The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 1289 Gu Wang Extra Story 406 Relax

Chapter 1289 Gu Wang Extra Story 406 Relax

Along the way, Zhao Yinuo was in a bad mood and didn't care about other things. He didn't even care about the road and was almost hit by a car several times.

"Hey, you crazy woman, are you stupid? You don't know if you were run over to death!"

"Hey, are you sick, what are you running around for?" Several drivers kept honking their horns and cursed angrily. If a passerby next to her didn't drag her aside, she would have been scolded to death long ago.

"Miss, are you okay?"

"Ah? It's okay, thank you." Zhao Yinuo turned around slowly and continued walking.

What is the relationship between Zhou Yang and Gu Wang now?Is Gu Wang really going to move on?Did he really like that woman?In her memory, Gu Wang never ate breakfast from others, except from herself and Shanmao, but today she clearly saw him eating Zhou Yang's breakfast.

Maybe, from that moment on, Zhou Yang should have a different place in his heart, right?Zhao Yinuo sighed, and continued to walk forward numbly, his face full of worries.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in the bag rang. Looking at the three words jumping on the screen, she felt a little helpless.

"Enuo, where are you? I'm hungry." Ouyang Chu said coquettishly.

Doesn't he still have a mother?Why are you still calling yourself?
"That Ouyang Chu, I have something to do today, so I won't go there for now. You can ask auntie to buy you something to eat." After saying that, she was about to hang up.

"Zhao Yinuo." Suddenly, Ouyang Chu called out coldly.

She stopped immediately.

"Are you crying?" he asked immediately.

Her voice, her tone, it was obvious that she was in a bad mood right now.Could it be because of Gu Wang?Ouyang Chu couldn't think of anyone other than Gu Wang who would make her so sad.

"I didn't. It's just that a grain of sand was blown into my eyes by the wind just now. It's fine." Zhao Yinuo replied softly.

No, she's not the kind of woman who would cry over such trivial things.Ouyang Chu looked suspiciously at the phone in front of him, a little curious.

"Where are you now?" he asked harshly.

"Ouyang Chu, I really don't want to tell you in advance today, so I hung up." Saying that, Zhao Yinuo hung up the phone directly.

It's been so long, and she is already interested in Ouyang Chu.As her benefactor, she didn't do anything to offend Ouyang Chu. On the contrary, in order to take care of him, she even stayed out at night and endured Gu Wang's misunderstanding of her, so now she doesn't want to go on like this anymore.

There are very few pedestrians on the road, probably all of them are going to work.Zhao Yinuo came to the beach and sat alone on the deck chair, enjoying the quiet years with his eyes closed.

She didn't want anyone to disturb him, whether it was Ouyang Chu or Gu Wang, at this moment, she just wanted to be alone and not be influenced by anyone.

The mobile phone in the bag rang countless times, but she didn't answer a single call.She wants to stay away from the so-called right and wrong, away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Maybe it's really tired.

Probably because of the working day, there are few people on the beach, but the weather is not bad.Several aunts were chatting and picking up shells, looking very happy.

"Hey, I heard your son is getting married?" an aunt said loudly.

"Yes, my son and my daughter-in-law went around for a while, and finally got married." Another aunt replied.

"Young people are like this. They are noisy all day long. After a long time, they will naturally understand that there is nothing more important than feelings. Don't worry, it will be fine in a few years."

"I hope, when they get old, they will know the beauty of their youth, haha..."

Zhao Yinuo suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the old ladies not far away, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a satisfied arc.

What they said is right, life will eventually return to calm, and those so-called noises are just some condiments in life.

But Gu Wang at this moment, how would she explain it to him?She was suddenly depressed again.

"Why are you here alone?" A familiar voice came over.

"Ling Chen? Why are you here?" Zhao Yinuo looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, a little curious.

Shouldn't he be working in the supermarket now?How can you still have time to come here leisurely?

"I'm here to relax." Ling Chen replied slowly.

What happened to the supermarket?Or has his own mentality deteriorated?

"What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?" He asked in a low voice, slowly approaching Zhao Yinuo.

"Oh, no, I just came here to relax and be like you." She smiled awkwardly.

She can't tell this man about the problem between herself and Gu Wang!It's fine for the parties involved to know about this kind of thing, there is no need for others to know about it.

"Has something happened between you and Gu Wang?" Ling Chen looked at her suspiciously and asked.

Without her telling, he could guess that it must have something to do with Gu Wang.What else can affect a woman's mood besides feelings?
"No, it's just that I haven't been to the beach for a long time and I want to take a look." Zhao Yinuo replied softly.

I'm afraid it's not that simple.Ling Chen sneered.

In the past, he gave up a lot for this woman, but she still resolutely chose Gu Wang that stinking man, but now, she is sad here again.

"Do you need me to help you?" Of course not!
"No, no, no, how can you intervene in this kind of thing, it's okay." Zhao Yinuo hurriedly replied.

He knew that she must refuse again.

"Zhao Yinuo, if one day, Gu Wang suddenly went bankrupt, would you still choose to be with him?" Ling Chen asked suddenly.

He has been thinking about this question for a long time, and although he already has the answer in his heart, he still wants to hear this woman speak his own answer.

"What are you talking about? How could Gu Wang go bankrupt? I have always believed in his ability. Besides, I am not with him for money. Even if he really has nothing, I will always be by his side. , and make a comeback with him." Zhao Yinuo replied firmly.

She didn't know what Ling Chen's purpose was for asking, and she didn't want to ask.

Sure enough, because of love, even if he is hurt now, he will stand by Gu Wang's side.Ling Chen turned his face away, looking at the sea not far away, his eyes were a little gloomy.

"I believe in you, and I will definitely find a better woman in the future." Zhao Yinuo persuaded him kindly.

Is it?In this world, is there a better woman than her?Ling Chen crossed his hands and didn't speak.

The two looked at the sea together, each with their own thoughts, and their faces were a little disappointed.

"When will you go back to work?" Ling Chen asked in a low voice.

"In a few days..."

(End of this chapter)

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