her so happy, right?The man sighs.

After all, he is just a tool.

But he really loves this woman!

In the western restaurant, with dim lighting, elegant music, intoxicating red wine, and charming fragrance of flowers, everything looks so beautiful and warm.Su Feifei took a sip of the red wine, excitedly looking at the shy face of the man opposite.

"Brother Gu, have you been busy recently? Look, you've lost a lot of weight." Su Feifei reached out to touch his cheek.

The man dodged, which made her very embarrassed instantly.

"Fortunately, I'm a little busy." Gu Wang cut a piece of beef and put it in his mouth.

"Brother Gu, you have to pay attention to your body." The woman's eyes were full of distress.

"Feifei, do you still remember how much wine I drank the day we were at the bar?" Gu Wang carefully looked at the woman in front of him.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in Su Feifei's eyes.

Why did he suddenly ask this question?What a disappointment, finally having a meal together...

"This... I forgot, what's wrong, Brother Gu?" the woman asked back.

"Oh, that's right. I went to the hospital recently. The doctor said that my stomach is not very good and I can't drink too much alcohol. I just want to know how much I will drink, and I will have a bottom line for drinking in the future." The man I smiled on purpose.

It turned out to be the case, Su Feifei immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Is she guilty?Otherwise, why were you so flustered just now?It seems that her psychological quality is just like that!Gu Wang sneered.

"That day, I really forgot, I remember the table full of wine bottles..." Su Feifei said intentionally or unintentionally.

No matter how many bottles he had, the more he drank, the more drunk he would be.Who knows how many wine bottles are on the table, Sophie calmly ate the steak on the plate.


"Yinuo, are you hungry, why don't we go eat first?" Ling Chen patted Zhao Yinuo's shoulder lightly.

"What to eat, didn't you see that you are busy? You are really, why don't you give others a good vacation? Now it's all right, it's just the two of us working, and we have to buy..." Zhao Yinuo complained.

Ling Chen smiled.

She still has the mind to bicker with herself, which means that Gu Wang's face is no longer in her heart, at least for now.

"If you feel tired, then take a rest, I didn't ask you to come." The man muttered.

It's true that he didn't ask him to come, but how could she see Ling Chen so exhausted with her own eyes, and she didn't do anything.

Relatively speaking, she is still a very loyal woman.

"Don't talk to me, you're annoying, you'll be exhausted soon." Zhao Yinuo thumped his shoulder.

The man looked at her and smiled, just to make her tired, to let her indulge in work, and not to think about forgetting that smelly man!

But the two of them didn't expect that even in such a big city, they could meet people they didn't want to see and see things they shouldn't see.

"Enuo, are you okay, let's go." After speaking, Ling Chen was about to pull the woman away.

"Don't go!" Zhao Yinuo directly shook off the man's arm, staring straight at the western restaurant not far away.

The two laughed so happily, the man was a gentleman, the woman was beautiful, and there was no one around, as if they were creating a quiet and romantic atmosphere just for them.

It seems that they are really a good match!
Zhao Yinuo's eye sockets were moist.

fraud!He is a big liar!Talk about forever, talk about only loving her for the rest of his life, but now, before the divorce, he has already started dating that Sophie Fei, is he really so impatient?

Zhao Yinuo sniffled, trying to calm down.

"Okay, stop watching, let's go home." Ling Chen hugged the woman in front of him tightly.

He knew that she was very sad, even if she took the initiative to ask Gu Wang for a divorce, her heart would still be full of holes.

"Ling Chen, I'm not mistaken, am I?" Zhao Yinuo asked suddenly.

How should he answer this?Ling Chen hesitated for a moment, but did not speak.

"Let's go, let's go home." The woman directly pulled Ling Chen away.

In the western restaurant, Gu Wang didn't know what was going on outside, he just kept saying what the woman in front of him said.

Things always work out!

"Brother Gu, what's wrong with you today? Why do you keep asking weird questions?" Su Feifei asked tentatively.

Could it be that he discovered something?Impossible, she obviously did it very rigorously.

Gu Wang looked at the woman in front of him with doubt in his eyes.The questions asked earlier are just a small test, and there is really no flaw, but the last question is enough to explain everything!Although it still needs to be confirmed.

"Feifei, do you still remember the scar on the back of my waist? Recently, I hit something hard and the scar split open again, so I need to take medicine. Enoch has ignored me recently and is clamoring to divorce me. If you if you are free……"

"Convenient, very convenient." Su Feifei hurriedly shouted.

"Do you still remember that scar?" Gu Wang's mouth curled up in a playful arc.

"I remember, why don't I remember, I touched it for a long time that day, and it hurts me to see it..." Sophie Fei muttered, her face full of shyness again.

In an instant, Gu Wang understood.

There is no scar on his waist at all, how could she remember it so clearly!
I'm afraid, she remembers another man!

Gu Wang snorted coldly.

"Ding ding ding..."

Gu Wang looked at the caller ID and immediately picked up the phone.

"Okay, I see, um..."

"Feifei, there are still facts in the company that need to be dealt with. I have to go first. Shall I send you back or do you go back by yourself?" the man asked in a low voice.

The play has been done enough, otherwise she will have doubts about her IQ.

"Brother Gu, go ahead, it's fine, I can do it myself." Su Feifei smiled.

"Okay." Gu Wang turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, Brother Gu, tonight, after you finish your work, go to my house, and I will apply medicine for you."

(End of this chapter)

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