The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 1249 Gu Wang Extra Story 366 Cancer

Chapter 1249 Gu Wang Extra Story 366 Cancer
What this means is that she is not very interested in Ouyang Chu.

That's a good thing, she couldn't wish for it!Feng Ning was secretly happy, a little fortunate.

"Okay, well, today I'm mainly here to get to know you..." Feng Ning said awkwardly.

In fact, when she said that the three of them grew up together, Zhao Yinuo had already guessed it.It's just that she didn't understand why this Feng Ning said such things to herself. After all, she was a married woman, and it was impossible for her to have anything to do with that Ouyang Chu.

"Okay, nice to meet you." Zhao Yinuo smiled and said politely.

Forget it, don't ask, anyway, her marriage is already well known, and there is no need to explain it.

The two women chatted like this and went home.

"You went out?" Zhao Yinuo saw Gu Wang as soon as he came home.

"Well, I went to see someone." She replied slowly.

who?That elementary school boy?Gu Wang sat on the sofa, frowning, and his face didn't look very good.

"It's Feng Jie's younger sister, not the elementary school boy." Zhao Yinuo hurriedly explained.

Immediately, Gu Wang smiled, but what did Feng Jie's younger sister want her to do?
Ever since Ouyang Chu and Feng Jie rescued Zhao Yinuo and Shangguan Nana, he had read all the information on those two people and had almost mastered them.

Feng Jie's younger sister has a bolder personality and dares to act, while Zhao Yinuo has a gentler personality. How could the two of them get together?
"You knew her before?" Gu Wang looked suspiciously at the person in front of him.

"I don't know. I just met today. She suddenly called me and said she wanted to consult something. For her brother's sake, I went directly there. That girl is quite cute." Zhao Yinuo snuggled up to him. arms.

"What did she ask you to do?"

"She said she likes Ouyang Chu, and I don't know why she told me this, because it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me. Falling in love is a matter between the two of them, what can I say, it's true It's quite inexplicable." Zhao Yinuo hugged the person in front of him tightly, trying to feel his warmth.

Silly woman, why didn't she know that Ouyang Chu liked her?When Feng Ning came to her this time, he must have declared war, but after learning that she didn't have such thoughts, he canceled what he had thought before.

This Ouyang Chu is really complicated!Since Feng Ning can do such a thing, it means that he intends to pester Zhao Yinuo.

Then, you should be careful.

"Mom, it's already so late, why hasn't grandma come home?" Liangliang suddenly ran out of the room.

"Ah? Madam hasn't come back yet?" Zhao Yinuo looked at Gu Wang.

"I forgot, hurry up and call Madam." Gu Wang said immediately.

Maybe he was too anxious, just as Zhao Yinuo picked up the phone, he heard a "pop", the phone fell to the ground, and the screen shattered.

"What's going on, why do I feel that something is wrong, it seems that something bad is going to happen." Zhao Yinuo muttered.

"Don't think about it, I'll call." Gu Wang dialed directly.

But for a long time, no one answered the phone, Liangliang became anxious, his eyes were red.

"Mom, shall we go to the garden and have a look?" the child suggested.

"Okay." The three of them came to the garden together.

"Ma'am?" Zhao Yinuo shouted, but there was no sound around.

"Grandma?" Liangliang called out loudly.

What exactly is going on?The door is open, but why is there no one inside?There was a little fear in Zhao Yinuo's eyes.

Could it be that something happened?
"Grandma!" Suddenly, Liangliang cried.

"Mom, grandma is here, come quickly!"

Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo immediately ran over.

I saw Mrs. Lin lying on the ground with her eyes closed, with some blood at the corner of her mouth, her hands were tightly holding flowers.

"Ma'am, wake up, ma'am..." Zhao Yinuo shook her body vigorously.

"Enuo, don't get excited, you take the baby, we go straight to the hospital, hurry up!" As he said, Gu Wang picked up Madam Lin and walked towards the car.

Perhaps it was God's will, along the way, unimpeded.In the car, Zhao Yinuo tightly grasped Mrs. Lin's little hand, her eyes were moist.

"Mom, what happened to grandma?" Liangliang cried.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, "Doctor, hurry up, there is a patient here who needs to be rescued urgently!"

In an instant, doctors and nurses rushed over.

Outside the emergency room, Zhao Yinuo rubbed his hands nervously, lingered at the door, Liangliang sat on the rest chair and wiped his tears.

Mrs. Lin has never had this kind of situation before, and she has always been in good health, why did she suddenly faint today?Is she hiding something from herself?
"Crack!" After an unknown amount of time, the lights in the emergency room finally went out.

"Doctor, how is Madam? Is it serious?" Zhao Yinuo hurriedly blocked the doctor's way.

"You sons and daughters, how can you be so careless? If you didn't come in time, you might not even be able to save your life. The old man inside, when she is old, don't let her work. She should be very tired every day, right? Or Let her rest, you must remember this, once this person gets old, any accident may happen at any time..." the doctor explained.

Zhao Yinuo trembled, listening to everything the doctor said.

He was right, Madam Lin went to the garden every day.The flowers and plants in the garden all need her care, and there are a lot of them.What's more, in the past few days, I have been staying at home, just to avoid the limelight, and I didn't go to the garden to help her...

Zhao Yinuo lowered his head, feeling very guilty.

"Okay, don't blame yourself, just pay attention in the future, Madam is still in good health, but she is too tired." The doctor turned and left.

In the ward, Mrs. Lin was lying on the bed, trying to open her eyes, but found that she didn't even have the strength to do so.

"Ma'am, are you hungry?" Zhao Yinuo asked.

"Huh? I'm not dead yet? I thought..." Suddenly, Mrs. Lin coughed.

"Grandma, what are you talking about, you haven't turned a hundred years old yet." Liangliang said.

"Oh, my precious grandson." Gu Wang walked out and went directly to the doctor's office next to him.

"Doctor, tell me honestly, is there any other problem with Madam's illness?" The doctor opposite was a little embarrassed, his face full of embarrassment.

"Doctor, we have the right to know about Madam's condition." Gu Wang continued.

"But the patient himself asks for privacy..." The doctor sighed.

"This is a matter of life and death!" Gu Wang was anxious.

"Well, to tell you the truth, Ma'am has cancer..."

(End of this chapter)

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