Chapter 2488 Emergencies
He didn't say much else, but the feeling of low pressure made the scene very depressing. Although his expression didn't change too much, it still made you feel his anger burning on his head.

Lu Jiyan stepped onto the promotional stage, he is now the focus of the audience, everyone's attention is on him.

The host standing next to him was also embarrassed, and he didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

"Boss Lu..."

The host was pale and frightened. He didn't expect such a business tycoon to appear in an ordinary promotional scene of a film and television drama today. He was obviously taken aback. He didn't receive any news that Lu Jiyan was coming.

Lu Jiyan glanced casually, and fixed on Gu Keyu's position at a glance. The inexplicable pressure fell on her head. This kind of sensitivity is unique to women. Looking at Gu Keyu who is nervous, Lu Jiyan seems to be very happy and enjoys it. A feeling of teasing her.

No matter what the host said, Lu Jiyan asked Gu Keyu and Jiang Yinghan to take a step forward, and then picked up the microphone.

"No matter who they are, they are hard-working actors. I hope you will be merciful. Thank you for your cooperation."

After finishing speaking, she circled Gu Keyu's shoulder with one hand, and the warmth of her fingers passed through the clothes to Gu Keyu. Her heart felt warm, but she felt a strange feeling.

As if afraid of the public's misunderstanding, Lu Jiyan also patted Jiang Yinghan's shoulder to express his comfort.

She once doubted her life, when did she become so familiar with Lu Jiyan, so familiar that she had physical contact in public.

At this moment, Gu Keyu realized that Lu Jiyan's appearance was a relief for their clients, but she never thought that a company president would help a newcomer actor who could not beat him.

Helping Jiang Yinghan was out of the superior-subordinate relationship with the company, so what about me?
Gu Keyu was at a loss and couldn't figure out why. It turned out that Director Ji notified himself to continue participating in the promotion because he had the confidence to handle and respond to this unexpected situation. He really didn't expect that this confidence was given by Lu Jiyan.

Could it be because of the photo of the meeting yesterday that gained Lu Jiyan's trust?

The sudden concern made Gu Keyu a little inconvenient, because he cheated him and gained trust, Gu Keyu blamed himself very much.

Although this is a part of her experience, she still feels very tangled and painful, because she still lied to Lu Jiyan.

In a blink of an eye, after saying these words, Lu Jiyan left the scene, Jiang Yinghan also backed away, only Gu Keyu stood on stage unmoved.

Si Nian behind her signaled to leave the venue quickly, otherwise she would definitely be made a fuss by the people who cared about her, and there might be reporters asking questions. After all, it is very rare for a boss to come out to protect the people below.

Looking at Lu Jiyan who was gradually leaving, Gu Keyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. She finally didn't have to live under high pressure. She was in too much pain, and what she didn't expect was to be supported and protected by Lu Jiyan in front of the public. This feeling was amazing.

After a while, the publicity meeting finally came to an end, Gu Keyu was exhausted, and walked backstage together with Xiao Tang's support.

"Although today has come to an end, you should still be cautious, there are many paparazzi and media waiting outside, especially the back door, you have to be very careful, there will inevitably be news reports, which is not good for you.

After the two finished packing, they were ready to open and leave. Although Gu Keyu is also an actor, because of financial resources, she and Xiao Tang take taxis to and from get off work every day. After all, the conditions are limited.

Just as he was about to get in the car, someone stopped Gu Keyu.

"Is that you, Gu Keyu! Sister, you are awesome!"

Seeing a little girl dressed immaturely who looked like a student shouted excitedly from behind the painting circle, especially with a big bag of gifts in her hand, she looked like a fan at first glance.

Gu Keyu didn't expect that he still had fans guarding the back door, and he had someone to support him.

The timing of the little girl's appearance was still very strange, so Gu Keyu couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

He looked like an ordinary student, holding something like a gift box in his hand.


Compared to the little girl's excitement, Gu Keyu was very calm.

"Sister, I have always liked you very much! You have to work hard, I will always support you!"

The girl's excitement was slightly uncomfortable. Gu Keyu thought it was because he was thinking too much, and thought that he might be a little uncomfortable when he met fans for the first time.

"Ah, thank you, go home and be safe."

The little girl had no intention of leaving, she held the box in her hand and looked like she wanted to give it to Gu Keyu, her eyes revealed the so-called fans' love for celebrities, and she handed the box directly with both hands.

"Sister, this is a letter written by all of us for you, and there are some small gifts, I hope you can accept it!"

Gu Keyu looked at the things in front of him, unmoved.

Because I have just started in the entertainment industry, where are the die-hard fans collecting gifts to cheer on the scene?It's not in line with common sense at all.

She intended to refuse and didn't want to accept the gift, but Xiao Tang next to her kept poking her fingers to signal her to accept it, fearing that the little girl would blackmail Gu Keyu under the guise of giving something.

"Thank you, I hope you don't buy things indiscriminately, it's enough to be considerate."

When the girl saw Gu Keyu take the things, she felt as if the hanging stone finally fell to the ground. Gu Keyu became more and more strange the more she looked at it.

"Sister, go get busy! I really like the cooperation between you and Jiang Yinghan, sister, come on, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, the little girl ran away. Gu Keyu looked at her back, feeling a little helpless, feeling that she appeared inexplicably, and was about to get in the car and leave when she wanted to hand the box to Xiaotang.

Xiao Tang felt that after all, it was a gift from someone else, and he couldn't casually let people down with his kindness.

"You'd better take a look, let's take off the outer decoration, so you can take it back with you."

Gu Keyu had no choice but to keep silent and prepare to see what was in the box.

Open the box first, and there are some letters and small gifts inside. Gu Keyu flipped through it casually, and was about to take out all the things and put them in a big bag to take back to the apartment.

However, something unexpected happened——

There's a cobra under the box!

Because Gu Keyu moved too much and angered it, it got out and looked at Gu Keyu in an attacking state.

No one thought that the first time a fan supported him, it was a fake fan.

Xiao Tang on the side screamed in fright, which instantly caught the attention of the people around him. Although Gu Keyu was also frightened, but because of his life experience as a child, he didn't panic too much.

In a blink of an eye, Gu Keyu's expression was very bad. She was very angry why such a person appeared in the world to tease others, and even pretended to be a fan.

(End of this chapter)

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